Monday, August 15, 2011

My Grandma...

 This is difficult for me to write about...
I wondered if I even should. 
this is a blog about quilting.

 But I have shared so much of my life
 with you through the 
designs of my quilts...
and as you know...
most of my quilts are inspired
 by my childhood memories 
and my family which includes
 of course both of my grandmothers.

My Grandma Crane...
who is my mother's mother...
passed away last week.
She was 95.

How do I even begin to tell you
 how much she really meant to me?
She has always been a big part of my life.
She lived only 3 houses away from me...
just around the corner...
as I grew up in the small town of Herriman. When I married I just moved 5 miles away.

She was like another mother to me...
she was also my teacher and my friend.
She always told me the truth and
listened to me.

 This is a recent photo of my daughter Kassidy and my Grandma Crane...
known to everyone else as Millie.
The photo was taken during
 a luncheon that Grandma hosted.
 I have mentioned my grandma's luncheons several times before...
The last Saturday of every month all of the girls in the family go to grandma's for lunch...
this includes Kassidy and I, 
my mother and my 5 sisters
 along with thier daughters.

 The lunch is always potluck...
and afterwards...
we play a board game or cards...
which is something we have always done 
with Grandma ever since I can remember.

 Grandma always wore makeup and a necklace
or a scarf or pretty pin everyday.
When she would laugh 
she would rock
back in her chair.
She had a wonderful sense of humor!
She was a devoted wife,
 mother, grandmother,
 great grandmother, sister and friend. 

On that same luncheon day 
I asked Kassidy to take a picture
 of Grandma and I.
 We were holding hands and Grandma had a pillow on her lap with her favorite
pink rose print pillowcase.
I cropped one of the photos in...
showing just our hands.

Grandma has held my hand 
many times
throughout my life.
This picture means alot to me.
I will have it framed and 
place it on the nightstand next 
to my bed to remind me that she
 is still my grandma and that 
she is still holding my hand. 

When Grandma turned 80...
my mom asked all of the grandchildren to write down memories of grandma so that she could put them in a scrapbook and present it to Grandma on her birthday.
I thought I would share with you
 what I wrote to her so that you might know
 a little of what I felt about her...
and what a wonderful Grandma she was to me.

Memories of You...
Wearing cotton aprons with a dishtowel over your shoulder - your lilacs in the spring - lipsticks on your dresser in a mirrored tray - rose scented lotion in the pink bathroom - white open toe sandals on Easter - mashed potatoes and gravy for dinner - reading stories to each other - smiles -
giving me Certs during church -
walking to the store to see you - 
(she owned the only Mercantile in town)
holding my hand - neopolitan ice cream on Sundays, served in square glass dishes - lots of books that we shared - playing with toys in the backroom of the Merc. - laughing together - playing cards - calling you to settle arguments or just to tattle when mom wasn't home - sleeping over in the downstairs bedroom - you were usually the first one to hear my poems - Christmas mornings - our guest for Sunday dinner every week - always a quilt on the frames in your livingroom and you teaching me to take small stitches - banana cookies - stories of what "mama" or "papa" used to do or say - you were always my first stop after getting off the school bus - orange sticks being passed around during family visits - being there to listen to my primary talks , sacrament meeting talks or when I would sing in church - helping me with my homework or a book report - teacups and saucers - tightly wrapped birthday gifts signed from "Grandma C" - family get togethers with all of the cousins at your house - letting me wear your clip on earrings and necklace during sacrament meeting - giving me Avon lipstick samples 
(she was the Avon Lady too!) - always letting me have a bottle of pop out of the machine at the store - pink popcorn balls wrapped in wax paper on Halloween - always listening to me - pretty handkerchiefs - nicely boxed chocolates - you always like to hear my jokes and you always laugh at them - 

Grandma, these are just some of the things that I remember when I think of you. I am so thankful that you were and are
still just around the corner. 
You have always been there for the important things in my life along with the normal everyday things of living.
I am so proud to be your grandaughter
 and now also your friend. 
Even though I have grown up and married 
and moved away, (5 miles is all haha) 
I still always feel that you understand
 and love me and I love to come 
and visit you often.

Happy 80th Birthday Grandma
I Love You!

As you can tell, grandma was a big
part of my life and although
 I will miss her dearly... 
I am happy that she is 
with my grandpa again...
she has been without him for 43 years.

 If you are a grandma...
I hope you know how important you are
to your grandchildren!

If you are a mother...
I hope you understand how important
it is to 
cultivate a relationship between
 your children and thier grandparents.

If you are a grandaughter...
call your grandma today
 or go and visit her.
If she has passed to the other side,
go place a flower on her grave or
hang her picture in a spot that will
remind you of her often.

There is nothing like 
the love of a Grandma:)


  1. My deepest sympathies on your loss. The photograph of your grandma's hands clasped in yours will keep her close to you always.

  2. A lovely tribute, and timely too. I am sitting here, having just sent off a list of memories like yours for my uncle to read at my grandmother's funeral tomorrow. I cannot make it because of severe snowstorms, so it was all I could do to be a part of her farewell.
    Great grandmothers are a real treasure, for sure - thank you for sharing yours with us.
    (New Zealand)

  3. Hi Lori.
    It's a wonderful post. It's touching. You're indeed very lucky to have such a wonderful grandma.


  4. Lori, you have my deepest sympathies on the loss of your grandma. Both of my grandmas were a big part of my childhood also, although we moved to the midwest when I was 13, far away from Philadelphia where they both lived. They've been gone for almost 20 years now. Keep sharing stories of the wonderful times you had with your grandma. It really helps!

  5. I'm so sorry about your Grandma. My Grandma lives with us and is 91 and as I have had her around for my 40 years on earth it will be hard when she is no longer with us.
    Everything you have written is just how I would remember mine.
    Grandma's are just the best.......
    All my thoughts
    p.s. I love your designs

  6. Dear Lori,
    I am so sorry tohear about the loss of your dear Grandma. Your memories of her are so much like memories of my own grandmother it brings tears to my eyes. She taught me to sew,cook,love Jesus, gave me juicy fruit gum in church instead of certs, but was much like your grandma. I loved her so, and I know how much you loved yours. I will be praying for Gods comforting presence for your family. Many blessings.

  7. Lori, I am new to your blog, but have been enjoying your quilting blocks. You do beautiful, inspiring work.

    I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your grandmother. All of my grandparents, and my parents have returned home to Heavenly Father. So I understand how difficult it is to lose someone so special in your life.

    The pictures of your grandmother are beautiful, and what wonderful and special memories you have of her.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
    Sending hugs, Debi

    p.s. I am a Utahn too.

  8. The memories of your granmother are both beautiful and priceless and over time they will become even more precious too you. I especially enjoyed the picture of your hands, that is something I can envision of my grandmothers still today and she has been gone more than twenty years now. It also occurred to me a couple years ago that mine are starting to take the same shape and even though that might mean I am getting old (turning 50 this year) I feel my grandma with me. What a lucky person you are to have such treasured memories of your grandmother and though it was difficult, thank you for sharing your beautiful memories with us.

  9. My condolences on the loss of your grandmother. What a wonderful relationship you had with her, and what a wonderful tradition of the girls luncheons. I hope you can continue those. You wrote a lovely tribute.

  10. What beautiful memories of such a special person !

  11. My condolences on the loss of your grandmother. What a wonderful relationship you had with her, and what a wonderful tradition of the girls luncheons. I hope you can continue those. You wrote a lovely tribute.

  12. I am so sorry about your loss. I miss my grandmother too. Grandmothers are just the best. Thank you for sharing your memories.
    Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

  13. A very beautiful tribute and the reminder to all is priceless. I never knew my grandmothers, so had no role models. Being a great grandmother now, I feel like copying this and sending to all the kids. They are so busy with life and sometimes do not realize how lonely we are for their presence in our lives. Thanks you for sharing this. Judy C

  14. Awh... what a sweet tribute. I know just how you feel. My grandma was very special to me ...also named Milly. And she also lived into her mid 90's. Cherish the memories!

  15. I am so sorry about your Grandmother...what a full and fabulous life she must have had thanks to you. Obviously you were a very special blessed you both were to have each other. These memories will sustain you and make you a better Mother and Grandmother some day.

  16. I'm so sorry you have lost your grandma! That is such an important relationship. My mother's mother, my Nana Helen, was from Maine, and to this day a New England accent can bring a tear to my eye. She died in 1977 but the scent of Lily of the Valley brings her back in an instant. What wonderful memories you have of your grandma!

  17. Lori, My deepest sympathies. I never knew my grandmothers so you are fortunate to have spent so mucht ime with yours. My children were small when their grandmothers passed and although they remember more about one than the other they do remember. I hop I am giving my grandchildren times to remember and be thankful for. God Bless You and your family at this hour of need.

  18. I'm so sorry for your loss Lori. Your Grandma sounds like a wonderful person.

  19. I am so sorry for you loss Lori! This is a wonderful tribute.

  20. Sending lots of hugs and love. You were lucky to have your grandmother around regularly. I can only begin to imagine the void you feel right now.

    Mine were far away, so I didn't get the chance to get to know my grandparents.

    I just became a grandma (I'm nanny-jeanie-weanie), and I made a vow that my gabbiegirl will have a close relationship with me... something I lacked.

  21. She sounds like a wonderful lady, one that all of us would have benefited from knowing. Praying for you today!

  22. Lori, I'm just full of tears! I still have my grandma, and in just about every way, I can relate to the sentiments you expressed. My grandma is 94, still lives in her own house, and I go to visit her every week. She has been just as important in my life as your dear grandma was to you. I am so blessed that she is still going strong!

    I am so sorry for you loss; I am sure you are devastated. Please know that I am thinking of you! {{HUGS}}

  23. Thank you for sharing such a lovely post with us. Your grandma sounds like an incredible woman. What a blessing to have such a special lady in your life.

  24. Awwww, Lori, I'm so sorry to hear about your Grandma. She sounds like a wonderful woman. You're so very lucky that you had her here for so long. My grandma has been gone for 40 years (which is amazing to me)and I still miss her! Your post is a lovely tribute to your Grandma!

  25. What a beautiful story and a beautiful lady! Thank you for sharing. I'm so sorry for your loss.

    I love your Saturday tradition and would love to start that now with my girls so we could do the very same!

  26. I am so sorry to hear this, but what a blessing you and your children can now share memories of her TOGETHER! So glad she got to be a part of not only your life, but their lives, too.

  27. What a special tribute to your sweet Grandma. I never knew either of mine and my own Mom passed away when I was in my 20's. So I felt it was important for my children to know my hubby's parents. We also have a very special Aunt, who will turn 95 in November, who filled in for my own Mom as my children were growing up. Thanks for sharing about your Grandma Crane. It is certainly rare to find such a close family bond these days.

  28. Thank you for posting, what a beautiful woman, grandmothers are so important in someone's life.

  29. What a beautiful tribute to your grandmother. My deepest sympathy to you and your family for the great loss.

  30. Thank you for sharing such a warm and loving story. You have so many memories of your grandma to fill the physical void of her not being with you -- hold those memories close to you now so that you can make it through this difficult time. You are truly blessed to have had her with you for so long.

    Linda {{{hugs}}}

  31. A beautiful tribute to your beautiful Grandma. Deepest sympathies to you and your family.

  32. Lori, I'm so sorry for you loss and so happy you have such wonderful memories. My grandmother, who raised me and lived with us the last 7 years of her life, passed away in 2006. I miss her more all of the time but am so grateful to have had her in my life. Thank you so much for sharing. Hugs.

  33. Lori, thank you for sharing your heart and your memories! My deepest sympathies to you and yours. I truly understand how you feel. I had a very similar relationship with my Grandma and miss her everyday of my life.

  34. I was in tears but they were in many ways happy ones- you have beautiful memories of her, sad for your loss but the memories are so so precious

  35. Lori many blessings and sweet memories. This is truly a sweet story I read twice. What a lucky family you have thank you for sharing them in you fabric, words and quilts. We are lucky knowing you. Hugs...Renee

  36. I know how you feel about your Grandma being your 'other' Mother. I was named for mine and sure felt special when she would come visit and stay up to talk to just me at night. Thanks for sharing both the sad and happy times on your BLOG.

  37. oh Lori,
    my deepest sympathies to you and entire family. your Gramma is truly a rare ttreasure and inspiration to me. i never had a gramma,so she is a great example for me to follow for my own 3 granddaughters, i love the teas, games, laughter, and hand holding; actually~everything! what a wonderful life she shared with you all and will continue to live and love on in all of you girls ~xo~

  38. Thank you for sharing this touching story with us hun; you made me think of my Grandma Brewster; I lost her 15 years ago and love her dearly. She also wore a pretty apron everyday w/a dish towel over her shoulder;and had several beautiful big lilac bushes; they lived on a dairy farm and she had a old tractor tire in the front yard she filled with flowers every spring. We never lived close to her until I was older; my dad was in the Air Force and we traveled a lot. So sorry for your loss hun; thanks for helping me to think of my grandma today...
    hugs, Shar

  39. So very sorry to hear about your Grandma.. xo

  40. That was beautiful. What a wonderful lady to have in your life for so long. May your many memories give you comfort now and for all the years to come.

  41. What a beautiful tribute to your sweet Grandmother. My own will soon be 95, and is getting noticeably weaker. I need to give her an extra hug after reading this. Thanks for sharing.

  42. How wonderful for you to have had your Grandma all those years. I only knew one of my Grandmas (the other died when I was 2). She was so special to me and I only had her for 10 years. I still think of her often. Please accept my sympathy and know you will always have her in your heart. Thank you for sharing this post with all of us along with the beautiful pictures. The one you will put by your bed is precious.

  43. Lori,
    Thank you for sharing the tribute to your grandma. My thoughts and prayers are with you. There is nothing that compares to a grandmother,one of lifes true blessings. I had the honor of living with my grandparents from 12yrs old till 18. She taught me how to cook, keep house, make banana fritters and so much more. That is also where I get my love for the music you have on your play list. Thank you again. Your blog inspires in ways you never knew :O)

  44. Lori, what a beautiful tribute to your grandmother! I'm so happy you had the where with all to write it. I've cried along with you, and wanted to place my hands on the top of both of yours.
    Love you...

  45. Oh, Lori, what a beautiful tribute this post is to your amazing grandmother. I'm sorry for your loss and wish you comfort in dealing with this. What an wonderful grandmother you have, and also, what a great example you are as a granddaughter. I have a relationship w/my grandmother (who is 90 now) that sounds so very similar to yours with your grandmother. Thanks for reminding me to treasure here and also to nurture the relationship between my children and their grandparents.

  46. That was such a beautiful post, Lori. My sympathies to you and all your family on the loss of such a lovely lady. We always refer to it as a "loss" because we miss our loved ones so dearly, but we "gained" just by having them in our lives. I am so glad you shared this because it's the real life behind our quilts that makes it all worthwhile. My Grandma Goldie passed in 1994 and I still miss her dearly. I see by Lucky Lou's comment that she never had a gramma so those of us who did are truly blessed. I think I will refer my readers to your post if that's okay with you?

  47. Dearest Lori.
    I am so sorry for your loss.
    My heart and prayers are
    with you today.
    Sincerely, Trish

  48. Thank you for being so open and sharing your thoughts and feelings about your grandmother. There's such a sweetness in being a grandmother myself and I adore having my grandchildren around. I hope to always live as close as possible to my grandkids as I didn't have the opportunity to be as close to my dad's parents when we moved to Utah at the age of 9 and my mom's parents lived in New Zealand. I first met them when I was 14 and then again when I was 17 years old.

    I loved all of the pictures you shared with us too! What special memories that will always be a part of you. I know she will always be with you, too. The picture of your hands warmed my heart!!!

  49. Lori,
    I am so sorry for your loss. Your lifetime of memories with your grandmother will always be with you and keep your love alive. I have this with my granddad who passed away a few years ago. I am always saying things that he used to say. His picture is in my living room. We used to play crib. I think of him daily. He lived to be 99 1/2 years old!!!
    I send so much sympathy to you and your family.

  50. What a beauiful tribute to your grandma Lori. I am in tears reading it. Great big hugs going your way.


  51. I am truly sorry for your loss. You were so fortunate to have such a close relationship with your grandmother. Now days families are so scattered, they don't always have those close family ties.

  52. What a lovely post ...I am sure she is smile down on you!

  53. I'm very sorry for your loss. I know how you feel. My Grandma died almost 11 years ago. I still feel the loss, it does leave an empty place. I am the woman I am because of her love. What a beautiful tribute to your Grandma. I can feel your love for her and it brings tears to my eyes. I can tell that one day your gonna make a wonderful Grandma, passing the tradition. :-)

  54. Oh Lori, I am so sorry to hear the passing of your precious grandmother! She reminds me so much of mine and they would have been the same age. How blessed you all were to have her until she was 95! You brought tears to my eyes because I mirror so many of your feelings. What wonderful memories you have of her and to meet up the end of each month is such a gift and memories to keep close to your heart! Keeping you and yours in my heart.


  55. I am so sorry for your loss. Your tribute is just beautiful, so full of love. Thank you for sharing your dear grandma with us. {{hugs}}

  56. What wonderful memories you have of your Grandmother. She has definitely been a blessing to you.

    I know you'll miss her, but what fun she must have been.

  57. I'm so sorry for your loss. What a lovely tribute to your grandmother and such wonderful memories you have of her.

  58. Lori. Your post today brought tears to my eyes. I am so glad that you had the privilege of being so close to your grandma. She is indeed a part of you and lives in your heart. Kindest regards to you in these heart difficult times when you are missing her, but her presence will always be near.

  59. Oh my heart breaks for is obvious what a special lady and grandmother she was to you. ((hugs)) to you and your family at this difficult time.

  60. Oh my word - this post had me sobbing here in a public railway station. How I understand what you are going through - I was just as close to my grandmother, may she rest in peace. (And today is the third anniversary of my mother's passing.) You are so blessed to have had your grandmother in good health for so long - I hope it won't be long before the grief recedes enough for you to take comfort in those wonderful memories.

  61. What a beautiful post, Lori. I'm so sorry for your loss. My last grandma will turn 96 on August 28 and she's such a huge part of our lives.
    Hugs, Kimberly

  62. Lori,
    Everything you write here is so true!!!!! So many of the things you wrtoe when she was 80 are also my memories of my Grandma. Her photo is on my dresser, young and beautiful, years befor I met her, but that is how I know she is right now.....and Grandpa too! Mom and Dad also....all of my Aunt and Uncles.....I will be happy to see them all one day! Thank you for this post! Brought back a lot of good memories....Sandy

  63. Lori,So touching.....Beautiful words for a beautiful relationship.I pray my grandbabies pay me as loving a tribute as you did to your grandma. Thank You for sharing your tender moments. Thinking about you all week.Love You Friend..... Shanna

  64. Lori,
    You have my deepest sympathy. I lost my 99 yo grandma last week, too. She didn't live as nearby as yours, but she was a big influence on me and the reason I picked up sewing and quilting. Keep those memories close, by doing so, you keep her alive in your heart.
    Sandy A

  65. Lori, I'm sorry about the loss of your grandmother, but it's so wonderful to have documented some of your favorite things about her. I love your list and I love the photo of both of your hands. You are a lucky girl to have such a grandmother.

    ~ Amber

  66. I am sorry for your loss. Reading the wonderful words reminded me of the loss of my own Grandmother who was my best friend. I miss her everyday . You were blessed.

  67. I'm so sorry for your loss. What a wonderful and loving tribute. My grandmas have been gone since I was very young and weren't in my life much, but I aspire to be the kind of grandma you had. what a wonderful blessing she is in your life.

  68. Thank you for sharing this beautiful post. I am so sorry for your loss. Reading through the dedication to your grandma reminded me of mine. My grandma was my "soft place to fall". I adored her, worshipped her, learned so much from her. I miss her every day. Thank you again for sharing.

  69. Lori

    Sorry about your grandma, she sounded like a wonderful person! She will always be in your heart.
    Take care

  70. What a touching piece you have written about your grandmother. It is clear that she was well loved and respected.
    I miss my grandmother a great deal. She passed away suddenly in a car accident in 2003. She was like a second mother to me as she was 40 when I was born. I had the good fortune to have her in my life for nearly 47 years of my life.
    My sincere condolences to you and your family.
    Warmest regards,

  71. What a wonderful tribute - my sympathies for your loss. I too, had a wonderful grandmother that lived to be 102 years old. I was her first grandchild and we wrote to each other from the time I was about eight until she passed when I was 55. She lived in Maine and I lived in Alaska, Arizona and now California. Cherish those memories!

  72. Your tribute to your grandma was beautiful and brought tears to my eyes. I have lovely memories of my grandmother and I pray I have given lovely memories to the three beautiful young women who are my granddaughters. Such a very special and loving relationship to have. Being an old woman now, I know that your grandmother had wonderful, loving, funny memories of you also. My sympathy for your (and your family's) loss. Bless you all. Carol

  73. I am so sorry for you loss. What wonderful memories you have of your grandmother. I believe she was also blessed to have a wonderful grand-daughter who really loved and cared about her.

  74. I hard a hard time holding back the tears as I read this. I too had a grandmother that I absolutely adored. When she passed away a couple years ago at 92, it left a huge hole in my world. I'm glad she's with grandpa and I know she's a peace, but I miss her everyday. I'm so sorry for your loss, but I hope all those good memories will give you strength.

  75. I'm so sorry for your loss. I also lost my Grandma this summer, she was 104 and we thought she would live forever!
    But before she passed away she gave me a treasure, a set of quilt blocks that she and her mother and aunties made shortly after she was widowed at 29 and had 3 little ones.
    I have them in tucked away, waiting for just the right time to put them together. I'll need lots of advice....hint hint :)

  76. ah Lori - what a beautiful post. I hope you are taking the time to grieve and being loved and comforted by those around you.
    I'm glad you posted about this - I will be giving my OH a shove to call his Grandma this evening and reminding my boys to write to their granny this week!
    I was short changed with grandparents (didn't know any of them) and didn't do great with parents (my Pa also died when i was little) so I know how precious these relationships are and to treasure them. I can see you treasure yours...fee x

  77. Grandmothers are a such a wonderful gift. I'm so sorry for your loss and my heart grieves with yours. I miss my grandmas but hear them and see their attributes every day in the voices and mannerisms of my children, nieces and nephews. This comforts me, and I hope you'll be comforted by all your happy memories of your Grandma Crane. Blessings to you Lori and your family. De

  78. Your tribute brought tears to my eyes. She MUST have been a great lady after all she helped to raise YOU. You are a tribute to HER!

    BTW she was gorgeous!

  79. Such a beautiful love filled & emotional write of your Grandmother. She sits with Jesus now, my friend. God bless you all.

    Would you be so kind to leave a comment on my BLOG ONLY (no emails) thru the 18th, for the Miracle Makeover fund drive. Charlie, 8 yr. old, & his story are fabulous. Every comment brings us a $1 for the next person that will be sponsored.

    Have a beautiful weekend.
    TTFN ~

  80. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Grandmothers are, indeed, such a precious part of the family. I loved reading your memories and it was such a sweet tribute to her! Thank you for sharing your heart with us. I was touched reading about her and inspired by your memories. I look forward to being a grandmother some day and I want to make memories with my future grandchildren. Thank you for the beautiful reminder of the preciousness of life and how important relationships are! Hugs to you and your family. I am so sorry you all are hurting right now. Blessings to you. Bari Jo

  81. Sitting here crying in sympathy - my own grandmother was my beloved - our grandmothers are still just around the corner, and we will see them again, but it still hurts so badly. I am sharing your grief tonight hon, you have my heartfelt sympathy.

  82. Prayers and thoughts have been with you my friend. ;o) awesome post. ;o) ooxx

  83. You have my deepest sympathies on the death of your precious grandmother. Thank you so much for sharing your memories of her with us.

  84. So sorry to hear about your grandma's passing, but so lucky to hear your cherished memories of her. Thank you for sharing, I know her spirit is with you and will be always.

  85. That was a wonderful tribute to your wonderful grandma. I'm so sorry, it's so hard to lose a's like losing your own personal cheerleader. I still miss my grandma and your post reminded me just how much. I share your tears, and want to thank you for posting about her, she sounded like the perfect grandma, and I loved the Saturday lunches, what great memories you must have from those alone! Just remember how happy she is now, then as much as your heart hurts, you'll be able to smile. xo, Nan

  86. hello Lori, what a beautiful portrait of your grandma, I send my regards to you and your family xo amy

  87. I just wrote in a comment under my daughter's google account on accident. Sorry, xo amy

  88. I'm very sorry for your loss. How wonderful that you had someone like her in your life! I love the potluck dinners you shared with her and the other females in the family. I think you are truly blessed to have such a close and caring family.

  89. Lori, I'm so sorry to hear about your Grandma. My thoughts are with you at this difficult time.
    --Pat in MI

  90. Lori, one can tell from your wonderful tribute that you were both blessed to have each other and for it to be such a long, long relationship.

    Prayers in your loss.

  91. Lori, I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm so happy though for all the wonderful years you had with your Grandma. Wow, reading your memories of your Grandma, I could have written that about my Grandma who passed away at age 86. How blessed we are to have had such wonderful women in our lives. You are in my thoughts.

  92. Oh Lori - You brought tears to my eyes reading your memories of your Grandma Crane. You touched on so many of the things I remember about my Grandma too...I still have packs of my Grandma's playing cards :) I am sorry to hear about your's wonderful that she had her health well into her
    90s and that Kassidy will have memories of her as well. Take care my friend, my thoughts are with you & your family.

  93. Lori, many hugs and prayers for you and your family. THere is nothing like a grandma.

  94. Sorry for your loss. These are the memories and legacy's that make life a joy. I feel the same way about my Grandma she left her love and a great special frosting recipe that I make for my children.

  95. Lori, sorry to read about your loss. What great memories you have about your grandma. The picture os the set of hands is just priceless. Also the one of Kassidy and her great grandmother. Grandmothers are so special.Hugs and prayers to you and your family.

  96. What a beautiful woman, your grandma. Your tribute sweet. She will be in your heart always. Love the clasped hand picture.

  97. I am so sorry for your loss. It is so apparent that your grandma played a huge part in your passion for your craft. What a lovely tribute, I'm glad you shared.

  98. so sorry for your loss, everyone NEEDS a grandma like your !

  99. Oh Lori, many hugs! My Grandma missed her 100 birthday by 2 weeks and there isn't a day that goes by I don't think of her. She gave me Certs in church too!!
    Thank you for sharing all those wonderful memories!

  100. Wow Lori, you can't imagine the emotions I am feeling right now. Reading your feelings for your Grandma brought back all the memories I have of my maternal Grandma. Our Mom was an only child so my Grandma thought the sun rose and set on the six of us, no matter the trials and tribulations that some possessed (and believe me there were many). I am sitting here with tears running down my face as I recall what a hard life she lived. My Grandpa passed away when my Mom was only 12 years old, so they lived with his parents and Grandma took care of both of her in-laws in their old age. She was a rock, especially since she had nothing and lived her whole life alone except for her faith in God and love for her family. I can only hope I am half the woman that she was. Please accept my condolences on the passing of your Grandma.

  101. What a beautiful tribute. What a blessing grandmas like yours are to the next generations. You are so lucky to have such a wonderful mentor and friend. I can only imagine how much she will be missed.

  102. What a wonderful way to remember your grandma! My heart goes out to you. Not everyone is so lucky to have had the relationship you did and it is nice to hear about it. She will always be with you!

  103. What a lovely story, thanks for sharing

  104. My dearest Lori... bestest girler friend...
    Now I know why you are such a beautiful person... because you take after you Grandma Crane. She was very lovely!
    I have loved every word of this beautiful tribute and adore seeing the pictures of her... especially the one where she is laughing.
    There is nothing more special than having a relationship like that with a grandmother. I wish that I could have met her.
    May the Lord bless and comfort you throughout the days ahead... and may your cherished memories of her sustain you in the years to come.
    Please know that I love and adore you and will be there for you always! Hugs ~ Rae Ann

  105. Someone from my quilt guild (Tulsa, OK) recommended that I read your blog about your Grandma after she read mine about my dad.
    Yours is so sweet and inspiring. I hope I can be like that to my grandchildren. Thanks.

  106. Lori
    My heart breaks for you,but thank you for allowing me to remember my grandmother through you wonderful stories. wonderful loving memories. Treasures forever.

  107. So sorry your Grandma has passed on. I lost my last Grandma a year ago and reading about your memories and seeing your photos really touched my heart. There is nothing like a good day I plan to be one and live on in the hearts of my grandchildren!

  108. Sending sympathy hugs to you.
    I'm touched by your sweet remarks.
    How blessed you are to have such a sweet grandmother in your life.

  109. My condolences on losing your grandma. I was only 23 when mine died and over the years I have often thought that I was just beginning to appreciate her as a woman. When you are young, I think a grandparent is just there and not until you get older do you appreciate them. There's not a day I don't remember mine. Thanks for sharing those memories. Carline

  110. I'm so sorry she passed away. i know you will think of her often and miss her. I wish I had been close ti my grandmothers...both passed away when I was a child. You were blessed to have her!

  111. What a lovely tribute to your Grandmother. I grew up and lived with one Grandmother and was close with my other Grandmother also.
    Thanks for writing brought back many memories for me too.

  112. Lori, I am so sorry for your loss. Your grandma sounds like a wonderful woman who was full of fun and lots of love. What a treasure. 95 is a ripe old age and its great that you and your family had her for all that time! What memories you must have.

    Hugs, Karen

  113. Lori, I just read about your Grandma. So sorry for your loss.
    Your Grandma was very special.

  114. I just got back from visiting my mom in Canada and read your beautiful tribute to your grandmother. How blessed you were to see her so often and have such a strong relationship with her! She sounds like a great grandma and I'm sorry that you are separated for a little while. She must have been so proud of you, not only for your accomplishments, but for the devoted and sweet grandaughter that you were to her. Thanks for sharing your lovely story.

  115. Awesome tribute! I hope my grandchildren have such memories/feelings for me at that point. 3 of them live 5 doors down & I get them on & off bus (work part time so I can do that). We are together a lot & have a blast! You were a blessing to her & don't you ever forget it.

  116. I love her hands..................


  117. Lori, I have just come upon your site and have enjoyed everything so far. I have bookmarked it and will be back. I did want you to know how your story of your Grandmother touched me. I am so happy to hear Wonderful stories as this one, what a Wonderful person you must be.
