Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Denyse Schmidt's "Sugar Creek" just in at JoAnn's!

While I was at JoAnn's this week to pick up a couple of pillow forms...
I found several bolts of the newest and long awaited fall line by Denyse Schmidt.
It's called Sugar Creek and I believe there is 18 pieces total in the line.

 Denyse has designed these lines for JoAnn's and I think they are lovely with a wonderful vintagey feel...which you all know that I adore:)
 I got some of each that they have so far...all 10 of these prints go so nicely together ...don't you think?

I'm sure that there is more to come because they also had this adorable vintagey floral that's part of the line but none of the pinks and red's yet anyway:)...
but you can be sure that I'll be on the lookout for the rest.

Below are the DS fabrics that I bought from JoAnn's earlier this year...
part of her Spring line.

 Her new Fall line goes so well with the spring fabrics too...hmmmm....I feel another quilt design coming on!

I feel much better now after taking a
small break from my computer after the
loss of my sweet Grandma.

It was a much needed break and I wish
to express my thanks to each and every one
of you sweetie pie's 
that took the time to leave me a comment
or send me an email.
You have no idea how much you have helped me through my sadness.
I've said it before....and I'll say it again...you are the best!


  1. These fabrics make me want to buy from Joann's. I'll have to check them out. They seem a similar style to your wonderful fabrics.
    I'm glad you're doing better. Aren't you glad you have wonderful memories of your grandma?

  2. Oh gosh, I've been away from blogland too, so I do express my sincere sympathies as I know that grandmothers are such an influence on our lives...
    We are heading to Florida for the winter and since we have no Joann's here in Canada, I'm looking forward to shopping there.

  3. fabrics such as these make shopping at joann's {almost} worthwhile. otherwise . . . not so much! the store closest to me is especially bad. if i must go ~ i drive to a much newer/nicer location.

    {i'd still much rather go to my local scrapbook store, which has morphed into my local quilt shop. it's called scrapbooks, etc. and marti, the owner, says these days she's concentrating on the "etc." --- lucky us! and yes . . . sew cherry is definitely in stock there!}

    i hope you're on the mend. dealing with loss is never easy. your grandma seemed like a gem ~ what awesome memories you have of her.

    i can't wait to see my grandmas again. they've both been gone over thirty years ~ far too long. one taught me to sew. the other taught me to love flowers. i miss them.

  4. Its amazing how fabrics are so valued in the US. You can find all kind of stuff over there...gorgeous stuff by the way.

    We dont have this in Brazil. We do have some nice fabrics but we dont have designers and collections like you do.

    I love american fabrics!

  5. I missed the first line...i am off tomorrow to get the second line. Thought of you often last week. Love all your pins...you are truly an inspiration...thank you! Renee

  6. I'm so lucky to have a great JoAnn's near me. And the crazy thing is that people in the area haven't picked up on the Denise Schmidt fabric which is awesome for me. I better gather up my coupons and go scoop up some of the new treats!

  7. A nice bit of luck - good on you!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  8. You are right the 2 lines look like they will go together very well. I will need to check out my Joanne's. Thank you for the update.

  9. So happy to see a new blog from you...I've been thinking of you all week.
    The fabrics all look lovely.

  10. What beautiful fabric! You make me want to run right out and grab a few. Fun seeing you today... wish we would have had more time together! YOU are the best!!!

  11. I was just at Joann's a few days ago and saw the pink flower/green background fabric. I passed on it -- thinking about all the other florals I have. Not sure if they had the coordinates, so I will have to go back and check.

    It's good to see your post. Fabric therapy is a good thing. Gardening is very good therapy also. Both of these give you time to think.

    Thanks for taking the time to share your "find" with us. :-)

  12. I was just at Joann's yesterday and saw this fabric, too! I couldn't help but buy that big green floral - it was just too cute. Now I wish I'd bought more...sigh.

  13. Thanks for the heads up, Lori. Won't be able to get over there til Fri. Hope they still have some left.

  14. Ok, seriously? Which JoAnns do you go to? I've been stalking Orem for the last week and they don't have it. :(

  15. I love these! I just bought 4 yards of one of her fabrics at my local JoAnn's store. It's in your blue & red stack photo, third from the bottom. It's a cute square-ish pattern on a red background with the little blue "leaves" on each end. I made an apron that turned out SUPER cute, and am planning a dress for my granddaughter with some of it. Great stuff.

  16. Keeping my eyes open to Joann on line. We are not fortunate enough to have one locally. sniff ...
    You remain in my heart and prayers.
    Sincerely, Trish

  17. I just found your blog and I love it! Can't wait to look over all your cute patterns. I'm so sorry to hear about your beloved Grandma.

  18. So glad you are back. I have missed you. :)

  19. Isn't that green with the flowers so pretty! I'm missing the white with the green swirls. Otherwise I think I have what you have posted here. I like this set even better than the last! Keep us posted!
