Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Bee in my Bonnet Row Along - Row 13...Spring Tulips!!!

Hello there:)
Thanks for tuning in!
It's time for a new episode of the...

Our program today is brought to you by me...
and Row 13.
Spring Tulips!
I don't know about you ...
but I've had it up to here with winter and 
we all have a high spring fever here at our little cottage.

It's only natural that our 
very last row 
will be tulips to represent spring:)


You heard me.
This is our very last row...lucky 13!!!

Don't jump out of the boat yet because we still have some rowing to do!
 It's not summer yet so
This is
 not the end 
of the row along as 
we still have the pieced border...
and backing...
 and binding...
  before we finish up:)
The official end as you know...
is not until summer!

But for now...
 let's row ahead to the tulips!

Cut your background.

I chose to use the same fabric for all of the stems.

For ONE tulip...

For ONE set of leaves...

Cut it in half:)

Lay out all pieces needed to make one tulip on your design board like this.
Your tulip, stem and leaves...
Plus squares along with rectangle.

Let's start forming the block from the bottom up...
just like a real tulip!

Start by sewing an Easy Corner Triangle
 onto the bottom outside corner of each leaf like this.
Trim and press toward triangles.

Now sew another easy corner triangle to the 
top inside corner of each leaf like this.
Trim and press towards the triangle.

Now sew the leaves to the stem like this.

Press towards the stem...
one side first and then the other...

Like this.

Now let's move on to the tulip!
Sew Easy Corner Triangles onto
 the sides and center of the tulip sections like this.
Trim and press towards the triangles.
*(take note that for the center section, 
you will need to sew one ECT on first,
 then trim and press it before you can sew 
the other ECT onto the other side)  

Now sew the three tulip sections together like this.
Press these seams open for less bulk.

Use the remaining squares and sew Easy Corner Triangles onto
 the bottom outside corners of the tulip...

like this.

Press towards the triangles.

Now sew the tulip to the leaves.
The top of the stem should nest right inside the bottom of the tulip like this...
making it easy to keep it centered...

like this:)
Press towards the tulip.

Now add the rectangle to the top of the tulip block.
*(take note that you will need to sew the rectangle onto
 the TOP of some tulips and onto the BOTTOM of other tulips... 
so that they will be dancing up and down across the row!)

One tulip block complete:)

I went ahead and added sashings onto each side of this first tulip 
so that you can see how it looks when it's finished inside the row.
I did NOT sew my points off!
I specifically designed this tulip so that all of the tips would be blunt
 and you wouldn't need to worry about points.

You're welcome:)

Now go through your stash and cut more!

And stitch them up for lots of
 super springy tulips:)

Sew them into a row with the sashing strips in-between...

And then try your best to get a picture of the complete row all at once!
(we all know what a challenge that is)


Here's one half of mine...

and the other half:)

Are you sad that this is the last row?
I am...
but it will be fun to see all of the
 rows finally sewn together!

I will be sewing mine together in a few days and
 I'll post it right away so that you can plan how to sew
 yours after your tulips are done:)


As I have already told you...
the finished size of the quilt will be
 a twin size.

Let me know what you think of row 13 and the tulips...
your comments always make me smile and keep me going onto the next tutorial:)

Have a quilty kind of day...

The pattern for the row along quilt will be in my first book!!!
"Quilty Fun"
or on the sidebar of my blog to order.


  1. Gorgeous runner, great tuto! Thank you very much:)

  2. I just have to say you are amazing my friend! Of course I love this row tons!!!

  3. Oh, I love the tulips, I love, love, love them! They are so happy!!! I love all of your adjectives and cute little phrases about the row along too! I am really looking forward to seeing how you put it all together, I bet there will be oooohs and aaaahs involved :) I am sad this is the last row though..... This has been so much fun, thanks so much for doing this for your blog readers :)

  4. It's beautiful and perfect for the spring time!

  5. I love your tulips! They are definitely inviting spring. I am so happy to see the last row is in plenty of time to finish before my grandson's birthday in April. I will miss this row along but am excited about the barns!! Thanks so much, Patty in NV

  6. I love the way these tulips are dancing. Once again your fabric choices are perfect.

  7. Whenever you post a new row-along I'm ohhing and ahhing and bummed that I didn't start this. I've pinned the home page and this is definitely on my list of To-Do projects this summer. Each and every row out shines the previous one that I don't know which is my favorite. Love them all.

  8. So pretty and cheery!

  9. This is perhaps my favorite of all of your rows! So charming!
    I realize this may no longer be available, but what is that wonderful green stem fabric? It works beautifully!

  10. You totally put me in the mood for spring..I adore this makes me giddy!

  11. Every new row makes me sigh with just how lovely it is! I have a lot on my plate right now with other projects (sewing, painting, moving internationally... you know, the regular stuff), but this biweekly temptation is almost too much to resist! I may have to make a row-along quilt pretty soon.

  12. I LOVE that you made the pattern so that the points are blunt! THANKS! :0)

  13. Welcome spring with your lovely tulips!

  14. i knew it.
    i just KNEW it.
    there had to be flowers somewhere in this quilt.
    saved the best for last.
    i see what you did there!
    the tulips are perfect.

  15. Lori these are just ADORABLE!! The whole quilt is wonderful! I have been following along and wanting to do time..:( BUT!! My DIL just told us she is having a girl sooooo I think this quilt will be a summer project!!m gona make sure I have all my stuff together so I can "Row Along" this summer.:) Thanks for the generous turtorial, such a fun quilt!!

  16. LOVE this row of tulips, Lori.
    This is my first "Row Along" and it is so much FUN! I look forward to every other Wednesday to see your next row. Your tutorials are perfect! I've learns so much about piecing. Thank you.
    Yes. I'm doing your Barn Along, too.

  17. I'm just going to sit and stare at these flowers all morning. Tulips are my very most favorite and I could do a whole quilt of these. Love love love them!

  18. These are the cutest tulips ever! I can hardly wait to get started!
    And, yes, I'm a little sad this is our last row. But, I'm also excited to see how they will all be sewn together.

  19. The tulips are adorable! Are you certain you don't need a row 14 with sweet birdies? :)

  20. Tulips are my favorite flower and the tulips in this row are so pretty. I haven't been participating in the row along, but this row makes me want to jump in.

  21. What a perfect way to end the quilt with the promise of Spring. I love the tulips! You are so talented. Thank you so much for sharing your talent and tutorials with us.

  22. Love the tulips! It does make me wish I had just a little pink in my quilt though, but I don't think it would work now! I laid out all my rows this morning and just love how they all look. Thanks so much for all your great tutorials!

  23. This reminds me of Skagit Valley and the annual tulip festival - so many things in this quilt are close to my heart. I just wish I would have picked a fabric line with more than just one green in it!!!! What was I thinking?? And thanks for the info on the backing as I was lucky enough to find some very limited quantities of this out of date print I have been using, and want to get it ordered right away. I was going to order some for the outter border too but it sounds like you have something else cute planned.

  24. I just love the tulips ~ "Spring...her I come" Thanks so much for this tutorial and all the rest (love the Quilty Barn along too) Have a wonderful day! (I will now)

  25. Like everyone else, I love the tulips but I'm so sad that we are almost finished. I've loved the surprise of each row. You are such a talented designer. I so hope (even though I know it has to be a real chore) that you do another quilt project like this one!

    Wistful wave from


  26. I think this may be my new favorite row!! Adorable flowers and terrific tutorial! Thanks!!

  27. OH MY! So cute! I better catch up now for sure!

  28. Could this be my favorite row ever!!??? I love the tulips. They are so darling. Good for you. I'm going to make my 2 rows together. Soon. Very soon.

  29. This row of tulips made me smile today! The tulips are adorable. Thanks for a great row along.

  30. OMG - cute as can be! I haven't started (YET), but I have printed off every instruction set and gathered fabric. Just trying to close out some other WIPs before adding this to the top of my table. LOVE IT!

  31. OMG - super cute!

  32. Oh my goodness Lori! Your mind must be so full of charm and delight! What an adorable row! I love it! Trish xo

  33. Super cute!! Thank. You. For. No. Points!!

  34. The tulips are so happy! I love how they "dance" up and down! It is rather chilly and verrrry windy here in Augusta, GA so I decided today was a great day to have fun playing with the row along blocks. I made one of almost all of them just to make sure I had the directions correct. What fun!!!

  35. Lori, I have really enjoyed watching the rows you have created. You are very inspiring.

  36. Lori, you are so inspiring. I have really enjoyed watching the rows be created.

  37. Oh those just make me feel happy. A quilt or anything made out of those tulip blocks would make anyone smile. They are beautiful.

  38. I love your colorful tulips! You have made the instructions so clear. Thanks for the wonderful row-a-long!

    Happy Sewing!

  39. I agree with everyone else, I love the tulips! I am sad the rows are done being presented but I am glad we still have borders and now you have got me wanting to do the barns. So what is there to be sad about? :-) Thanks again so much for doing this row along! Even my family is enjoying each row as I make it. I like having a row to do every two weeks. It is a reward for finishing other projects for me. Keep up the wonderful designs. We love them and you- K-

  40. Tulips are my all time favorite flower, and I absolutely love how they are jogging up and down the row! So happy!

  41. My goodness your tulips are just adorable! They are so happy and just look like they are bouncing in the sunshine. I can't wait to see your completed quilt, every row is awesome.

  42. My goodness your tulips are adorable. They look so happy like they are bouncing in the sunshine. I can't wait to see your completed quilt, every row has been awesome.

  43. Really nice work, full of colour and sweet at the same time, congratulations!!
    Thanks for sharing and good luck with finishing...hard work
    Kisses from Spain


  44. I am thrilled with my first 12 rows, but I think this is just the prettiest row EVER. Thank you.


  45. What a perfect way to finish off the rows, one of my favourite Spring flowers.

    I can't wait to see what next will appear.

    Thank yu for sharing this lovely project with us.

  46. So beautiful! But you give me an extra challenge with my red and black quilt. I guess I have to make yellow or orange leaves, ha ha.

  47. The tulips are adorable!!! Love them!!

  48. This has been so much fun! Thanks so much for all the time and work you put into the row along!

  49. Thanks so much for all your work on the darling row along!

  50. Love the tulips - I have 9 rows done and still going. Thank you for very clear instructions.

  51. Hi! of course this row is sooo cute! perfect pick-me-up!
    A question: so do these rows go together numerically, or is there a different order to joining the rows, as you advised in the beginning? Just thinking about colour placement.
    Thanks, Take care, Leslie

  52. I love these tulips. I can't wait ti give them a try.

  53. Such a great block, I'd love to make a whole quilt with just the tulips!

  54. What do I think? :O) Big, happy, swoony, sigh.... so sweet - this has been fun to watch come together and I am looking forward to when I can start mine. :o) Thank you so much for sharing such a sweet quilt pattern! And the tutorial to go with it!

  55. Today is Mother's Day and I gave my 93yr young Mom a new wallhanging...I made it with the Tulips...(one of these days I AM going to treat myself to 'all the rows'...I LOVE them all) -I just submitted a pic for the flickr page....I have to tell Mom 'likes' all that I do...but she absolutely LOVED the tulips. I asked if she wanted a nice little lap quilt of just tulips and she said YES! Dear hubby and I hung the quilt on her wall (she's in memory care at a local assisted living)...she was SO pleased. Thank YOU for making my Mom SMILE!
