Monday, September 9, 2013

Gracie Girl Flower Tutorial...

Good morning cute people!
Right now I am on my way to Vegas...
for the Riley Blake Fabric Fest.
But before I left I posted this tutorial for you:)

You're welcome!

I wanted to make a few flowers
 out of Gracie Girl for Kassidy and 
I to wear while we are there.

So I played around for a bit on Saturday
 and came up with this cute flower...

 and I thought you might want to make one too!

I took a few pictures along the way to
 show you how fun and easy these are to make.

There are several things I will be doing with
 these cute Gracie Girl Flowers 
but I'll show you those at a later time...
for now let's make a pin!

You will need 4 - 5" squares of good 100% cotton batting
and about 25 to 30 - 5" squares of Gracie Girl
(give or take a few)
*NOTE - this will make 2 flowers

I used the 2 small sizes of the 
The ones that measure 2" and 4" around.

Cut each 5" square in half so that you
 have 2 rectangles that measure 2 1/2" x 5"....
each rectangle makes one flower petal.

Fold one rectangle in half with right sides together.
Fold at the top...raw edges at the bottom.
Place the smallest ruler centered from side to side 
and almost all the way to the top of the fold like this.

Trace a line with a pencil around 
the top half only of the circle...
like this.

Place a pin across the bottom
 to keep in place.

Continue in this way to mark all of the petals.
This is the top half of your stitching line.

Using a 1/4" seam allowance...
begin stitching on the bottom open edges until you meet your marked line.
Continue stitching directly on that line
 all the way around until you come to the end at the other side.

Backstitch to secure when stopping and starting.

You can see that I chain stitched all of my petals 
to save time and thread.

Turn right side out.
Just simply turn it.
Leaving the corners on add a little bulk on the inside 
which is what you want.

the petals after you turn right side out...
you don't want them to lie flat.

Turn each petal right side out just like the first one.

Now lets make the base to sew the petals onto.
On ONE of the squares, mark a small dot in the center by 
measuring in 2 1/2" from the side and the bottom.

I'm just using my Pentel mechanical pencil for marking.

Now trace a line around the small circle ruler...
using the center dots on the ruler and square to
make sure your traced circle is centered.

Trace another circle the same way using the other ruler.
These marked circles will help to keep your GG Flower round and not oval:)

Layer the marked square on top of the other batting square...

And zig-zag directly on the outside line...
sewing both batting squares together.

The flower is pretty big (about 6 1/2") 
so I used 2 layers of batting to keep it stable.

Backstitch at beginning and the 
end of your zig-zagging:)

Now trim past your stitching about 1/8".
You base is ready!

Start forming your flower by sewing one petal onto the base.
Use the small circle as a guide to place the raw edge of the petal.
Make a small pleat in the center of the petal as you sew around it.

Leave yours under the machine...and don't cut the thread.
I just wanted to show you the placement of my first petal:)

Continue adding each petal in the same manner...
as you add a new one, overlap the old one by about 1/2"...
sew a few stitches to hold it down...
pinch the bottom to make a pleat...
hold it in place and sew over that pleat...
and before you get to the end...
add the next petal and...
 sew on and sew forth!

Continue sewing them around 
until you get all of the outside petals on.

Then continue sewing around the same way...
placing each round of petals closer into
 the center  for this cute layered effect!

When you get to the center...
you will want to pinch the bottoms 
a bit tighter together so they are not so wide...

so that the button will cover the raw edges.

I covered some 1 1/8" buttons with a few of the 
(Sugar Pink, Navy, Raspberry, Jade, Bear Lake and Pumpkin)
that match Gracie Girl so I could choose from them. 

I picked the "Pumpkin" for this one:)

And there you have it!
A cute Gracie Girl Flower:)

I hope you have a 
quilty kind of week while I'm away...
and I'm looking forward to meeting 
those of you who will be there with me!

I'll catch up with you
 next week when I get back:)


  1. So cute Lori!! :o)
    Have a fabulous week!!

  2. Wow - love those flowers and you made it so simple to follow. Can't wait to try my hand at one. Thanks Lori! Have fun at the Riley Blake Fabric Fest.

  3. Very cute...thanks for the tutorial. Have fun at Fabric Fest! I'll be there on Wednesday when it is open to the public. So exciting!

  4. Sooo lovely :) Thanks for posting especially as you were probably packing & everything to get ready to go!!

  5. Nice, thanks for shearing and Happy Quilting!

  6. Absolutely adorable posy! Thanks for sharing!!

  7. So cute and easy. My kind of project. Enjoy the show.

  8. So Fun!! I hope you made a jillion of those to sell at the show! Everyone will want one, especially in those beautiful fabrics. Be safe and have fun. Pati

  9. Those are so fun! I hope you made a gazillion of them to sell..Everyone will want one! Have fun - Be safe.

  10. Have fun in Vegas. Wish I was there and could go see my family. Love the demo on the flowers.

  11. So cute and do-able!! I know a 5 year old special little girl that needs one of those for her hair!:)

  12. These pins and your tutorial are great! You really inspire me! I used this tutorial to make a pin cushion out of my scraps here Thank you! Now I just need to get a set of those circle rulers!

  13. Darling, and another great tutorial! Thanks for sharing with us.

  14. cute! and I love that there is no ironing of tiny petals involved! :)

  15. cool, cool, cool. Am going to try this tomorrow :)

  16. what a great flower. Would also look great on a pillow for the bed or sofa
