Monday, January 2, 2017

Sweetie Pie Sew Along - Bee Prepared Post - Cutting Instructions!!

Hello cute people!

 Let's get ready to play 
with my latest fabric collection 

In just two weeks the
 sew along to make my
 Sweetie Pie Quilt
will begin right here on my blog:)

I've already posted  
about all of the supplies needed...
to go back to that post 
if you are just joining us:)

Today is all about cutting the fabric
 from your kit so that you can
 "Bee Prepared"
You will need to download my free 
Sweetie Pie Quilt pattern first. ...
 because it has all of the cutting information!
In this post I will explain what 
each piece of fabric 
in your kit will be used for.

to download my pattern from the 
Riley Blake Designs website:)

We will be using all three 
pin dot background prints in the quilt.

The pink will be used 
for the appliquéd daisy backgrounds.

The cutting is on page left:)

The aqua will be used for the 
fruit appliqués in the
 center of each pie!

Cutting is on page 1...bottom right.

The rest of the quilt background 
will be the green pin dot.

All of the cutting is on page 1 as well.

The red daisy print will be used for
 the postage stamp inner pieced border.

Looky how perfect this 
Cute Cuts Ruler 
works for that:)

It's one in my new collections
 of rulers that
 will be available 
in just a few short weeks!

The aqua cherries will be the border...
it's one of my favorites!

After you have all of that cut...
what you have left
 are the pie slices 
and the appliqués.
(oh yes...and the interfacing:)

It's time to open your 
fat quarter bundle...
The six gingham prints will be 
used for the 
appliquéd daisies only...
not for pie slices.

There are 20 daisies total...

I snapped a photo of my
 daisy petal cutting checklist for you:)

Set aside these 6 prints from your fat quarter bundle.
We will not use these 
to cut pie slices 
for obvious reasons...
(meaning the light ones
 would not show up...
 and the red would take away
 from the fruit appliqués)

We will be using these for
 other fun things 
during the sew along:)

cut the three fat quarter panels
 in your kit 
apart on the dotted lines...

We will use all 12 of these prints
 to cut slices for the pies:)

Variety is the spice of life!

Here are all of the prints
 together that we will
 be using to cut slices 
for the 12 pies in the quilt.

There are 30 total...
the 12 fat quarters from the panels 
plus the fat quarter bundle...
 minus the ginghams and
 the 6 prints that I showed you.


I used 1" Stick-its and put them
 on the back of my 
Of course you don't need to ...
but I like to use them 
on the back of my 
specialty rulers 
when cutting multiple pieces.

if you want to purchase
 a package or two:)

These are also 
what I use for my 

I grabbed one of the fat quarters
 to show you how I cut the slices.

First I cut a
 7" x Width of fat quarter strip ...
which is about 21" wide.

*Take note that my strip is folded in half 
in this photo and that you can see
 the selvedges are on the right.

Ignore the bottom 1" of the ruler
 for this particular quilt...
you won't need it!
Lay the top edge of the ruler even
with the top edge of the fabric 
as far to the right as you can
 without cutting into the selvedge...

and make your first cut like this.
(if you are left-handed work from the opposite side)

Turn the fabric strip and 
continue cutting like this...
flipping the ruler each time
 to save fabric.

So far you have 6 slices cut 
because you are 
cutting 2 at a time.

You can see that 2 more
 cannot be cut from the end...

So press the end piece open
 and cut one more slice...

For a total of seven! 

*Quilty Math: 
You will need to cut 
192 slices total.
If you cut 7 from 
each of the 30 prints 
you will have 
210 slices. 

You will have 18 leftover ...
and you can make an 
extra block for a pillow.


Next are the 
8 solids in your kit.
These are all from the
 Riley Blake 
Confetti Cottons

From the top down:
Bear Lake
Granny Smith Apple
Riley Red

These are used for the 
fruit appliqués
 as well as the daisy centers.

Use this page in the pattern 
to identify your appliqué pieces...

and the handy dandy 
cutting guide page 
included in the pattern  
for the sizes to cut:)

Don't forget to cut the 
daisy centers from the 
Riley Red, Peony, Beehive, Waterfall, 
Granny Smith Apple and Nutmeg.

Use my daisy petal cutting chart  
from above to determine
 how many of what color:)

Last but not least is the

It's my favorite with just 
the right amount of 
strength and thickness:)

Each package contains 
3 yards of 20" wide interfacing. 
You will need 2 packages because
 4 1/2 yards are needed 
for the Sweetie Pie Quilt. 

Of course I used a checklist
for cutting all of my 
interfacing pieces
 and took a photo for you.
I hope you find it useful!!

*TIP* from Miss Bee-
Always cut your pieces from 
largest to small 
for very little waste.

*After all of my pieces were cut...
I wrote the number on the top 
of each stack of the 
that they go with. 
I'll use the labeled piece last
 so that I will always know 
which piece it is:)


Doesn't it feel good to 
"Bee Prepared?"

Next Monday I'll be showing you
 just a few things that 
I'm doing with the 
leftover fabrics...
just in case you 
want to do the same!

See you then!


  1. Oh - so glad you already started giving us a taste of what is to come! I've still not made a proper dresden block and am excited to make this new quilt!! Great start to this new year!

  2. Thank you for this, it's just the cutest! Glad you're back on your blog, I was beginning to worry!

  3. Thank you! I'm a newbie quilter, the bloom quilt was my first quilt. I was a little intimidated by the cutting instructions for this new quilt, your tutorial cleared up a lot of questions!

  4. Thanks for sharing the rest of the details! Spent the day in my sewing room and managed to cut all the pies for the quilt. Finally I'm back in Blogland again, and hope to share my progress on my blog :-)

  5. Thank you for this wonderful instruction tutorial! It really makes things go faster! Trying to catch up to Week 3! Love this!
