Monday, August 21, 2017

Churn Dash and Hexie Flower Block Tutorials!!

 and welcome to my quilty world!!!

We are officially one week away
 from the kick off date for the
We have just a few more 
"Jump Start" 
tutorials to Bee Prepared!

Today is Churn Dash Day:) 
Last week I showed you how to
 make the bee and the cherries...
this week is the heart and the daisy:)

Grab your appliqué pieces and backgrounds.
You will be using the D-27 heart
D-26 daisy and the D-1 circle

This part goes so much faster when 
all of your pieces are cut and ready to go:)

Ya'll know the steps by now...
trace onto the interfacing and sew!

The heart has a cleavage 
that will need one clip only...
right to the sewing line but not past it:)

The daisy has 5 super deep inner curves.
Clip 3 times...
to the sewing line but not past it.

This daisy looks a little scary to turn...
but don't worry!
It turns out super cute 
even though it's a little fussy.

It takes a few extra minutes
 but is totally worth it!

You can always choose 
to make a different flower...
or a circle flower instead...
or use one of the leaf templates and
 make the petals separately if you really want to.
There are no quilt police 
in this sew along LOL

Cut the X in the back of the circle and the heart for turning...
but cut the daisy just like this.

Here we go!!! 
Now just turn ONE petal
 at a time like this...

Use the tool to shape 
the curve on the petal top 
and give it a little press on the end with just the tip of your iron.

Do the same with the second petal..

Until all five are
 turned and pressed like this.
See those little triangles of interfacing?
Don't trim them off...
you need them to use for "handles"
when turning the rest of the daisy:)

Turn your daisy around 
to the back and take it
 to your ironing board.

Grab each of the triangles (one at a time) and pull it over to the back like this.
Again...just use the tip of your iron and press right on top of that triangle of interfacing.

The interfacing will stay into place when pressed.

It's totally do-able
even though were just a little scared:)

Now you have a cute daisy 
all ready to appliqué:)

Don't worry that some of the interfacing shows on the inside curves...
the flower center will cover that.

Press the background twice 
like this for centering.

Pin the daisy and the heart and appliqué!

(I like to do my embroidery on the daisy center BEFORE I appliqué)

Don't forget that you will need to 
trim them down to 4 1/2" square
 after appliqué is complete:)

Grab the rest of the pieces 
and lets make the daisy Churn Dash Block!

These 4 squares will be the half square triangles in the corners...

They are cut the same size.
Of course you make them exactly the same way 
as you made the pinwheel blocks last week.

Just follow the exact same steps
 until you have 4 - 2 1/2" half square triangles.

Sew the two strips together...

And finish up your block!

It should measure 
8 1/2" square at this point.

Do the same for the Heart Churn Dash...

The Cherry Churn Dash...

And the Bee Churn Dash.


Now you can add two pinwheels to each of the four blocks.

Add these blocks to your
 "Fun and Done" pile!

Let's move on to the four
Hexi Flower Blocks in the quilt.

Grab your fabrics...

And your interfacing.
Trace the D-33 hexie flower and
 the D-10 hexie
Sew Simple Shapes.

Sew and trim.
There are 6 cleavage areas
 on each flower so make one clip in each:)

Cut the "X" and shape after turning.
Give them a quick press.

Cute and easy peasy!!!

Press your background squares twice 
for centering the flowers.

It doesn't matter which way
 your flower is turned...
as long as all four turned the same way.

Place the center on each flower...
they should measure about 1" in like this.

Now its time for appliqué!!!
(embroidery is optional and again...
I like to do this step first)


I used the 6 1/2" Cute Cuts Trim-It Ruler
to trim them down to 6 1/2" square.
Use the lines on the ruler for centering:)

***NOTE for LATER***
I also  used this ruler to
 trim up the Hen Block:) 
These 5 are the only 
6 1/2" blocks in the quilt.

These two blocks 
are trimmed down to 8 1/2"...

And I used the 
12 1/2" Trim-It for this one.

I've already shown you
this photo several times now...
all of the blocks in the quilt that
 are 4 1/2" after trimming.

I'm showing you this photo again because ALL of these blocks also fit inside the churn dash and I think just making a quilt of Churn Dash blocks with all different centers would be SUPER CUTE!!!

A while back I showed you how to make my Mama's Flower Garden Quilt 
with the same shapes that we just made the Hexie Flower Blocks.

to see the tutorial:)

If you haven't downloaded the 
now is the time...
 because we start next week.




  1. You have the best tutorials. I love your sew alongs. I always learn something new and because "I am the boss of my quilt", I have a lot of fun. Thank you Lori.

  2. Your tutorials and follow-alongs are super great. The pictures really help someone like me who is dependent on pictorial or hands-on learning. Not as good as having you here, but nearly. Thank you so much for being such a sharing person.

  3. Thank you for sharing your tutorials and adorable projects. Please let me know what is the best online website to buy the "Sew Simple Shapes" templates. I especially love the hexagon flowers!

  4. These blocks are just too sweet! Thank you for sharing such detailed instructions!

  5. Your projects are the best. Thank you.
