Saturday, February 17, 2018

Spelling Bee Sew Along - Week 20!!

Today is week 20 of our 
Spelling Bee Sew Along:)

has 100 blocks
 (each in both 6" and 12" sizes) 
for so many possibilities!!

There are 18 picture blocks in the book...

So you could be making the 
Picture Day Quilt...

Or the Alphabet Sampler Quilt...

Or ALL of the quilts LOL!!!
there is a big stack of 
patterns in the book!

Today we are making the DOG block...

And the FLOWER block:)

This is TOBY...he's my favorite!
He is 4 years old and has 
quite a personality!!! 
he still has all of the
 energy of a small puppy 
so he keeps us busy!

Don't you just love 
his snaggle toothed grin? 

Here's Toby getting in on the
action during the book photo shoot:)

Looky at this fun design wall
 of mini quilts in progress 
during the Spelling Bee Retreat
 in Sonoma last cute!

to visit the
and the 

You will finds lots of 
inspiration on what you can do 
with the Spelling Bee blocks:)

to visit the Jolly Jabber 
and see our show and tell guests 
for this week!

Thanks for coming to school today!
See you next week for 
another Spelling Bee Lesson:)
Miss Bee
PS. CLICK HERE for the tutorial for my Schoolhouse Block:)

1 comment:

  1. Lori, I love this sew along. I hope to have this book in my hands one day. I just adore all of the inspiration.
    Toby is adorable I just love his face
