Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Vintage Block Along Block Two - Pattern Basket Block Tutorial!!

Pattern Basket Block
finished size
15" x 15"
Well here we are again 
because I have another vintage block
 from my grandma's pattern stash 
that I want to share with you.

I have big plans to do several vintage block tutorials for you...
in several different sizes and then
 put them all together in a quilt!

I would love for you to come along 
on this vintage sewing journey with me!

I'm so grateful that my grandma's
 (both of them) 
shared so many patterns with me.

 I have often shared some of them 
here on my blog and of course 
while teaching my workshops:)

 I'd like to continue to share even more
 of them with you here 
on a regular basis.
I appreciate you and I am thankful
 from the bottom of my heart 
for the quilty love and support 
that you have given to me.

Sew... let's do this!

I have been waiting for my
 Farm Girl Vintage fabric collection 
to get here so that I could start my 
Vintage Block Along 

There is today's vintage pattern page
 tucked underneath my design board...
a basket block from the 
1930's depression era.
I love it and have sewn 
this basket several times.

If you are wondering about the tags...
I make fabric swatches for each 
of my fabrics so that I can have them
 at my fingertips when pulling for a block.

It works out great for me because 
I choose from the swatch without getting
 all of my fabric out at once
 and that saves so much time:)

While I have been going through 
grandma's patterns and choosing which ones
 to share first... 
I have felt close to her and 
I'm thrilled to come across pages
 where she made a note or underlined something...
or bookmarked a page:)

I love looking through the things
 that she did and also reading about
 what was important news or going on
 at that time in their lives.

I'm sure my grandpa read all about
 the latest farming news!
This page talks about
 cattle, wheat, eggs, hens and butter:)

I'm sure that some of the patterns 
that are only just a clipped page 
are from a newspaper and may have 
come from her mother...
my great grandma Martha 
or even one of her 
sisters, friends or aunts.
They all quilted together and 
I'm sure swapped patterns often!

I also love the vintage ads and
 vintage graphics are so so darling!
Look how happy this housewife is
 to be saving all that money by 
sewing clothes for her family 
in the latest fashions 
using professional short cuts!!
Just goes to show that 
DIY never goes out of style:)

And speaking of style and the latest fashion...
how adorable are these dresses?

I remember my mom and my grandma wearing "everyday dresses" 
that they had sewn themselves.
If I had that plaid dress...
those would be handy pockets
 for my cell phone! lol

Okay let's move onto the block tutorial
 and talk about fabric first.

Of course I'm going to be using 
a few prints from 
Farm Girl Vintage for this block.

You can just grab vintagey style fabric
 from your stash if you'd like...
because scrappy is happy!

You need a background and
 2 colors for this block

So many vintagey color ways to choose from...

And I decided that I really wanted to
 use the aqua apple print...
and of course some red gingham!

I chose to use this print from my
 Bee Backgrounds...they are my go to!

From the background you will need to cut:
2 - 6 1/2" x 6 1/2"
2 - 3 1/2" x 9 1/2"
2 - 3 1/2" x 6 12"
8 - 3 1/2" x 3 1/2"

Fabric One you will need to cut:
1 - 6 1/2" x 6 1/2"
1 - 3 1/2" x 6 1/2"
5 - 3 1/2" x 3 1/2" 

Fabric Two you will need to cut:
7 - 3 1/2" x 3 1/2"

Now let's start sewing!

Grab 2 - 3 1/2" x 6 1/2" background rectangles 
and 2 each of the 3 1/2" squares.

We are going to make 2 flying geese.

Either mark your fabric or use the 
to add your easy corner triangles 
onto each side of the rectangles.

If you are not familiar with my method CLICK HERE 
for the last block tutorial 
shown in more detail.

Take note that you will need to
 do one side before adding the other side.
Your flying geese should look 
just like this.
Set them aside for a bit.

Now grab 7 of the 3 1/2" squares 
from your background and 
5 from the red...
and 2 from the aqua.

You will make these into
 half square triangles.

Trim away excess...

and press!
Set these aside for later.

You will need to make 
one half square triangle from the
 6 1/2" aqua square and one of the background squares.

When my squares are this large 
I draw a line from point to point.

Trim away excess and press!

If my easy corner triangle trimmings
 are big enough to cut at least 1 1/2" squares I do so.
Then I add them to my scrappy stash 
to use for later:)
I can get a 3" square from both pieces
 and I cut them at the same time...
easy peasy!

After cutting the 3" squares
 I still have 2 smaller triangles
 left from that...

So I measure to see if I can 
cut 1 1/2" squares and I can!

This little Bisley file cabinet 
sits on my cutting table and the
 top drawer opens up very deep into
 4 compartments. 
That's the drawer where I stash my 
leftover squares in for convenience
 when I'm cutting.

When each compartment of the 
top drawer is full 
(I keep other supplies in the other drawers)

I move them into larger containers 
that I keep squares in that are
 cut all the same size.

I only cut leftovers into squares in increments of  
1/2" not 1/4".
For example:
 1 1/2", 2, 2 1/2", 3, 3 1/2" etc.

I keep those bins in the bottom 
of this aqua cupboard in my studio.
You would be surprised how often
 that I use those squares!
They are my go to for scrappy happy projects.

"Use it up...wear it out...
make it do...or do without!"
My grandma would be sew proud:)

I have used my scrappy storage and
scrappy sewing method for years
 and I love it.
If you want to see how I 
keep it organized in my studio
to watch Kimberly taking a secret tour
 of my studio and going through 
my drawers and things while I 
was upstairs getting ready 
for filming lol
She is a hoot!!

Okay...back to the block!
Sew these two remaining pieces together...

Like this and you are ready to 
start putting segments 
for the block together.

You should have a 6 1/2" background
 square leftover afterwards.
Keep it handy because we will use it last!

Add two half square triangles
 onto the bottom of a flying goose 
exactly like this.

Now do one exactly like this...

And just like this!!

Now you have 4 segments to sew together
 into a square...basically ...
a four patch!
Each segment should measure 
6 1/2" square at this point.

Now is the time to make sure that 
all of your half square triangles
 are going the right way or you may be spending time with "the ripper" haha

Now you have a square that should measure
  12 1/2" at this point:)

Add the shorter strip onto the bottom 
and then the longest strip 
to the right side after that.

Looks strange right now but wait...

Mark your last background square 
and sew an easy corner triangle 
onto the bottom!
I pin them when they are this large.


Your Pattern Basket Block should measure
 15 1/2" x 15 1/2" ...
that is the unfinished size.

I named this block Pattern Basket because
 of course it's full of my grandma's patterns!

It looks great when on point as well:)

Oh! I forgot to say that 
of course I cut these squares 
from the leftover after trimming 
that last large easy corner triangle.

So this is my 6" Grandma's Star
 from my tutorial a few days ago...

The colors of both blocks 
look super cute and patriotic too!

12" Grandma's Star 
15" Pattern Basket

for the Grandma's Star tute:)

It's going to be fun to make
  different sized blocks 
and have them all in one
 Vintage Block Along Sampler Quilt!!

I have one more block 
that I'll be posting this weekend ...

So please stay tuned:)

Take note that when posting on 
 use the hashtag
because we all want to see them!

Thanks for going back in time
 with me
 and sewing vintage!!

We will chat again in a few days:)


  1. I really enjoyed this post and getting a glimpse of your family's history! Thank you for sharing your gifts and family!

  2. Really enjoyed your blog today. Love vintage block patterns and I am excited about different sized blocks being put together to make a quilt! You make it all seem so easy! I am so excited to get started! ��

  3. Those vintage patterns are so cool! I just got the new farm girl fat quarter bundle to make more quilts from your farm girl vintage book. So glad you're sharing more vintage blocks! Is there any chance you could make a pieced horse companion block? My sampler quilt needs a horse! Love love love all your patterns and fabric! Thank you for all you do, you're amazing!

  4. I also love the vintage ads, etc. I have some patterns my Dad ordered us from the GRIT newspaper. They're from the 70's and the envelope is so vintagey awesome. He loved that newspaper and would often find a recipe for Mom to try. 2 of my Grandparents died before I was born and I barely remember the other 2 since they lived far away I was around 5 or 6 when they passed away. I had a fan quilt from Mom's mom and it became thread bare in so many places because it was from all the kids clothing she made. I kept one block that looked the best and would love to frame it someday. I tried hand quilting and I gave up because my stitches weren't as tiny as hers. I know big stitch quilting is in but I feel like I would be cheating. I can't imagine quilting without my rotary quilter and sewing machine or templates and the list goes on and on.

  5. Hi Lori . I'm so very glad I found Bee in my Bonnet! You are a special young lady to share these wonderful ideas with us.
    I have learned many new techniques from you which have made this (new to quilting) granny's experience much, much easier.
    I am so ready to begin working on these vintage blocks. Thank you for making an easy tutorial for beginners to follow.
    Looking forward to an exciting 2019 year lessons learned from you.

  6. I love basket blocks! I’m so glad to be piecing again😊

  7. I love this basket block. You make it so easy! I finally found some of that scrumptious chicken wire print from Bee Backgrounds, and can't wait to get busy on this block. Thank you for sharing your family stories and your crafty skills!

  8. Hi Lori,
    Your stories take me back to my childhood. My grandmother always had a quilt frame up in her parlor. When I went to visit her she would give me a needle and thread to add stitches to the quilt she was working on at the time. We always had tea and crumpets after. She taught me about quilting and my dad taught me how to sew on a machine. Such good memories.

  9. I love your Bee in a bonnet site. So well put together and so interesting and helpful. Thanks.

  10. Hi Lori,
    Thank you for your terrific easy to follow tutorials. My mom taught me how to sew and often made my "Special Dresses" from patterns. In fact Mom came down to Maryland to help me sew some Maternity sundresses back in the 70's. She used her little Singer that sewed like a dream. Love the walk into your family.
    Much Thanks,
    Lori too.
