Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Quilty Barn Along - Barn 8 and "The Water Turn" Block Tutorial!...

Well good morning cute people!
It's Wednesday and that means block 8 in the

I drew up this block and chose fabrics in green and aqua
in honor of 
"the water turn"
If you did not grow up on a farm you have no idea what I mean.
But if you did you know exactly what I mean.
No crops would ever survive
 if no sprinkler pipes were moved
or you didn't take advantage of your allotted water share day...
aka...the water turn.

Growing up...
our life revolved around the water turn.
It always seemed to come at the most inconvenient times...
night or day.
As kids we always took our turn helping dad get 
all of the pastures soaked and the water
 running down each carefully planted furrow.

My dad still plans his schedule around the water turn.
He is and always has been a very busy man.
I remember that I had to sing a solo 
in my 9th grade graduation program...
And it was right in the middle of the water turn.
I was worried that my dad wouldn't make it to hear me.
He promised that he would hurry as fast as he could.
As I walked out on stage and looked over the audience
I couldn't see anyone at all because all of the lights were down.
Of course I knew that my mom was
 in the audience but I didn't know if dad had made it.
Just as I started to sing the first line..
I heard the creaking of a door opening in the 
very back of the auditorium.
The lights were on in the hallway so I could see it was my dad...
standing there in his hip boots...
and smiling at me:)

Anyhoo...back to reality and onto the block!
(so sorry for my rambled memory:)
For the easy half square triangles in the corner
I cut 8 - 2 1/2" squares...
4 of the print and 4 of the background.

And ended up with 4 - 2 1/2" unfinished squares:)
If you are not familiar with my method...
for my tutorial.

Make 2 sets of 4 flying geese.
Remember my tutorial for the baby geese row in the row along quilt?
Of course I used my same quick and easy method to make these...
to see my tutorial. 
The measurements are exactly the same for this block.

The center square is also cut 2 1/2".

Sew your segments together until you have a 9 patch formation.
 Sew them together in rows 
and then sew the rows together.
It will measure 6 1/2" unfinished.

Choose your barn and roof fabric...

and for the door and window:)

And build your barn!

Block 8 hanging out 
with bumblebee and cherry:)
I can't wait to see your barns!
Have a quilty kind of day...

has announced the winner of their giveaway...
Go over and see if I fooled you!


  1. I love your block :) what a sweet story about the water turn, your dad and your performance. I didn't know you were a singer!

  2. Today I had my barn all made except for the quilt block, ready for the new tutorial. All I had to do was make the Water Turn block up and the barn was all together complete with sashing. I wasn'
    t expecting to, but am enjoying making the little Farmer's Wife blocks. 12 will be enough for me though.

  3. Great way to start my Wednesday...happy fabrics, fun patterns and a great childhood story. Thank you for sharing!

  4. You rock... your instructions are so complete and easy to follow.

    Loved the story about your Dad.

  5. Love your barn quilt but I chose not to participate. We just don't have any barns where I live near the Gulf of Mexico. But I did love your Row Along and my quilt is ready to go to the quilter. Thanks for all you do!

  6. I didn't grow up on a farm like that but did grow up on the west coast where there were irrigation systems. Imagine my surprise living on a farm in Michigan where they dry farm. We depend on thunderstorms to provide enough water for our crops.

  7. Thank you for sharing your story of your father and you. It reminds me of my owe family memories of youth. I love your patterns.

  8. Such a sweet memory. Thank you for sharing.

  9. Very cute! Love the bikes :)

  10. I love your posts and your blocks, and don't ever worry about "rambling"! I love your Water Turn story!! I'm so glad your dad made it!! I was in West Jordan Monday and thought of you, since I know you teach at Material Girls occasionally. Have a wonderful week!!! Hugs, H in Healdsburg

  11. What a happy happy day!!!! I just got an email from the fat quarter shop!!!!! I couldn't believe it, in fact I went to their blog just to make sure. You have no idea how pleased I am. Plus I think the idea of you being a lead singer in a country music band is so much fun.
    Thanks too for sharing the water turn story, so sweet.

  12. Love the block!! Thank you for sharing such a great memory!!

  13. What a sweet memory about your dad...I smiled as I was reading it! Thanks for another great barn block.

  14. I love this story. Please don't stop telling them. It is like visiting with a friend and getting quilty goodness at the same time.

  15. We also used the song at my wedding, We only just begun by the Carpenters. Loved your barns, did mine in Civil War.
    Thanks for the giveaway:)

  16. Your blocks are great. Of course he was there!

  17. Oh I love the retro look. Would love to go to this to see all the new fabrics and new ideas. Love your blog!!
