Monday, May 3, 2021

Red Sampler Quilt Along - Week Four!!


Hello Red Sampler folks and happy Monday!

Welcome to week four in the 

If you are just joining us...
 CLICK on the bold words 
above for my first
 blog post where I 
tell you all about it!

I have three more blocks for you!

This week I worked 
from three of my books...

For the 12" Block I made my 
Great Granny Block on page 5 
of my book Great Granny Squared.

I added my Bee Backgrounds Honeycomb 
print into this block along with
my Bee Cross Stitch Background. 
I also used my Flea Market 
Basketweave print for the medium tone
 which I'll be using a lot 
of as well!

I used my 12 1/2" Trim-It Ruler
 for my Great Granny Block:)

12" Great Granny Block

I made my 6" Vintage Pinwheel Block 
from page 105
from my book Vintage Christmas.
This block is sew 
easy peasy and fun to make...
you simply need two red prints
 that have good contrast from each other:)

I used two reds from my stash 
and my Bee Backgrounds "Diamonds" print.

6" Vintage Pinwheel Block

I used my Farm Girl Vintage Book 
to make the other 6" block.
It's called Churn Dash 
and it's on page 19.
This version uses a print for the 
center square instead of the background.

I used my Chicken Tracks 
background and 3 reds ...
all are from my 
Farm Girl Vintage fabric collection.

You may find my 
Quick Dash video
on my YouTube Channel
 helpful when making this block:)
to watch:)

6" Churn Dash Block

I hope that you will have fun
 sewing your blocks this week...
as for me...I'm having a blast:)

So far I have made four 
12" Red Sampler Blocks...

And eight - 6" Red Sampler Blocks

I'm enjoying using 
red prints from my stash...
and shopping for a few more to add
to my collection!

And it's always fun for me 
to sew from my books again and again.

Because I made the 
Great Granny Block for this week...
I thought that you might want to
 see a few photos of my 
Great Granny Quilt from the book.

It's made from 
20 - 12" Great Granny Blocks 
So of course it's just another 
setting option for you 
if you would want to make 12" blocks only.

Now if you are one of those
 that I have heard from over the years 
who are completely addicted
 to making my 6" blocks...
you could always use this setting
 from my first Farm Girl Vintage book.
This quilt setting has 48 - 6" blocks:)

Well that's it for today folks!
I've shown you all of my blocks again...
now it's time for you to show me yours!

Go ahead and use the hashtag
when posting on your social media:)

I'll meet you right back here 
next week with 3 more blocks!

P.S. Here is a list of 
each week's blog post 
for this sew along so far:
Click on the week 
that you would like to visit!


  1. Love sewing out of all of your books too!

  2. I’m a little late to the party but I’m willing to catch up. Lori Holt books are my absolutely favorite patterns.
