Saturday, August 27, 2011

My List of 6" block Tutorials!!!...

Have you been wondering where I have been?

I still have been working on 6" sampler blocks here and there inbetween everything else that's been going on this summer...

Although for the last couple of weeks...
I havn't been able to even take the
tiny-est peek at them!

I've been working on a new design and
pattern that I will show to you the
first part of next week...

I can't wait for you to see it!

So anyway...
back to sampler blocks.
Do all of the above blocks on
 my design wall look familiar to you?
That's right!....
they're all of the blocks that I
have done tutorials on.
Have you finished all of them?
A big "A+" to ya if you have:)

Above are 3 more blocks that I have used
the easy corner triangle method on too.

Strawberry = Blossom Berries
Stripe = Cherry Fizz
Green Dot = ?

Fabrics used:
Blue = Sew Cherry
Seed Catalog Print = Annie's Farm Stand
Red = Dresden Plates

Fabrics used:
White = Nantucket Summer
Pink = Bubble Gum Basics
Yellow = ?
Green = Nicey Jane
Blue = ?

Here's what they all look like together
so far...
I do have more blocks to show you
coming up next week.

BTW...I have had several people ask me 
if I would list all of my
6" sampler block tutorials
in the order that I did them,
starting with my
 Mini Design Boards Tute...
so I have listed them at the
bottom of this post...
just click on each title to
take you to the tutorial.

I wish all of you a lovely weekend and
I hope that ya'll get some quilty time sew!
P.S. I'm still having a blast on Pinterest...
click on the button below to see what
 I've been pinning:)


  1. Great blocks- I haven't done mine for a while so I am going to catch up using your tutes- thanks so much for the list of them too!

  2. They're looking so beautiful all together, wonderful. Can't wait to see more next week too!

    S x

  3. Awesome blocks Lori, I have been slowly gettin your sew cherry prints!!! I wanted to use them in my FWS but haven't gotten them all yet. I love them and it is nice to see them in your blocks. Thanks for all the tutorials too! As for pinterest I am new and haven't figured it out yet so I enjoy looking at what everyone pins, thanks!

  4. Thank you for putting a link in one place! I have enjoyed reading these and have been practicing my drafting skills a bit here and there - resizing these to 12" to see if I "get it". So far, so good!

  5. You are AWESOME (I wish you could hear my five year old say this, it really is in the delivery)!

  6. Thank you Lori. Your tutorials have been wonderful! And what a treat it is to see your blocks arranged all together!

  7. You are super fantastic for putting these in one place! I plan to start my FWQAL more toward the end of the year as my life is pretty crazy at the moment and I was trying to figure out if I should try to print your tutorials so when I get to the QAL, I can jump this is just wonderful for me! I really don't want to have to buy a bunch of templates in order to do the FMQAL (very expensive!) so your tutorials are just so generous and greatly appreciated! Thank you!!! P.S. Your completed blocks are truly beautiful!

  8. your farmers wife blocks are by far my favorite of all i've seen around the web - and there are a lot of them! i love your fabric choices and the piecing is impeccable!

  9. I could gaze at your beautiful blocks for hours! The fabrics are just so much fun and your blocks look so crisp and perfect!
    Question - I use your leaders and enders tutorial. I still (even with pinning) have my fabrics slip by enough to make them all askew! Is there a tip to getting them to stay accurate? The little 1 1/2 squares joined together are the hardest for me!!!
    Can't wait to see your new pattern!

  10. Oh my! Everything's perfect!

    I noticed that u have lots of irons :)

    I wish I could do something like this..


  11. Lori these colors are perfect together...very graphic. That must be why I like Sew Cherry so much. More amazing sewing skills every time you all your pins...Renee

  12. Fantastic blocks....always love your choice of fabrics and colors. So very kind of you with these much easier, at least for this quilter! the iron collection too!

  13. Love your blocks. Are all the dot fabrics from your line (specifically the grey dot)?

  14. Lori they look so good together! You are an artist truely!
    I was in Logan again on sat and saw your adorable appliqué project!! Love love it. I want to go to the classes so bad. If that is the same weekend my husband takes his scouts out I am heading up.
    Thanks for the inspiration

    So glad/sad to read about your grandmother. She was remarkable. Still is. . .

  15. Thanks for listing them all together like that. I guess I need to get drafting my patterns with cutting sizes for pieces.

  16. Beautiful blocks... can't wait to start on mine (after the Dog Kennel quilt show for sure!) Thanks for the great tutorials! You are the queen ;)

  17. Your blocks are looking fab! I've abandoned the FW lately but this is inspiring to come back to it :)

  18. Have'n fun. I am still learning but getting much better drafting blocks now than at first When I look at #39 Friendship I am not quite sure about construction. humm I am thinking 3.5 in squares forming 4 half square triangles then adding 1.75 corner triangles to the centers. Sound right?
    Cindy in Utah

  19. I ABSOLUTELY love your blog. The music had me in tears a couple times. I love the farmer's wife tutorials since I've been struggling with paper piecing. Your picture at the top of your blog is so precious. Reminds me of the hairdryers we used to have in our house of 10 kids! Thanks for bringing out memories and helping me to remember such fun and innocent times! Can't wait to see more posts from you as I am now a follower. Thanks. :)

  20. oh I just love your farmers wife blocks, they are right up my street with your lovely lovely fabric choices! Can I ask how you stick them to pinboard?/wall? such a great idea to have them up where you can see them. Would love to try and do something like that myself :) Jessie, xo

  21. Great blocks! My favorite is the #39 Friendship block.

  22. I have really enjoyed your tutorials. I am going through and makeing each of the blocks. I have always wanted to make a sampler quilt but was afraid of the small pieces. Your tutorials have opened my eyes to new ways to make small pieces. Thanks so much.
