Monday, September 28, 2020

Prim Sew Along - Week Six!!


Welcome to week six of the

We are making the
72" x 90"

We are also using the

And my newest fabric collection 
to make the quilt:)

I have already posted the
 post which details all of the supplies
 for the sew along and how it works.
I have also given the link there 
for the free PDF Download 
of the Sew Along Guide

to read that post.

So far we have made 

for the first week blog post


for that blog post

for that blog post

for that blog post

And last week we made the block
for last week's post

This week we are making block 6

Prim Sew Simple Shapes 
needed for this week are:
1 - K3
1 - K4
1 - K5
8 - K8
1 - K12
1 - K13
2 - K14
2 - K15
1 - K36
3 - K43
1 - K49
2 - K54

1/4" strips needed:
Flower stems - cut two 4 1/2" long
 and press slightly curved
1/4" Vase Handles - cut two 3 1/2" long 
and press them super curvy
1/4"Basket Trim (Bottom) - 
should measure 2 1/4" long
 after pressing both ends under.
*Following is Optional...
(I decided to add this just now!)
1/4" Basket Trim (top)-
should measure 3 1/4" long
 after pressing both ends under.
you will need to trace the roof in reverse
 for NEXT week's block not this one:)

Use SSShape K8 for the 
door...2 chimney and 5 windows.
Use the dashed lines on K8 
to mark your stitching lines. 

You will need to sew these to fabrics together for the flowers before you sew the K54 SSShape.
Don't forget to press your seams open:)

After sewing you will need to clip the inner curves and cleavage areas in these appliqués before turning.

All shaped up and ready for pinning!

I pinned the ticking print shape first...then overlapped the side with the windows a bit and then added the roof over top.

Use your ruler and my photos for placement:)

All ready for applique!!

This is one of my favorite 
blocks in the quilt...
I even used it in my PRIM fabric logo.
It's probably because 
I'm partial to house blocks:)

When you have 6 blocks completed 
you can go ahead and sew your 
second row together and then 
add it to the first row!

Don't forget that the 
Prim Quilt layout and how 
it all goes together is on 
page 14 of the sew along guide:)

Keep the photos coming on your social media...we all love them!!!

I'll chat with you next week
during the next tutorial:)

Friday, September 25, 2020

Quilters Cottage Sew Along Week Eight!!

Today is week eight in the

It's hosted by 
and I am posting here during weeks 
two - four - six - eight!

Go on over and visit the 
Jolly Jabber Blog on weeks 
one - three - five - seven - nine


           before it was quilted!

Here is the schedule for the sew along 
and how each week is divided up 
between the blocks in the quilt.

Of course you will need your 
because it has all of the cutting and 
step by step instructions for 
making each block and 
putting the quilt together.

The quilt is made with my
 Vintage Happy 2 Fabric 
 but of course you can 
use whatever you would like because 
"you are the boss of your own quilt"

Fat Quarter Shop rounded up 5 amazing bloggers/instagram participants 
to post their blocks each week.
Please go visit them and give them some Quilter's Cottage Love!

And of course you can visit the hashtag
to see a lot of other 
block inspiration from
the book as well:)

Beverly McCullough
 (@flamingotoes), Flamingo Toes
Kristie Muir 
 (@heritage.threads), Heritage Threads
Vickie Zaleski 

We are almost done with 
making the blocks
and next week is the big finish! 

I wanted to show you some of the 
Quilters Cottage Blocks 
that are hanging on the clothesline
and were sewn   
by our five participants.

All of their blocks are really cute!

Flamingo Toes

Crosshatch Quilts

Sew Bella's Quilt Cart

Heritage Threads

Crocheting Vixen

This week e
veryone will be sewing the

It sure has been fun to sew 
these blocks in all different prints.

If you need even more inspiration 
bee sure to check out the 
hashtag page on IG

It's been sew fun celebrating 
the release of my 
Quilters Cottage Book
 during this sew along.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart
 to everyone who is participating!
I'll chat with you later:)

Monday, September 21, 2020

Prim Sew Along - Week Five!!

"Beauty and Simplicity"

Welcome to week five of the

We are making the
72" x 90"

We are also using the

And my newest fabric collection 
to make the quilt:)

I have already posted the
 post which details all of the supplies
 for the sew along and how it works.
I have also given the link there 
for the free PDF Download 
of the Sew Along Guide

to read that post.

So far we have made 

for the first week blog post 


for that blog post

for that blog post

And last week we made the 
for last week's tutorial

this week we are making the block

Prim Sew Simple Shapes 
needed for this block are:
4 - K11
1 - K12
1 - K13
8 - K51
4 - K57
4 - K58

You will need to sew these two 
fabrics together for the
flower buds before you sew
 the K57 SSShapes

After sewing and trimming...
you will need to clip the cleavage areas
 in the appliqués that are 
on the cutting mat...
not the design board.

Okay...let's pin baste these flowers!

Use the 1/4" bias strips for the stems:
Cut 4 - 3 1/2" long
Cut 4 - 7" long

Because this block is symmetrical...
the easiest way to lay it out 
is to press your background
 in half both ways...and then both ways 
on the diagonal as well:)

Now you can pin your 
star directly in the center!

And then pin the stems 
right on the center of 
the creased lines.

See how these pressed lines 
are the same as the ones on the ruler!!


Pin the flowers like this.

Now you can use the Sue Glue 
and remove your pins:)

Use your ruler to center them 
correctly and stay within the
 aqua border on the ruler.

Place something heavy on top
 while the glue dries....
I put my brand new Prim Notebooks on mine!

Block 5 is all ready to appliqué:)

After applique...
trim it to 16 1/2" square
 so that it will fit into the quilt!

I love this block and I think it
 would make an adorable pillow 
as well as making several of them 
for an entire quilt!

If you didn't get a chance 
to watch the Prim Steps Block
 tutorial on Friday
to watch it and find out 
all about making 
the blocks for the border.

For the video I pinned the 
first three blocks to my design wall 
and sandwiched them between the 
Corner Stars and the Steps Blocks.
Wouldn't it be cute as a 
wallhanging just like this?

Then I took the bottom row off 
and added the sashing and 
cornerstones underneath just like 
they are in the quilt.

Here are a few close up photos 
for you so that you can sew
 which sashing strips go where.

Of course on page 14 of the guide 
it shows you exactly how to 
sew the rows and the entire quilt together...

But photos always help!

When you have the first three blocks 
finished you can sew the 
top of the quilt together like this...
or wait until you have
 all the blocks completed:)

Whichever way that you decide to do it
 is up to you and your 
individual sewing time schedule.

The most important thing is to relax
 and enjoy each step of the way!

I'll meet you right back here
 next week for another 
Prim Block tutorial:)