Thursday, February 21, 2019

Vintage Block Along - Block 11 - Sunday Star Block Tutorial

Welcome to another episode of the 

I'm sharing another 
vintage block pattern from 
Grandma's pattern basket.

I'm using my 
Farm Girl Vintage Fabric 
to make each block.

All of the blocks that 
we are making will eventually 
make their way into a quilt!

Todays block finishes at 
14" and is called

This photo may look familiar to you:)
It's me when I was 3 years old!

This is where you would find me
 every Sunday morning
 when I was little.
Sitting under the hairdryer...
with pink curlers in my hair.
When my hair was dry 
Mom would comb it out..
put a dress on me
and get me all ready for church:)

The pink bonnet hair dryer 
hooked up to the vacuum!
There was a switch that would
 blow air out and that's
 what it was used for.
And yes...
the air was clean and NOT
 hooked up to the vacuum bag lol.

If you didn't have time to 
hang out with these vintage ladies
 at the beauty parlor...
 then having the convenience of
 a portable hair dryer at home 
was the way to go!

That's me on the end...
 singing and holding a flower
and after the hair dryer 
 on an Easter Sunday morning. 
My hair never did hold a 
curl very well and still doesn't:)

My 3 older sisters and I 
spent a lot of time
  under the hair dryer for 
many special occasions...
 but every week it was for
 church on Sunday.

Of course grandma was already there
  when we arrived...
saving a place for us 
on the long wooden benches.

We all wanted to sit next to her.
She would help us to 
be reverent and sit still 
by doing small things for us.

She let us wear her necklace 
for a few minutes...then she
 made dolls from our hankies:)

Grandma always kept her purse 
stocked well with 
fruit flavored Certs and 
plenty of Life Savers:)
My favorite was butterscotch and still is!

Afterwards we always had Sunday dinner
 with Grandma...
either at our house or at hers.

And after that...
all of us cousins would play outside
 until it was dark:)
Then it was time for 
board games and cards.

When I say "we"...
I mean Aunts and Uncles 
and cousins as well.
Sunday was a day for family!
Some of our favorites were 
Rook...Pit and RACKO!

So I named this block Sunday Star 
because I loved Sundays 
and I loved that we 
spent them with Grandma.

I chose this teal diamond print
 from my Bee Backgrounds collection 
for this block:) 
From your background you will need to cut:
4 - 4 1/2" squares
4 - 3 1/2" squares
4 - 2 1/2" x 4 1/2"
8 - 2 1/2" squares

From the center fabric cut:
1 - 4 1/2" square
8 - 2 1/2" x 3 1/2"

From the outside fabric cut:
4 - 2 1/2" x 5 1/2"
4 - 2 1/2" x 3 1/2"
8 - 2 1/2" squares

Grab the rectangles from the 
star print and the 8 
smallest background squares.
You will make the star points
 by sewing easy corner triangles 
onto one end of each rectangle.

Mark a line on the background squares
 or use the
If you need to see how I 
put mine on my machine...

Remember to sew 4 going one way 
and 4 going the other like this.
Trim off the excess...

press and trim for a total of 8.

Now sew them together and 
set aside for a minute.

Now grab the 4 background rectangles
 and the 8 smallest gray squares
 to make 4 flying geese.

Remember that you have to sew 
all of the easy corner triangles 
to one side before you can 
add the other sides.

You should have a total of 4
 that measure 2 1/2" x 4 1/2"

Sew the star points segments
 on top of the flying geese 
like this and set aside.

You should have a total of four 
that each measures 4 1/2" x 5 1/2" 

Now grab the remaining pieces 
(EXCEPT for the 4 1/2" background squares)...

Ans sew four segments like this.
You should have a total of 4 
that measure 5 1/2" square.

Now lay them all out onto
 your large design board.

Sew the 3 rows together first ...
and sew those rows together.

This block is cute...

but to finish for a Sunday Star 
you will need to add the 
easy corner triangles onto each corner.

Draw a line from corner to corner 
onto the wrong side of the 
background square and sew it on.

Trim off the excess and press!

Now those gray prints form a circle surrounding the star.
I love it!

An entire quilt of this block
 would be gorgeous...but I have
 said that about every vintage block 
we have done so far lol

This is a great vintage block 
and it was fun to figure out the 
redrafting it so that we can 
rotary cut it instead of 
using templates like grandma did:)

Your Sunday Star Block should 
measure 14 1/2" square at this point:)

Here's the back of my block 
if you want to see how I pressed it.

Thanks for sewing vintage
 with me today!!
See you next week:)

P.S. If you are just joining us 
and want to sew vintage blocks with me...
click on each block 
that we have already sewn
 for that tutorial:

8. Humble


  1. Thank you Lori! I am loving this sew along! 🥰

  2. Lori, I just love reading this blog! I was born in 1957 and you seem to remind me of my childhood with all your gorgeous fabrics and pictures and stories. Keep them coming! I love the quilt blocks, etc. too!

  3. I'm having a great time learning about your grandmother. Your descriptions are so vivid, I feel like I'm there. Also - Racko!! We played that game all the time when I was a kid! Thanks for the memory. :)

  4. I am new to your blog and am enjoying your reminiscing. I was born in 54 so I can relate to your history. Brings back lots of wonderful memories.
