Thursday, May 16, 2019

Vintage Block Along - Week 17 - Potluck Block!!

Well hello again!
I'm so happy to be back 
and to continue the

As I told you in my last post 
I knew that I would have to
 take a break because of the 
photo shoot for my next book
 called Farm Girl Vintage 2!

Above is the cover quilt...
and the photo was taken 
on the back deck off of my kitchen:)

Every photo shoot for my books 
always take place at my house 
because I like to set up and style 
all of the photos and use 
vintage props from the 
decor around my home.

However in this shot above 
we went over to my other mom's house
 (Mr.Honey's mom)
 to get a picture of all 45 blocks
  on her clothesline.
She still hangs her 
laundry there every Monday:)

This is another shot 
taken on my back deck...
some of the doll quilts in the book.
There is a whole section 
in the book for these and I love them!

I have other projects in the book
 besides a whole lot of quilts 
and these Farm Girl Pin Pillows 
are just one of them:)

Kimberly and the girls were here
 for the week and we took photos
 for about 10 hours every day.

On the last day she did a live video
 from my kitchen and showed each
 and every quilt block...
every quilt and every project
 in the book and chatted about each one.
to watch the video and to 
see them all up close and personal!

The book will be out this September
 and I'm super excited about it. 
Now that all of the sewing is completed 
and pictures are taken 
I can once again get back to my 
weekly tutorials for the 
Vintage Block Along:)

I have another block to share with you
 from Grandma's pattern basket.

This is a fun block to make and it comes together very easily once it's broken down into segments.

I'm calling this block POTLUCK 
because every quilting bee day
 at Grandma's house...
we all brought a potluck dish
 to share at lunchtime.

I love the old recipe books...
they have all the best potluck dishes!

Of course all of the potluck 
dishes were brought in Pyrex...

Or in Tupperware:)

I'm continuing to use my 
Farm Girl Vintage fabric...

along with Bee Backgrounds:)

I redrafted this vintage block
 so that it could be 
rotary cut and machine pieced 
in my method that I love.
 Potluck finishes at 18" x 18"

Here is the cutting for one block:

Background- Cut 24 - 3 1/2" squares
Cut 4 - 3 1/2 x 6 1/2" rectangles

Red - Cut 1 - 6 1/2" square
Cut 8 - 3 1/2" squares

Teal - Cut 12 - 3 1/2" squares

Gray - Cut 4 - 3 1/2" x 6 1/2" rectangles

Before we go on I thought you 
might want to sew this
 little vintage to mixer 
turned pincushion up close!

I have a fun collection of 
vintage kitchen toys and I 
love to use them in my sewing room.

I placed my Farm Girl Vintage pin bowl
 in place of the mixing bowl 
and added a vintage spool of thread
 on the post at the top.

I keep my pretty pins in there
 and a pair of my Bee Basics scissors.
Easy peasy and fun!

Okay let's get started on the block.
Grab the red 3 1/2" squares and
 8 of the background 3 1/2" squares.

Place them right sides together 
and sew from point to point diaginally.
Either mark a line or use the 

Trim the excess leaving an 
approximate 1/4" seam allowance
 and press open for a total of
 8 - 3 1/2" half square triangles.
Set them aside for later.

Now grab the rectangles...

And sew them together like this.

We are going to add 
easy corner triangles 
onto each corner.

Sew these two on the 
opposite corners first...

And then add the other two like this.
You should have 4 segments
 measuring 6 1/2" square.
Set them aside.

Next you will use the 
4 remaining teal 3 1/2" squares
 to sew an easy corner triangle 
onto each corner of the
 red 6 1/2" square.
Remember to sew opposite corners first...
trim them and press open before you 
can add the last two corners.

You should have one of these 
segments measuring 6 1/2" square.

Now you will need to make 
4 of these segments using the 
8 half square triangles and the
 8 remaining background squares.

You should have 4 of them now 
and they should measure 6 1/2" square.

Now lay out all nine segments
 onto your design board like this.

Sew the block together by sewing 
3 rows and then sew 
those 3 rows together...
just like sewing a nine patch block.

I also pressed my seams open
 when joining all of the segments
 together to make the block 
and used my Double Pins when seams
 needed to line up perfectly.

Here is the back of my block.

measures 18 1/2" square
 at this point...
and will measure 18" square 
after we sew it into our quilt.

I'm still not finished 
sharing blocks with you...
so we will continue for a while yet...
But if I had to guess 
I'd say we are halfway through:)

If you are just joining us...
here is the list of the 
Vintage Blocks that we have done so far.

Click on each one 
to go to that tutorial:

8. Humble
15. Memory


  1. Wow, I had no idea that photo taking would be so intense! But your books are always so beautiful that I'm sure it's worth every minute ;).
    I have to say that I am especially intrigued by the photo of the doll quilts on the doll beds...I can see a new obsession forming already!
    Thanks for sharing and I can't wait for your new book to come out in the Fall!

  2. So glad you are back to these fun vintage blocks! It was fun to see what is coming in your new book in Septembe. Meanwhile, these blocks are awesome!

  3. I cannot wait until September!! My bday is that month, perfect!! Glad to get back to this block along too!

  4. Oh my goodness! I have missed these blocks so so much! What a pleasant surprise when I checked my e-mail this morning and there you were!! These blocks have been such blessing to me! I just cannot thank you enough for always sharing with us,I have learned so many things from you,quilty things and decorating things! Im always excited to see what you are going to make next and your colors,....WOW,...they always make me happy!! -Myra

  5. I am joining in late because I had to wait for the farm girl fabrics to be available. Thanks for making it so easy to catch up! I am going to start cutting today!

  6. Love this new Potluck Block and your cute mixer turned pincushion! Can't wait till your new book comes out. The projects are all so adorable. The washing line in your picture, is like the one I grew up with, and would love to have again. Loved how you could 'hide' many pieces of clothing inbetween all the rest :)!

  7. Fun Fun September will be here before we know it! All signed up & just waiting for your new book to appear in my mailbox! Can't Wait!!!❤🐦❤❤❤

  8. Since seeing all about your new Farm Girl Vintage 2 book launch, I've bought some of your older books and fabrics too! I've just made the 6.5" Farmhouse block from your original Farm Girl Vintage book and want to make a 20x20 cushion cover with it! And this block is perfect to insert the Farmhouse block in the middle (with another border around the edge!). Great!!

  9. Thank you for another amazing block. They are all beautiful and each new one becomes my favorite!!

  10. Ooooo I loved seeing your email in my box when I arrived home! Such beautiful pictures for your new book! I can't wait! I also can't wait to sew this new vintage block. What a beautiful block and you make it so easy! I have been sewing for over 60 years, and I still learn so much from you! Thank you for all your hard work and for sharing with us. Welcome back!

  11. OH YAY!!! I was quite happy to see your e-mail this morning. I will be cutting out my material as soon as I jump off here. Half way through, scares me a little ... afraid I might run out of fabric. I will improves; if I have to.
    So happy (!!!) to be back sewing these vintage blocks. Thank you, once again.

  12. I just can't wait to get your new book. I've made quite a few quilts from your previous books and just made one from the Vintage Christmas book. Love your creativity.

  13. So nice to see behind the scenes for your photo shoot! I love the clothesline shot. I will be looking forward to the book when it is published. I am hoping to get over my fear of learning to quilt. But as I see how easily you make your quilt block that you are teaching here in this post, I am sure the book will be well written. So thank you for all your efforts. And I love your toy mixer turned pin cushion. It's adorable! 😍 Blessings, Susie
