Thursday, August 29, 2019

Vintage Block Along - Week 30 - Leftovers Block!!

Well hello there!

I'm back from glamping 
so it's time for Week 30 in our
 Vintage Block Along

I'm sharing another vintage block
 with you from my 
grandma's pattern basket:)

I'm using Farm Girl Vintage fabric...

And this weeks block is sew scrappy happy!

It's the perfect block to 
use some of your stash
 and also "leftovers" from your 
easy corner triangle trimmings:)

And that's exactly what 
I'm calling this block...LEFTOVERS!!

I'm sure that I'm not the only one
 that has memories of their 
grandparents using everything up 
and not wasting ANYTHING!

Grandma made many casseroles 
and stews using leftovers...
basically recycling last nights meal
 into tomorrows lunch or dinner.

She often made clothes for her children 
by re-cutting and re-sizing
 her older dresses or grandpa's
 worn out shirts...
nothing went to waste!
Growing up during the depression
 made this a necessity for them 
and is still sound advice for today.

Of course the leftovers
 also became quilts...
both utilitarian and beautiful:)

I like to keep that tradition alive 
through my quilting as well...
by saving up and USING my scraps:)
I know that grandma would be proud!

For the LEFTOVERS Block you will need 
32 - 1 1/2" leftover squares:)

For the background cut:
8 - 2 1/2" squares

From this print cut:
8 - 2 1/2" squares

Pair up the 2 1/2" squares...

And sew from corner to corner
 to make half square triangles.
Draw a sewing line or use the 

Trim off the excess...
which by the way are 
too small for me to save:)

Press the seams open and you should have 
8 - 2 1/2" half square triangles.

Now for the scrappy squares...
you will need to make 
4-patch blocks with them.

You will need 8 of them and 
they should also measure 2 1/2" square.

Now you will need to make 4 segments.

Look closely and you will sew
 that the top two are arranged 
differently than the bottom two.
The difference is how the
 half square triangles are turned.

Make 2 of each kind.
They should each measure
 4 1/2" square at this point.

Now sew your segments together like this...
pay close attention to
 how each segment is turned...

Once they are sewn together
 your block should look like this!

This is the back of my block:)

should measure 8 1/2" square 
before we sew it into our quilt.

As I said ...we are about 3/4 of the way finished making blocks and I'm sew excited about how our quilt will turn out!

It's going to be a beauty 
with all of the scrappy prints....
scrappy backgrounds and
 different sized blocks 
all coming together in
 pure vintage style

Thanks for sewing vintage with me 
and I'll meet you right back here
 next week for another
 vintage block tutorial:)

If you are just joining us...
click on each block that we have
 done so far to go to the tutorial:

8. Humble
15. Memory
19. Picnic
20. Sparklers
26. Parade


  1. Love these scrappy blocks! I'm keeping up with this QAL, and loving every minute. Every week when I read your post, and while I sew along, it brings back sweet memories of my 2 wonderful grandmas. ❤️ I save those little cutoffs, by the way. When making easy corner triangles from 2.5 inch squares, I use a ruler to accurately cut the quarter inch seam, then instead of throwing away the cuttings, I keep them paired together and sew little HST's as a leader/ender project. Then I pair up 4 hst's and sew them into a tiny block. They are tiny and sewn on the bias, but I'll make something cute with them!

  2. Thank you for all the wonderful blocks...

  3. This block could make an awesomely scrappy quilt on its own.
