Thursday, November 14, 2019

Vintage Block Along - Week 36 - Wash Day Block!!

Welcome back to my blog 
for the next episode of the 

This week I'm sharing another 
vintage block with you from 
my grandma's pattern basket:)

I'm using Farm Girl Vintage Fabric
 and Bee Backgrounds for my blocks:)

Today's block is another classic 
traditional vintage block that most
 often went by the name Clay's Choice.

I've named mine WASH DAY and here's why...
you know I love blocks that 
look like they are in motion 
and I chose this one because 
I wanted to share my memories of 
being at Grandma's house on washday.

I thing the block looks like the 
top view of looking into the washer...
don't you?
The red looks like the paddles to me
 and the aqua is the clothes 
being swished back and forth
 and the background is 
the water and suds:) 

Every Monday was washday at Grandma's house.
Her washer and dryer set 
were white Whirlpools.
They were in what she called the
 "Blue Bathroom"...
the walls were painted aqua:)

Her other bathroom she called the
 "Pink Bathroom" and yes...
those walls were painted pink:)

When the weather was warm Grandma
 liked to hang her wash on the line
 instead of using the dryer.

I LOVED helping her hang the wash!
There's something so satisfying
 about a full clothesline
 of neatly hung wash...
just blowing in the breeze.

I loved the clean smell of the 
damp clothes while taking them out 
of the basket to hang...
and then even better...
I loved the clean smell
 after they dried...
they seemed to smell like sunshine!

Are you ready to make
 your own WASH DAY Block?
It's going to be fun!

You will need 2 prints and a background.

From the background cut:
8 - 2 1/2" squares

From this print cut:
8 - 2 1/2" squares

From this print cut:
4 - 2 1/2" x 4 1/2" rectangles

First step is to add
 easy corner triangles onto
 each side of the rectangles.

You will need 4 of each of the squares.

Sew them by using the 
or by marking a diagonal line first.

Bee sure to pay attention 
on the direction that you 
sew them and that they
 are just like mine.

They should end up looking just like this:)
They should each measure 2 1/2" x 4 1/2"

Next sew the remains 8 squares together...

Like this!
Now sew them to the top 
of the first segments.

Afterwards you should have 
4 segments measuring 4 1/2" square.

Lay them out like this 
and sew the block together.

Easy peasy!
I love how fast this block goes together 
and it will look great 
in so many color combinations:)

Here's the back of my block:)

WASH DAY should measure 8 1/2" square
 before we sew it into our quilt.

Thanks so much for 
sewing vintage with me today...
and for tuning in to listen 
about my memories with Grandma.

I'm sure that many of you 
have the same memories that I do
 of hanging wash with 
your own Grandma's too!

If you are just joining us...
click on each block that we have
 done so far to go to the tutorial:

8. Humble
15. Memory
19. Picnic
20. Sparklers
26. Parade
30. Leftovers
35. Twirl


  1. A lovely block thanks for sharing it.

    Yes lots of lovely memories of my Nanna but mainly sewing & knitting with her when I was little. Sadly she wasn't well enough to do a lot of housework & didn't live long enough to see me grow up. I missed her a lot. You have such great memories so it's lovely that you share them with us.

  2. My mother still hangs out all her wash. It's her concession to solar power. 😉
