Well- here I am in blogger-land! I hope you find a comfy chair, make some cocoa and settle in for a good read:) I plan to tell you a lot about my quilting adventures and lots of other fun and interesting things along the way. Feel free to look around and read about the creation of each of my quilt patterns. (buttons to the right) I will continue writing about each one as I get more time. To those of you who are my quilty students, you may click on the club name to see all of the blocks we have completed so far and also information concerning the next month. (such as layout size needed). I hope that you enjoy your stay here and come back to visit often!
Hi Lori,
I'm so glad you found me. How cool is that? I have been an admirer of yours for a very very very long time. I will date both of us by saying we use to be tole paint designers for Provo Craft way back in the 90's.
You were the best designer then (I was a little nobody in comparison to tole designers like you but I loved every minute of it) and you're an AWESOME quilt designer now.
All of your quilts are inspiring and I'm amazed at your prolific creativity. You amaze me!!!! I'm pretty creative but I don't have the kind of time needed to be so or probably the desire to make it a full time business. I love all of your work and I'm so excited to spread the word that you have a blog. Can I feature you on my blog? I'd love to help get the word out in blogland. Blogging has been so much fun and there are soooo many creative people out there. I LOVE IT!!!
I will definitely add you to my google reader too!
Hugs, Kim
Hi again, I left a lengthy comment just a short time ago and realized I was signed in as my daughter mckenna. Sorry! This is Kim Walus from bittybitsandpieces.blogspot.com
Oh how exciting Lori! I have been waiting for your blog for a loooong time, as I know others have as well. Your blog is exquisite, it really represents your personality. Instead of hot chocolate though, I will be drinking lemonade....
Hi Lori,
I just found you (through my friend Pam) & I'm so happy you are blogging! I have loved you designs for several years now. . . & didn't realize that you had so many! They are all so wonderful! I have loved Apron Club - & now that I see Grandma's Kitchen . . . oh my! That brings back so many memories! Thank you for using your gifts in such a wonderful way!
xo, Bren
Your blog header is so darling. I love your lay out. Who designed your blog? You? It really is very cute. Welcome to blog land.
:) I've been sitting in a nice comfy chair, sipping on my chi tea, and loving every last word of your amazing adventures. It's so thrilling to go threw them with you and having to sew along the way. My 8 year old daughter also loves your work, we love all of your fun colorful fabric line, and I started to teacher her how to sew to with your patterns. Thank you for all of your inspirational work.
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