Okay...more about the strawberries from yesterday's post but first....I want to share with you a "new to me" blog by the very creative and talented Anita.
Her blog is called My Country Cottage Garden and I found it while I was visiting my friend Maryjane at Beehive Cottage.
Anita's blog caught my eye because I noticed on Maryjanes sidebar a picture like the little strawberries that I had made.....I clicked on over to find out that Anita had made some too!
I'm so glad that I found her. Her blog is wonderful and I added it onto my sidebar as fast as I could so that I didn't miss anything that she posted.
I have been following Maryjanes blog for a long time. You may have noticed the link on my sidebar already. She has become my friend through blogging.
We have alot in common and she is so sweet. Her blog is absolutely fabulous and so is she!
Go over to visit both Maryjane and Anita...tell them I sent you and give them a big Howdy from me!
Now for the strawberries and the first book that I want to share with you. It has been on my shelf for quite some time now....I'm going to give you a peek of the back cover first...it's as beautiful as the front cover.
This is the book that has the pattern in it for the strawberries.
The book is called "Sew Pretty Homestyle"......what can I say about it except...I heart it!
It's by a Norwegian designer by the name of Tone Finnanger. The name of her company is Tilda.....cute huh? She designs alot of very beautiful things to make with a comfy cozy feel.
If you want to know more about Tone and her designs...visit her website here.
Her book is gorgeous to look at and has several very tempting projects. I have made these flowers in a variety of sizes...
...and these sleeping masks have Kassidy's vote for our next sew night project because she sleeps with one every night!....
The next book is one that I just picked up last week..."Schnibbles Times Two" by Carrie Nelson.I'm sure that you have all seen it floating around on other quilty blogs...
I really love this flying geese quilt above called "Open Season"....I'm thinking Carrie must have a goose hunting husband too!
This is the first quilt that I'd like to make out of the book and it happens to be the one featured on the front cover.
Carrie's book is perfectly quilty and perfect for using pre-cuts like charm packs (5" squares) and layer cakes (10" squares).
I'm partial to Layer Cakes myself and have quite a collection... (you can see some of them in the above photo)....
I like to keep my layer cakes rolled up in a cupboard for easy access and I like the way that they look like yummy patchwork cinnamon rolls.
I really should start using up my layer cakes at a faster rate than I collect them...lol...
Maybe Carrie's book will help me out with that situation!