I am checking things off my list as I put them in the trailer. ...and when I say "I" ....I really mean my kids!
I put everything on my kitchen table as remembered to load and they are my carriers!
I thought I would show you a few things I am taking.
As they are both about trailers and camping I thought they were the perfect choice.
It's killing me to wait until I get there to peruse them...but I did open "My Cool Caravan" long enough for a little sneak peek...and to snap the above pictures.
It's made from terry cloth and I don't think it's ever been used. I found it last week when I found my egg holder while thrifting.
I started this tradition several years back....this is what I do.....
I keep a big selection of coloring books in the trailer....and as I have told you before, we go with the same friends (several families) every year....and everyone of all ages colors at least one coloring book page while we are there.
I make sure they sign their page along with the year and I keep them in my trailer.
It's fun for all of us to look back on the pages every year!
I knew they would go perfectly out there in the trailer.
This is a set I usually take. It's not vintage but I still love it! Quirky little S&P shakers are fun to put on the table during our potluck dutch-oven dinners.
I always take my cute little vintage fan along....sometimes it's needed for a bit in the hot afternoon if there is no breeze.
At night when it gets cold...(as it always does in the mountains)...we have a heater and plenty of quilts to make our bed comfy cozy warm.
Hey girls...I said I was going camping...I didn't say I was roughing it! (my trailer does have a bathroom, shower, fridge and a cute little double sink!)
I just plug the fan in when we are going somewhere with electrical hook-ups..... but when we aren't....Mr. Honey turns on the generator for me.
Yes....Mr. Honey is a good man to have around...especially when camping.
Mr. Honey and I have spent lots of enjoyable hours fixing up our trailer. I love it! It's just like playing house!
We keep lots of games in our trailer and play them often...Racko, UNO and Phase 10 are a few favorites. I found another set of Old Phase 10 cards at the same thrift shop last week for 50 cents....not a card missing and even still had the instructions.
But our very favorite card game to play is Hand & Foot. You just need 6 decks of cards to play it....(and some good snacks)!
This year Mr. Honey and I are heading up a tournament (double elimination) for all those 18 and up. I'll tell you how it went when I get back....we are a pretty competitive bunch!

Of course....I also have my kindle to take. I have downloaded a few new books for my own reading time....if I get any!...if I do, I'm prepared.
As a family....we always listen to books on CD on the drive there and back.
This trip we will be listening to these 3. I've heard fabulous things about this series.
Of course....I also have my kindle to take. I have downloaded a few new books for my own reading time....if I get any!...if I do, I'm prepared.
I made these the first trip we went on and everyone there insists that I keep up that tradition too!
My sisters and I would make these alot while we were still at home and they are still one of my favorites to take camping!
I took pictures when I made them and when I get back I will share the recipe and a tutorial with you....
Your trailer is even adorable!!! Have fun camping!
Great memories! Lately, they've been flooding back to me~with YOUR help! Can't wait to see your playhouse! My husband asked me what a Kindal was. We have mixed emotoins about them. He was a lawyer and always had his law library to keep up, now it's on Lexus Nexus... I think that they would be handy for busy women like yourself. ENJOY!
You made me homesick for my trailer. We sold it several years ago and my husband finally admitted he HATED camping. But I love it. I really do miss it. Have fun. Love your stuff. You make everything special. It all has that wonderful Lori touch.
I see a fun time coming. Enjoy!
Have fun camping! We sold our camper this past spring and we miss it.
Hope you have a great vaca filled with lots of memories.
Oh, how SWEET is that trailer? Your whole blog is, too. I wanted to tell you I have the match to your "crayon" cannisters...it's a breadbox! I love it and someday hope to find matching cannisters of my own!
Have a wonderful time on your camping trip! It sounds just amazing...
Here's the post where I show my breadbox...
Looks like your ready to go. We always took scrabble, Yahtzee and cards with us when we camped also. One year it rained everyday except the last day we were there and the girls and I played games until we could not play games anymore. Have a great time cannot wait for you to share your recipe.
You sure know how to make things fun! Hope you have a wonderful time!
Hope you have a wonderful time and looking forward to reading about all your adventures!
What a cute trailer! Looks exactly how I pictured your trailer would look. All decorated up Lori style.
We used to have a sign on our fridge that was a quote from one of our kids. It goes "The family that Phases (10) together, stayses together".
I've not seen the Alma series, either. You'll have to tell me what you think.
Enjoy, Enjoy! Take lots of pictures and tell us all about it when you get back.
Hello Sweet Lori!
Looks like you are all ready to hit the road! Don't ya just love those vintage travel trailer books! My blog is mentioned in the Sister's on the Fly one! You will have to share your Holly Dolly bars because they look heavenly!!! What kind of trailer do you have Lori? Bet it looks so cute decked out in all your vintage finds! Oh how I love to decorate and finds things for my little trailer!
Have a WONDERFUL time!!!
Love ya,
Wow, it all sounds so retro and idyllic and fun!!!
After reading all this, I want to go too. Have a fabulous time Lori.
Hand and foot! We used to play that all the time, but haven't played in ages. Hope you all have a great time.
OhMyGosh! How could the trip be anything BUT perfect -- you have Hand and Foot AND Hello Dollies. What more could you possibly need???
Now Lucy... Remember to not collect too many big rocks and if Mr Honey tells you to put them out... You might want to listen to him just this once! LOL!!!
Seeing all of your adorable things in your trailer has me wanting to jump right in and go with you. Have a great time and don't stay up too late playing hand and foot!
Love your trailer! You've certainly made it a home away from home. It brings back such wonderful memories of my own childhood. My mom had terry cloth tablecloths she put on our table in our trailer too. Have a great time!
Have a great time. I know you're already way way on your way. You little trailer looks so cute. We had a small trailer growning up and I have fond memories of camping in it. Nothin fancy and cute like this but still fun. Camped in the early 60's when I was a little kid.
Lori, you guys have so much fun together! I love your trailer and all the cute little things you have in it. Went to the stake camp closet today and saw two red vintage egg holders just like yours:) Made me smile! Have fun on your sort of camping trip.
I just bought a 1957 camper and cant wait to redo it. The second books looks really interesting.
Oh my word Lori, you're not going camping you're going *Glamping*!!! Hahaha, you can tell I'm a Mary Jane Butters fan *grin*. Love all of your little treasures you've packed for your trip and I hope you are having a fabulous time :) See you when you get back! Hugs
HAHAHAHAHA... I guess I should read your blog before I email you!
SISTERS on the fly. But of course! xoxo
BTW... you now have me itching to get a Kindle because I love your book-keeper so much!
BTW2... I think it's like playing house too. And I just read Nanette's comment. I see member potential! And also like Nanette... you've made me homesick for our trailer. Though we sold it to our neighbors - and can see it taunting me all the time. But regardless of the taunts... I'm on the search for a little vintage one and dress it up pretty like yours!
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