Friday, March 22, 2013

The Bee in my Bonnet Row Along - The Big Finish!...

You're invited to my
is finished 
photo shoot!

I just can't believe that the little
 row along  
that I started last August is over!
As I have said before...
all of the measurements in my row along tutorials will remain on my blog until this summer.
(July 1st)
After that...
I will be making it into a book...
so hurry up and finish!
You have 3 more months!

My book is now available for pre-order!
to reserve your copy:)

It's been so fun rowing along with all of you.
A big thank you to everyone who
 joined in the fun and played along with me:)

You have all been so sweet and 
all of you are A+ students!!!

To celebrate the end of the 
I am having a giveaway!


I will be giving away 
3 Fat Quarter Bundles of my current collection...
Polka Dot Stitches
Please leave me a comment 
on this post 
and tell me
 what your favorite 
things were/are about the row along.

I will have my stunt double
 Kassidy Grace 
draw 3 names on March 28th
from your comments and 
I will notify the winners by email.
I will announce the winners  
Friday March 29.

I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts
 about the row along and I really hope
 that you will continue the fun and are playing 
with me too!


1 – 200 of 583   Newer›   Newest»
Unknown said...

I have been following you and started one row, but your finished work is just amazing!! A part from the colour which I love, there is something really cute and special I like on it, and it is the border that in Spain we called "bies" and that you have done with many different pieces of so original
Kisses as always from Spain

Jamie said...

My favorite was making the leaves. I think I will use them again in a border for another quilt!!! Thanks so much for all the time and effort! I have learned so much!

Ashley P. said...

I love the border and the actual patterns for each row. I've got two quilts to work on now but I'm hoping to start working on this after!

Regena said...

I have been following the whole time. I love your color pallet and my favorite part is the apple and apple core
rrregena at aol dot com

FLR said...

LOVE the quilt, the shoot and the DRESS!!

vrolijke groet uit Nederland

Karen said...

I have followed your row along but have not yet attempted any of the rows. Besides the vibrant colors, I just love the row of spools! You have gone to a lot of work with this row along and your finished quilt is absolutely delightful! Thanks for sharing your talent and for giving us the opportunity to win some of your beautiful fabrics.


BRD Girl said...

There are so many things I adore about the row along...the bright cheerful blocks and colors...the fabulous tutorials...the wonderful photographs...the great has been a treat to read each and every post!

JaneGardner said...

I love your label! We often forget to put our name on the quilts. This label is a reminder to us all!
I´v just started my first row and are looking forward on many happy hours with my sewingmachine and your patterns
Thank you and a big hug from Sweden

denny said...

I love this row along!!! I'm a little behind but I love to work on it. My favorite row was the apples, so cute!!!

Carol said...

I still have three rows to do but the fabric is cut out for them so I'm thinking I'll be done soon. One of my favorite rows was the apples, the apple cores are too cute. I've enjoyed making each row and can't wait to get my quilt finished.

debbie said...

I really like the gingham border and also the tulip row. It's hard to pick a favorite though...also love the spool row and the houses! It is just a sweet and happy quilt all around. debbie

Micupoftea said...

Just precious! Love the charming prints and whimsical shapes- you did a FABULOUS job. I can almost feel you beaming from here, and you should! HAPPY Spring :)

Shanna said...

I wasn't able to participate, but it always made me smile when I would come across someone that was randomly on the interweb! I would sneak back over to your site to check out anything I had missed! My favorite row without a doubt are the apples because they make me grin and give me this happy feeling.

I am so looking forward to the barn along to be honest, it just sounds like the cutest thing! Thanks for all you have shared with us!

Pia said...

I havn't made mine yet - but one day I will because it's simply fantastic

Annelies said...

I loved the tulip blocks, and the baskets and the .....well, you know, I loved it all!!! XXX

May Britt said...

This quilt is so beautiful. I have printed out the patterns and it is on my to do list. I love the very good tutorials how to make the rows.

Leanne said...

My favourite part of this row along was seeing the new row for the first time and thinking how I was going to make my version. Your tutorials are amazing, so easy to follow and understand. Thankyou so much.

Fran said...

I wasn't able to join in, but have loved watching it here and on blogs where people were making it! Top favourites for me are the little stars and the cute houses.

Kaaren said...

I get my highs by just visiting your blog, especially for your tutorials. Your directions are always clear and well written and for visual people like myself, your step-by-step photos are second to none.

I personally don;t have a favorite...I love them all!

Thanks so much for sharing your talent so graciously. Your fabrics and designs never fail to bring a smile to my face.

Anonymous said...

Lori, thanks so much for all the hard work and effort you have put into this row along. I have loved being part of it over here in Australia - my favourite blocks were the apples and butterflies! I look forward to being part of the Barn event.

Anita said...

I enjoyed all the rows, but my biggest favorite was the tulips. I am almost sad that the row along is over. Now I just have to finish the outer border, the back, quilt it and bind it.
I have loved this project from day #1!

Podunk Pretties said...

I found the row along after it started. But I've read your blog since I've found it. I must say that my favorite thing about it has been watching your followers progress. Its amazing how you inspire so much creativity and excitement.

Marga (MarPie) said...

I have followed you with this one.
I really love this one but I don't have enough fabric to make it this way.
i have put you link a site and slowly colecting this kind of fabric to make one of my own.
The tulips I like the most, I am from Holland.
Need I say more.
Thanks for the chance on this give away..If I do win this I can start this Row along much sooner than I thought I would.

Warm regards from Holland,

Unknown said...

My favouritte parts apples and houses. This is amazing quilt. Love,


jirons42 said...

Strange as it may seem, my favorite thing is the label. My labels are alway so boring and yours is so cute. Gives me ideas!

Rachel said...

My favourite part has been seeing the different techniques you use to create the blocks, I love learning new things! Your finished quilt looks amazing, thanks so much for sharing your talents!

simplestitches said...

I've been following along on the row along as a spectator and have thoroughly enjoyed your progress...I think this will be going on the to do list...your finished quilt is just lovely!

Lisa said...

I've loved watching all the rows over the weeks, my fav. is probably the apples, they are so adorable!

Fiona @ Poppy Makes said...

I'm slowly making my way through the row along and loving it! My favourite thing has been the way you have shown us how to be so precise and accurate using teeny tiny pieces, oh and those butterflies - love them too :)

Anonymous said...

My favourite part was the bee label on the back. I thought that was so clever :)

Janet M said...

I was a late lurker on the row along - I discovered you at the tulips! I've started to watch for fabric so I can make a quilt like this and would love to win your giveaway. Your style is so much fun!

Karen M said...

I am a faithful follower. I have loved all of your tutorials and tips. I have the row along in my queue and I am still gathering my fabrics. I WILL get it done. Thanks so much for the chance to win your beautiful fabric.

Kathleen Grace said...

Sadly, I didn't have time to follow along on the row along, darn job! But because you blogged it I can go back any time and make one of these darling quilts. I would absolutely dance with joy to get some of your fabric! Crossing my fingers:>)

trish said...

I am still a little ways from shore (wink) but really love the rowing. I have several favorites about your row along. Your instruction - super clear and so well written, your imagination for each row, and then watching your own adorable quilt come together! It is too cute and then being able to create my very own! Thank you just doesnt seem sufficient for all you have done! Never the less THANK YOU. I will still be posting my rows for a little while now, but loving every step. :0)
By the way. I love the barn along too! I posted my second barn yesterday. :0)

Dorothy said...

Loved the row along, my friend and I have been working on it, she is done with her and I am still working on mine but we both LOVE the quilt!!
Thank you so much!
Dorothy in IL

Lynn said...

I have loved , loved , loved following along. All the rows come together so beautifully and your instructions are wonderful, especially for a newbie like me! Thanks for taking the time to share your beautiful work with us! I also love seeing how you style your photos, so cute! And such great tips! I've learned a lot! Now to get sewing!

KarenB in OR said...

I love everything about this quilt - fabrics, colors, creative blocks, excellent tutorials, photography, etc, etc, etc. If forced to pick my top two favorites I would choose the tulips and the houses. I'm not able to make the whole quilt, but will be making a wall-hanging version very soon. Thank you so much for sharing your creativity and talent with us!

Jeanie said...

I just love all of your fabric choices....they highlighted your blocks perfectly! Each of your rows were just so cute and different. Even though I didn't participate, I looked forward to seeing each row. Delightful!

Julia said...

I loved everything about this Row along -- from the anticipation of the next post, to the delight in the posted row, to completing the rows, and finally, seeing everyone's beautiful and so very different fabric and design choices! Thank you so much for taking the time and energy to do this! I loved every second and I appreciate how much love you put into this project! Thanks again!

Kathy said...

Been fun to watch this. I think the bee was my favorite piece.

Just Sew Sue said...

I loved the apples and apple cores, especially the pink lady. :)

Missy Shay said...

I have not been able to make the rows yet, but I will! I have been following along and pinning all of your great tutorials! I love learning all of the great new blocks!

Karen Baking Soda said...

The tulips I loved and the mugs made me smile! But to be honest, your choice of fabrics make them all look so yummy!

Anita in Florida said...

I have followed each row...but have yet to start the quilt! Your quilt is just beautiful, love your fabrics.

Grannie M said...

I've been quilting along since December. I most love that you introduced me to the Angler 2--I call you the Queen of the half square triangle! I hadn't done any sewing for five I made mistakes in almost every single row. Some I fixed but most I improvised. Each row was an exercise in attention to detail. I couldn't help but improve my piecing skills. Thanks!

Marie said...

I haven't started on this Row-Along YET, but I waited impatiently week after week for a new tutorial. It was so exciting seeing yours and all the other quilts grow. I love the colors you chose.
As soon as I finish my WIPs I have laying around here I will cut into my vintage sheets and start on the first rows. I can't wait! Out of all the rows I am looking forward to building the cute little houses the most.

Sewn With Grace said...

I can't believe that it's over! I had such a wonderful time. My piecing skills improved tremendously, I had not realized the importance of ironing certain seams in certain directions and enjoyed playing with my scraps and learning about color value in each row. It was very fun! Thank you Lori!

Barbara Shires said...

My favorite thing about this row along quilt is how happy it makes me feel. The bright colors, the informational tutorials, it's all very inspiring and just makes me love quilting more and more. Thanks for putting this together for all of us!

Material Mary said...

I just love your creativity and appreciate your time that you put into this. The quilt is amazingly cute...favorite rows...tulips and apples...and I absolutely adore the whole thing. This is one quilt that won't be given away or sold because it is now my favorite of favorites!!! Thanks again Lori.

llavmc said...

I recently came across the row along and love all the bright colors and patterns. I'd like to try the row along soon.

Material Mary said...

Lori, thanks for designing the cutest quilt everything..tulips and apples are my favorite rows but I love and adore it all. Cannot wait to get going on the barn along. Thanks again for doing this!!

Risë said...

I liked the fact that you did rows instead of blocks as you went along. Different and fun.

krislovesfabric said...

I enjoyed the surprise element to this, so much fun to see what the next pattern would be. I enjoyed making the mittens and hope to try some of the others soon...I'm busy building barns right now, lol!

Jean said...

I love that it represents some many aspects of life - mittens for winter, flowers for spring, home, coffee mug, etc. Just makes me feel all warm and comfortable. Thanks for a great project!

Jean said...

I love that it represents so many aspects of life - mittens for winter, flowers for spring, home, coffee mug, etc. It just makes me feel all warm and comfortable. Thanks for a great project!

Jean said...

I love that it represents so many aspects of life - mittens for winter, flowers for spring, home, coffee mug, etc. It makes me feel warm and comfortable. Thanks for a great project!

Anonymous said...

I love the colors! I LOVE your green border! I LOVE your binding and your label. You are amazing!

Joan said...

I loved your row along from the beginning to the end. My favorite row is the tulips. So pretty! Your borders are amazing and they are the perfect touch to the quilt. Thank you for sharing such a great project. I have learned so many valuable lessons from you.

Rhonda the Rambler said...

My favorite thing about the Row Along has been challenging myself not to buy anything but to instead work solely out of my scrap bin.

The other thing is the ease of the way you right things. I am a seasoned quilter but this project allowed me to let go and have fun. You write so well that I don't have to stop and wonder what you mean (often the case with other writers).

Thank you for this. I am such a huge fan of your fabrics!!

Lois Ruley said...

It was the apples that drew me in ~~ I am a teacher by training but have been home this year. My husband became ill in November and we had to cancel our vacation and stay home ~~ I had done one row before we left so I used that week to "catch up" with your tutorials. I have eagerly completed each row as you have put them up and my friends have enjoyed the biweekly progress ~~ Today it is off to the longarm lady ~~ Thank you so much for all your detailed, very specific directions. You are an awesome teacher and very talented in sharing your lovely ideas. Thank you from the bottom of my heart ~~

dream quilt create said...

The photo shoot was fantastic! I was going to sew a scrappy border but I love how your border frames the quilt. Have decided to use one color instead. My favorite part about the row along was the anticipation and excitement that I felt to find out what the new row would be!!! Your tutorials are excellent, in photos and explanation! Thanks for making my life brighter in the wuilting department :)

annemarie said...

Love Love Love your quilt - you are amazing!!

Kathy said...

I didn't start the row along at the beginning, but I kept seeing it on blogs and decided to join the fun and catch up. My rows are done and joined together, and today I get to make the borders! I loved the mitten row and the spool row the most.

Thanks so much for sharing the row-along with us. Your directions were wonderful - very explicit and with lots of pictures - and I know you devoted a lot of time to this project. It's been great fun for us, so THANK YOU.

kbzelazny said...

I loved learning new techniques, that I otherwise wouldn't have tried! Thanks so much.

Katy said...

I love the fun blocks you've created along with the great colors. Your quilt is amazing! Thanks!

Penny from S.C. said...

I found this when you were about half way through but followed along. I really enjoyed seeing what you would come up with each time but I love the bumble bee on the back! He (She??) is so cute. Thanks for sharing your talent with us!

Renea said...

I have never participated in a Row A Long before and I have loved it all. It was sew exciting to open up your blog to see what the next row would look like. Your instructions were spot on!! Thanks for sharing this with everyone in blog land. Plus your giveaway is sew generous.

deb said...

Every row was like opening a present. So cute and exciting. Your finished quilt is amazing. Thank you for sharing a wonderful tutorial.

Carrie P. said...

I looked forward to every time a new row came out. My favorite was the baskets. I think I might use the leaves another time in a border for a fall quilt. The label is the best. Thank you so much for taking the time to make the tutorials. I know that took a lot of your time. Thanks for a chance to win some of your fabric too. So exciting.

Unknown said...

I loved doing the Row Along and looked forward to the posts every other week! My fav row is the apple...until the "bee" signature block came along! I will be making a whole quilt from these bee's! Now on to the barns! Thanks Lori!

Becky B said...

I love this quilt. I think of it as Mother, home and apple pie. My mother loved butterflies. All good things are in this quilt. I love your patterns and they are so easy to follow. Thanks for the inspiration!

Debbie said...

I love the colors of the quilt but most of all I loved the houses....Those are my favorite...

Bonniedoo said...

No one favourite thing....the whole quilt journey was just so much fun...

B Greene said...

I especially loved the spool row. I had never thought of doing a row quilt before, so you really opened my eyes to the possibilities! I also enjoyed watching the ladies at the Fat Quarter Shop row along with you! Thanks for the fun time and for the chance to win!

tealeafquilts said...

My favorite row was the house row. And I loved putting it all together and have thoroughly enjoyed this last week. I need to look for final border fabric to finish but I love my quilt!

Heather said...

Besides your generosity in sharing your creativity, I really enjoyed receiving your new-row tutorials with such frequency. They are always so clear and easy to follow and your enthusiasm comes through, loud and clear! THANK YOU SO MUCH LORI!

Jacqueline said...

It is too hard to choose one favorite thing: so here are just a few..
the tut's were great and easy to follow, you included everything I needed to know.
your color choice in fabrics are just so sweet and cherry.
the border pattern
and who could not love the label.

Thanks so much for doing this and sharing with us.

Ellyn said...

I loved incorporating some of your row patterns into my row quilt which is quite different! Saved all of the row patterns for future use... and I am loving making the barns! Thanks for all of the time you put into this

dwylie said...

I loved the variety of rows and they are all so cute! Thanks for sharing your journey, it has been incredibly entertaining.

robin said...

I love the border! Thank you for sharing your uber-creative self on this blog!

Nancy: said...

My favorite row is the apples -- some whole and some eaten. But I also love your border. It is perfect for the quilt.

Elaine said...

waiting to see what the next row would be! I'm 4 rows behind but very excited to to finish!

Purl Buttons said...

My FAVORITE thing about this Row-Along is the great photography. Clear, accurate, and engaging without "going over to the ART side" I do a lot of quilting on my computer (just looking at other people's work, neglecting my own! Research, right?)and some will not let the fabric be the "ART" in the picture. You use GREAT fabric and let it do the work. No quilt posturing or posing. When you do include a person, you do it so well that the viewer can tell the quilt is still the focus of the photo and we can see the person knows that, too!

Karen said...

I loved seeing each new row come out. Your patterns are so easy to follow! I haven't made the whole quilt, but have made a few tulips which were my favorite. I'm definitely making the quilty barn along though! I hope you decide to do more quilt alongs. They are so fun and allow us to go at our own pace while still being included in all the quilty joy.

Remnants and Relics said...

YAY! It's beautiful. I got in late but I am gathering fabrics to copy this beauty. Best tutorials are so easy to follow. Thank you for the inspiration.

Helen L said...

I like that the row along wasn't every week: sometimes there just isn't enough time in a week to do much sewing, so I liked the little bit slower pace. Thanks for a wonderful project!! It was so creative and generous of you!! Hugs from Helen in Healdsburg

JoyceLM said...

I loved all the individual patterns in the row along quilt. Each was cute & fun & happy. Your tutorials were so detailed & exact it would be hard to go wrong. And I really like that you included how to press the block segments as they're being made. I hate when quilt patterns (whole magazines of patterns!!) don't give pressing instructions. Thanks for the wonderful quilt pattern & thanks for the chance to win.

Edige said...

I just find your blog recently, but till that time I'm your follower. I'm sure that I can use your tutorials because they are really cute!
Thank you for the chance,
Edit from Hungary

Diana said...

I loved it all! I have never been so excited to see what was coming next. Each row was just as cute as the first, and the finished product is just beutiful. I love your choice of color and fabrics.

JoAnne said...

I have not yet joined in the row-along, but I have loved every post about it. I think my favorite part is all the happy fabrics you design and use.

gigi said...

Thanks for a chance to win! Your quilt is super cute!!!

MJ said...

Loved this row a long tutorial. Love your fabrics and color combinations. My favorite row was the tulip row, my mother's favorite flower.

Diana said...

Thank you so much for giving us this row-along! I love your choice of color and fabrics. Each row was just as cute as the first! I love the quilt label the most.

karen said...

This was my very first project that I did by computer & it was so much fun! Your instructions are wonderful. Now I've joined a couple of other blog type projects, so I guess I'm hooked now. Thanks for all this, I loved it!!

Vicky P said...

This is kind of hard to choose such a wonderful quilt, but I do love the Tulips. Thanks for sharing

Gail LaCroix said...

Love this quilt! It is so darling and I can't wait to make one of my own. I've followed along as you made this one, but am still gathering fabric to make my own so I'm not very far along. I've really appreciated how detailed your tutorials were for every row, border, label, etc., and because of that have learned a lot of newer techniques I wasn't aware of. Many thanks for including all of us on your row along --I look forward to see what you'll be creating next.

Jusmom1 said...

I wasn't able to join in, but hope to make your quilt in the future. My favorite thing.....The COLORS! Oh my goodness they are just luscious! Some day I hope to have my entire home decorated in "your colors". They are just so happy and cheerful.

Sandy said...

I love each row best of all! I have not started my row along yet either because of all my other projects at the moment but mostly because I have not found fun fabric like you have used--YET! After I get a couple baby quilts made for my twin grandbabies due for their reveal in June, I may get to jump in. Thanks for this jump into spring. With the lack of moisture your green border may be all the green we get.

Vicki H said...

I LOVE the whole process. You did a wonderful job with the tutorials. I haven't made the quilt yet(still gathering fabric) but I did make the mittens for a mug rug. Your creativity is astounding, thanks for sharing.

tmmw said...

I LOVE all your lines of fabric!! I especially like the rows of apples because I'm a retired teacher and the barns since I grew up on a farm. Keep up your cool fabrics and patterns!

Cherilyn said...

I love the colors! I really appreciated the post about choosing fabrics to get the scrappy look. That has been a big mystery for me. I also love love love the house row!! Thank you for sharing your talent with us!!

cbooth said...

I didn't join (too many other projects) but I have been following from the begining. I've loved it all but I think the cute bee is my favorite!

Baley Dyan said...

I've loved following along...Unfortunately I haven't even started. I dream of quilting but haven't actually tried it. I would LOVE your fat quarter bundles! Your fabric is so pretty and I would love to use it to make my first quilt. :)

Nettie said...

Oh, Lori you have really done it this time! With every project I fall more in love with the quilt designs and fabrics......
I want to make this darling row by row quilt for my next project for sure. I LOVE the scrappy binding idea, it sets off the quilt beautifully.
Keep up the good work~
Happy Easter to you and yours.

Reese @ Quilty Reese said...

I love the flower row! And all your tutorials are amazing. I started using the Angler 2 because of you and am loving it!

Kate said...

It's hard to pick a favorite row. I love the little houses. So cute. Your finished quilt is so bright and pretty. Just love the colors.

Irene G. said...

My row along is done too! This is the first time I've done a quilt "online" and my favorite part was how easy the directions and photo's were to follow! My twin sister and I both made this quilt and we had so much fun doing ours together!
Irene G.

Julie Kaye from KS said...

My favorite thing about you row along was learning some new techniques. Especially making the four patches at the very beginning. I never would have thought about doing it that way. And I've never seen it done anywhere else like that. Love, Love, Love you finish. It's a great, happy quilt.

Anonymous said...

I am a beginner quilter and learned a lot from following you. I am cutting out piecs this weekend for my second quilt. The first one I had so much help on, this one on my own. Thanks for helping me learn.

quilter000 said...

Oh happy day!! I am in love with your finish. I am sure mine will be beautiful.Each time you posted a new block I thought this is my favorite. But alas the whole quilt is a favorite. Love your colors and I especially love your talent. For without it I /we could not make the quilt. I would love to be a winner of your fabrics. I am sure they would not last long on the shelf so I am hoping to be a winner. I am still a winner because you gave us all a new quilt! Well done!

Teresa @ Aurea's Kitchen said...

I love your work. I am collecting fabric exclusively for this quilt.

My favourite is the mug row.


sophie said...

There's so much to love about your row quilt. ... The label, the pieced border, those little leaves ... But my favorite is the mitten pairs--so clever!

Donna@AllthingsMing said...

I didn't join in but followed all along ..I loved each if fervent row and tips they came with ! It was great fun !! It is very ironic that the giveaway is announced today . A dear family member and lifelong quilter lost her quilt room and all it's belongings to house fire yesterday . If luck will have it to win the giveaway I am going to give it right to her . I am going to start building a stash for her to help her get back in her quilting feet ! Thankfully everyone is safe and unharmed physically .

lfq said...

I love your cheerful colors and fabrics. Your fabric lines are wonderful they make you feel happy. Also, I love the tulips and the bee label. Thank you for sharing this I looked forward to see your next post everyweek.

Sheryl said...

I'm a teacher so I love the apple row - can see using it in many other projects like a table runner, etc!

Anonymous said...

I have 4 rows done,3 more cut out.Love your fabrics & color choices.This is a stretch for me,as I usually work with Fall colors.The houses,mittens & tulips are my favorites.Pat said...

My favorite part is the bee block on the back!!! Make this quilt so special! said...

Your row along has been great! I have enjoyed each and every row because they are so individual yet so together. Ann

barb p said...

I am just starting....I love the happy colors in each row, but think the tulips are my fav.

Colleen said...

I think this is one of the cutest patterns I have ever seen and can't wait to do it in 30's fabric. I can't imagine how much time must go into doing all this. It is appreciated! I like the apples and tulips alot but you had me after the 1st row. Very clever.

Jeanne said...

A million times " Thank you" for doing this row along. I have had so much FUN!!! My favorite thing was seeing all the different versions. Every one of them were unique and wonderful! Thanks again Lori you are just the best for sharing your talent so unselishly!

Block Talk said...

Lori, this row is amazing and the tutorials are stellar! My favorite row is the tulips, I guess because it is now spring. But the best idea was how to do the four patches, I'll use that again and again. Thanks

Marci said...

I loved the fact that even to me--a fairly new quilter-- it looked
do-able! Gorgeous! thanks for a great give away & the encouragement!

Judith said...

I have loved following your Row a Long. Each row was a new surprise and the instructions were wonderful. Learned lots of techniques. Thanks for the inspiration.

Lynne Laino said...

My favorite thing about your row alongs is that I'm always learning something new and improving my quilting skills! Thank you for such an awesome blog!

Unknown said...

Love the fabrics you used...perfect for this quilt. So pretty.

Sharon said...

It is hard to pick a favorite part! I loved all of it. I think the butterflies were my absolute favorite though. I loved all the tips and techniques you gave us to help us along the way. I also am happy that I stayed caught up with every step! Such a challenge for me. I am a great starter but a not-so-great finisher. I am sewing rows together now.

Michelle said...

I been following along with your row along and I've done 2 rows. I struggled with them because I'm a appliquer' not a piecer'. lol But, with that said when I saw your bee label I thought to myself "I have to finish this", that bee label is adorable. I love what you do and think your patterns and the colors you work with are just the sweetest!

Kelly L. said...

It was exciting to see what row you would reveal every 2 weeks. I'm thinking I need some tablerunners from some of my favorite rows...tulips, cottages, apples...this will be hard to decide! When I took the project along to my guild's quilt retreat in January to catch up, as soon as I finished a row I hung it on the wall. Everyone would stop and ask about what I was doing and how much they loved it. Your ears must have been ringing that weekend since I mentioned Lori Holt and A Bee in My Bonnet 35 times! I can't wait to show off my finished project to my guild for show & tell.

Deb said...

I have loved everything about this quilt-along--so much quilty inspiration!! I especially loved the tutorial on the bee label and would love to win your fabric!

Deb said...

I just love the retro feel your quilts give me, they warm my heart with precious memories. I love this one so much, from the apple cores to the tulips to the leaves....there isn't a block here that I don't want to incorporate into other quilts. I am a beginner not just to quilting but to sewing in general and I am having the time of my life making baby quilts for my GREAT grandsons with your designs. Retired and got a sewing machine, WHO KNEW what fun this was??? You are SO inspiring!!!!

Béa said...

I have followed your row along but not yet started. I have to buy the right fabrics :I absolutely LOVE your colours version not in my little stash... From row 1 to finishing your directions are very clear, thanks for sharing graciously this wonderful pattern.
Thanks & hugs from France.

Grandmasewnsew said...

I'm almost done rowing! I loved all of the blocks but my favorite thing was how I was able to finally use a lot of the fabrics that I had been hording. I am no longer afraid to get in there and cut. I also liked adding the neutrals as I would never have thought to do that.

The Jewel's Quilter said...

I love the tulips...makes me think of spring...which we here on the Canadian prairies are starting to think has forgotten to come. Your tutorials are great Lori! It is a beautiful quilt!

Sally Hurst said...

I have been following along with this Row by Row blog, and wanting to begin, but haven't had the time until now. My favorite thing about the quilt is Lori's fabrics, so if I won a fat quarter pack of them, I would use them to make this quilt. Thanks for the great blog and the chance to win!

Whichcrafts said...

I love the variety in this quilt. You did a beautiful job. Thank you for sharing.

Mountain Home Quilts said...

I can only pick one??!!! :)
I love so many of the rows but I honestly think that the "scalloped" binding is my favorite. It just really finished the quilt off wonderfully!

Sheila said...

I loved every cute row of your mystery "row along". It would be difficult to chose a favorite. Spools were a lot of fun. Houses, too. Can't choose. I looked forward to each new row. Your instructions and pictures were very clear and I watched my piecing skills improve with each row. I look forward to piecing the back and quilting it up! Thank you, Lori.
I'm making your barns now :)

Barbara said...

Hi, Lori! I found your blog through our friend Nanette. I did not do the row-a-long, but my FAVORITE part was that you made it look so easy I think I CAN do it someday! I love this quilt so much I made my BFF whip out her smartphone when we had coffee yesterday and take a look.

Three Baggy P's said...

I love everything about this quilt...but especially the tulips...they are my favorite flower!

Unknown said...

It's hard to pick a favorite row because they are all so cute but I would probably pick the flowers and the houses. Love your fabric and your quilt designs. Now gotta catch up! Thanks:)

barncat (Lisa) said...

Yours is beautiful. :) My favorite thing? Well besides just loving how it turned out, I'd have to say that I learned I can work with tiny pieces. I have a couple of local quilty friends and that's what they've noticed about each row I showed them along the way. The pieces are so tiny! I keep telling them it's easier than you think, Lori's instructions are so great, you could do it too!

Rosa said...

congratulations,it`s just FABULOUS!!
I've been following along on your progress and I enjoyed your rows.One favorite?Love all them .Your design,fabrics, and back but if Ihave to choose one this would be :little houses or the spools, apples,cups,butterflies...anyone are just beautiful.

Rosie Davis said...

I have been following every step of the way and am in the process of making my rows.
I love this quilt but I love everything about your blog, ideas, color pallets, fabrics, projects...EVERYTHING! I can't say enough about your blog. You inspire me and you bring back memories that are very special to me. Thank you Lori.
Even if you don't pick my name, I am still a winner with everything I learn from you.

Kathy L said...

I just found your rowalong a couple of weeks ago and can't wait to start it. I love that it is so fresh looking. Thanks for the chance to win.

Marsha said...

I think the quilt label is the cutest ever!! So many ideas can spin off this quilt from the cute blocks! Great sew a long!!

pam said...

I haven't started mine yet. I am still getting fabric together.
My favorite part was just looking at your rows and you sewing. Why do my seams always look wonky on the back when I press them open?
I just can't master that.

I visit quite a few blogs and I am finding your row a long on quite a few. It is on my bucket list.
sydneybeanpug at gmail dot com

Marsha said...

I think the quilt label is the cutest ever! So many projects can spin off from these adorable blocks!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

You are absolutely so creative. Who knew when we started how amazing this row along would turn out to be!!

drmithome said...

My favorite was the bee, but I always love your colors.

Marge said...

I love the tulips, and the coffee cups, and the houses, and, well, all of it! I would like to make this Row Along, and would like to make the Barn Along.....Thank you for the very helpful tutorials. I hope you leave them up until I'm ready to do them!

Jaxbabie3 said...

My favorite part was learning all the new blocks! I've been able to make my daughter some cute doll quilts with them! Thanks so much for all your tutorials and tips! It's been so much fun!! :)

Tammy said...

Congratualtions on a beautiful quilt. The 3 things I like the most about this is...The label for the back is very cute unique and ties in with the quilt. I lve teh fabrics. They have such a vitnage look to them. The blocks are all unique yet go together effortlessly. And altough you said 3 this is number 4. The fabrics lend it a scrappy look. I know it is a planed quilt it just gives that homey vintage scrappy feel. To me anyway. Thanks fo rthe chance to enter your giveaway.

Susan P said...

I just recently found out about your blog in the past month. I love this quilt and can't wait to get started on it. I love your fabric choices. The quilt is so fresh and crisp looking. Thanks for keeping the tutorials on your blog for us late comers.

Unknown said...

I can't believe it's over, I'm so sad. I looked forward and waited on every other Wednesday so much! What I loved most about the row along was your pictures on your tutorials, you are one of the best teachers ever! Every one of them was so easy and smooth, I never had any questions of what I was supposed to do and I'm a fairly new quilter! Great job Lori, I love all of your tutorials and your blog, you are so inspiring! Thank you so much for all you do for us stitchers :)

JudyCinNC said...

This has been such a delightful Row Along and I have loved every row, every color, and the overall "Yeah" is stunning. I would not pick just one row, as I feel all the rows together is what makes this a treasured beauty. Thanks for this beautiful opportunity. Judy C in NC

Teresa Higgins said...

I'm with ya in spirit! I can't buy the materials for this quilt yet but I want to, especially after seeing your finished product! It is beautiful and it makes a gorgeous wall hanging!

Brenda said...

I have been watching your posts as you have been adding each row. I am glad you are keeping it on your side bar because I have a grand daughter in mind for this quilt. I did get one barn block made, but I thought I did not do it justice with the fabrics I picked from my scraps. A little to busy and it came out a little smaller than it was supposed to. I need to get some less busy red fat quarters and try again. Would love to win some of your dots!

lisa0116 said...

My favorite things about the row along were the wonderful directions with all the photo's you provided us. That is first and foremost..excellent instructions! Then, the variety of the them all! Then the bee label...I will make mine and put that it was a row along from Bee In My Bonnet to always remind me of this adventure! Thank you very very much for this journey!

birdWatcher said...

My favorite part was the bee, which I hope to do for a friend as a tabletopper. Her late mother's name was Bea so she appreciates things with bees.

Donna said...

Love this quilt, Lori! A favorite(s) of the quilt are the colors, the theme, and of course, the Bee. I am just now dropping by, found this great blog while searching for a bee in a bonnet idea. Sooo glad to have found your blog and now ready to 'play' with all of the fun goodies you have genrously shared.

Jeanne said...

I have just started your row a long. This quilt makes me happy. whenever I look at it. The tulips are my favorite blocks and next the baskets and next the cups. I just love the whole quilt and gingham borders.

Colleen Lunt said...

I have followed you blog for many years. I just loved this row a long. Life derailed me in November, but I hope to get back to it soon and have a finish to look at. Thanks for all you do.

Michele T said...

Although I did not participate in the row along because I had some other projects on the go... I really loved each and every row that you presented!! I especially love the fabric and how it was patterned with the rows - fabulous!!

PiaEjby said...

I have followed the row along, but only in reading ;-). Love your blog.

Karen said...

My favorite thing about your Row Along was the photography involved in each tutorial. Thank you for sharing.

liniecat said...

I came in late but have wandered back thru your posts to see how its all progressed and have enjoyed how youve presented the entire journey.
Youve made it an enjoyable process.
I particuarly enjoyed your photos which so clearly visually explain how you achieve piecing.
Ive learnt a great deal from you and youve made me smile often..........and thats a bonus !!

Bonnie58 said...

I have been visually following your row a long, but did not actually have the time to physically follow. Your work is amazing and the finished quilt is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing all your tips and tricks and for the opportunity on a great draw.

Jen said...

I just found you and am excited to plan this project! My favorite row is the coffee very cute...might have to make a small wall hanging of just those for my kitchen! Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

Hello Lori, your work is amazing and these pictures encourage me to finish my own quilt since I only have 4 rows. So far, my favourite was the very first row, I had a lot of fun choosing my scraps and I could use really small pieces! Thank you very much for sharing this project.

jlk said...

I love how each row could be turned into a seasonal table runner. So cute!

Bev said...

Hi Lori! I just want to say thanks! This Row Along has been so much fun! I have enjoyed making the rows so much. Your teaching and your colors are amazing and you are one of my favorite designers. I'm saving my money right now for Bake Sale. Your daughter who is holding the quilt is so pretty! So, selfishly I would wish you would start another but I know that's asking a lot. I've been sick so haven't started my tulip row but that's on tap for tomorrow. Thanks again Lori! You are the best!

Cheery wave from

Unknown said...

The finished quilt is wonderful. It is so cheerful. Makes me think of spring. I have been collecting fat quarters since I first starting watching the process in August. This quilt will be a fun summer project. I could use some new fat quarters to work into it. :)

Unknown said...

I thought my favorite thing was the row of mugs...until you came out with the bee block! Now I have a quilt in my head with bee and flower blocks! Thanks for such terrific tutorials!

Sharon Dawn said...

My favorite part.....your finished quilt! I loved the tulips and mittens, and the colors you used, and the border, and, and....
It has been a lot of fun to watch it unfold and then come together! Thanks!!

Ramona said...

I think my favorite part was seeing what row you would come up with next and then seeing how other people were making this wonderful quilt their own with their fabric choices. I can't wait to get mine finished up and get started on the barns. Thank you for being such a generous and fabulous tutorialist (is that a word?) Hugs!

tara said...

My favorite is the bee patch for the back. The border is great too because it caps off the rows perfectly

evelyn said...

My favorite row ....The Houses.My favorite joining row...The checkerboard . I have so enjoyed this row along...wish is wasn't ending.Thank you for the wonderful journey.

Terry@ a quilting blog said...

My favorite thing about the row along is your easy-to-follow each and every row :)

hanna.hartley said...

My favorite part is that my daughter made this with me. She started needing help but your
are so good she is independently finishing it up with me.

Judy said...

Your quilt design is for all the "little girls" inside us. Thanks so much for sharing your creativity!

Jeanne said...

I have just started this quilt. Every time I see a picture of it, it makes me smile. You are a very talented woman. I think the tulips are my favorite block, then the baskets, then the cups and the gingham border. I love the whole quilt.

Kay said...

I wasn't sure how this would all come together, but I love the quilt! I'm excited to finish my own.

Kristy said...

I loved having the freedom to pick my own fabrics and even make more variety in the row than you had if I wanted to. I felt more like it was my quilt that way. I loved the fact that we were adding the sashing as we went. I am still working on those tulips. I also enjoyed each of your designs and thought about how to use them in other things. It was very helpful to have the photos step by step. The "easy" triangles were tricky at times for me but the result was worth the resewing 2-3 times sometimes! :-) I love your style of writing directions too. Your yays came at just the right time and made me smile while constructing the rows. I can't wait to finish the tulips and put it all together. One last thing is the fact that you have all the tutorials in one spot. That is very helpful. Thanks so much for the beautiful designs and your amazing talent that you share with us. Your quilt is darling! K-

Gransie's Groove said...

Lori, I've been with you every step of the way, and I'm about to quilt. What I loved the most was getting to know you...did you know you are one of my best friends now??) I also loved learning to make new patterns that I can incorporate into another quilt. Thank you, Friend!!! Love to you and yours:)

Unknown said...

My favorite row is the mittens and the vibrant colors. Such a happy quilt!

cynthia said...

Thanks so much for your generosity in sharing this spectacular quilt. The design is so charming, and the tutorials were so meticulous. I think my favorite part was the anticipation of wondering what the next wonderful row would be!

supersara20 said...

I love the scalloped border, I would never have thought of that on my own but it makes it oh so sweet!

Jeanne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Courtneysews said...

Although I didn't sew along I sooo enjoyed seeing all the pictures! I'd love to make this quilt someday. Thanks for the tutorials and for the give-away!

Phyllis said...

Your quilt looks wonderful! I love it! I am just now learning about this...going to check it out!
Thanks for the giveaway!
gailxs at

Jan S said...

I love the row houses and row of tulips!!

Jeanne said...

I think the tulips are my favorite along with the gingham border and the bee label block. This quilt makes me smile.

Sandy D said...

I looked forward to seeing each new block and the fabrics that were chosen to do that block.It helps me choose my fabrics since I have a hard time choosing fabrics.

Shelly said...

Of course I'll be joining the Quilty Barn Along. What I love the most about our row along is how charming it is. It was so exciting to see what the next row was and how everyone interpreted them. Thank you so much Lori for your generosity, you are very sweet. My favorite row would have to be the Butterflies, I loved they way you staggered the tulips to make them dance. The houses were the most exciting to see come up as a mystery row, besides the first row of course. The best technique I learned was pressing not ironing, stretching, and shrinking, ultimately I starched, that changed my life. Thanks again, I'll see you all in the barn.

Fran said...

I absolutely love your fabric choices - they are so fresh looking! My favorite row was the apples, or was it the mittens? They are all so adorable. Thank you so much for sharing your talent in this way. It's fun to sew along with you!

Martha said...

This has been so wonderful. I have loved each and every row. I think my favorite part was the anticipation of seeing what fun your next row would bring. I feel like I've made a designer quilt! Thank you so very much for doing this for all of us out here in the blog-o-sphere. It must have been a ton of work for you to take all the pictures of each step and then put it into words, but the enjoyment you brought is priceless.

Wanda said...

It is too hard to tell you what my favorite part of this has been. However, I absolutely love the fabrics, each row is so wonderful that I can see most in a quilt by itself, and you make it sooooo easy that it shouldn't be hard to make any of them. Thank you Lori.


Libby said...

"The anticipation of the next row";
the colors on the quilt are simply amazing, the learning experience of each row; the grand finale~ the finished quilt. Lori ~ this quilt tutorial was so wonderful ~ it was a great "Pick-me-up". Thanks again for all the time you put in this great quilt. I too will be seeing you "at the barn" !

Mary said...

I haven't joined in yet, but I've downloaded every tutorial & been on the hunt to find just the right fabric. It's my birthday soon, I just might treat myself to a day out to the fabric store.

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