I brought drinks and dessert (chocolate lush) and Judy and Lucy brought Oriental Chicken Salad, fresh fruit and dip and delicious parmesian breadsticks.
I decided to bring water bottles for the drink and I thought it would be really cute to make an apron for each bottle. Then I decided to add a pocket for the straw.
I think it would be fun to do a tutorial on this quick little project if anyone is interested. Let me know.
Okay friends, here's another Clothesline Club show and tell coming your way. As usual, it will be more show than tell, but here's just a little bit of tell in the beginning.
The first apron that you see here is from the kit that we picked up last month. Sandra cuts us a kit every month and we pick up the pattern at the same time. The pattern is always by Darlene Zimmerman because that's who the club is by.
Every month is a different 1930's project. If we bring the finished project back the next month for show and tell, our names (written on a clothespin) go into the bucket for a drawing. The prize is a free yard of 1930's fabric.
I didn't get my apron done. I was a little busy having too much fun with the other aprons!

These fabrics and the pattern are so sweet. Very romantic 4th of July looking.
The first apron that you see here is from the kit that we picked up last month. Sandra cuts us a kit every month and we pick up the pattern at the same time. The pattern is always by Darlene Zimmerman because that's who the club is by.
Every month is a different 1930's project. If we bring the finished project back the next month for show and tell, our names (written on a clothespin) go into the bucket for a drawing. The prize is a free yard of 1930's fabric.
I didn't get my apron done. I was a little busy having too much fun with the other aprons!
These fabrics and the pattern are so sweet. Very romantic 4th of July looking.
Your favorite quilt is my favorite too. What pattern is it? Thanks for sharing so many wonderful things!
Thanks for the wonderful Show and Tell. I'm telling you, if I still lived there, I'd join you! Sandra is such a hoot!
Your aprons for the water bottles is soooo cute! Yes, please do a tutorial. You really went way above the call of duty to make 35 of those!
Your apron army is so adorable. How long did it take you to create them? I love the flower on your cursor too. Your blog is the most beautiful I have ever seen, even if I wasn't related to the designer. hahaha!
It was a wonderful show and tell...and YES...I'd love a tutorial for the water bottle aprons...those are the cutest things!
wow, wow! what a show and tell.
I used to make those bottle aprons all the time. Yours look so cute lined up like that.
What a wonderful bunch of pictures! Your club looks like so much fun! I love the variety! The little sewing machines! The skirts! The quilts! The aprons! But, most of all, your little bottle aprons are just about the cutest thing I have seen! I would love a tutorial on them, they would make a great Mother's day present! I know that they would make my Mother giggle!
This was a wonderful Show & Tell...I love the water bottle "aprons". They are just adorable, in fact I love all the aprons. The quilts are beautiful too.
What a wonderful show and tell! I would love to belong to this club!
Thanks for posting all the yummy eye candy - what a welcome way to start the day!
Loved your post today - and where is your club? Could I make it there and back from Michigan? The bottle aprons are adorable and, yes, please do a tutorial on them. All of the collections and quilts are lots of fun to see. Good Show - and Tell!
I love the water bottles. Your do a great job as always.
Those are the cutest things ever!! Please teach us!
Oh, I don't even know what to comment on first!! The water bottles are the cutest things!! Tutorial please!! I loved the show and tell and I can't decide on which was a fav!! Thanks for sharing!
I would so love to join in all that fun. The sewing machines are just what I want along with some of those quilts. Thanks for the show and tell.
I really LOVE how you share so many wonderful pictures! And those waterbottle aprons are ADORABLE! Please, please, please do a tutorial!
Looks like a lot of fun. 35 little aprons, wow. They are so cute. Thanks for sharing the show and tell time and the quilts in the shop. I just love the red and blue one.
Love the show-n-tell! So fun. What a great group and you must have a wonderful time. The aprons are very sweet. Clever, too. I would expect nothing less from you! Good times.
Those bottle covers are adorable! I think a tute on making them would be fun. Thanks for all the show and tell. Everyone's work is wonderful.
Lori, you are such a riot! The water bottles are to die for. What a fun thing to do for you club. Come do it for our Retro club. Yes, I would love a tutorial for those aprons. I think I want to join the clothesline club too. You have converted me over to the 30's and I love it!! I like you flower curser but I told you that you need a "bee". You do have a darling blog its one of my favorites that I check often. Keep up all your hard work, your talent is greatly appreciated!!
What a wonderful show & tell! Lori, those water bottle pocketed aprons are just the cutest things ever! I'm up for trying to make them. Oh BTW, what happened to Leave it to Beaver theme from your playlist? LOL The first time I visited your blog that was playing & I knew you were going to be one of my favorite bloggers! :)
I love this post and all of the show and tells. I especially love the water bottles and when Rae Ann showed it to me last night I got all excited and I was hoping you'd show pictures today and that you'd be doing a tutorial. Yippee! Thanks! I would love to make some of these for Mother's Day! That would be fun!
Hi Lori,
Loved watching your show and tell. A tutorial on the little aprons would be great. Look forward to seeing this. Perfect for all the little scraps I can't throw away.
Keep Stitchen'
what a wonderful day you must have all had... i think i can hear laughter, applause , and some slurping going on
well please do share the little apron pattern with us i would love to make a army for our picnic meeting in june'
thank you so much for the offer to share love it
Those little bottle aprons are so clever.. and love that you added the straw pocket. They do look like a little army of cleaning ladies. So fun!
And I think I want to join your club. Amazing wonderful show and tell. The aprons! And quilts. And I love the doll and baby clothing too. I actually have a little crocheted doll dress like the one somebody showed.. my grandma made it.. it is red and white.
would love to join this club too!
what fun it looks like you all have.
LOVE those water bottle aprons too cute.
great quilts
of course love the 30's quilt especially the bears paw one
great idea for using my scraps
LOVE the 4th of July looking quilt.
I really love patriotic quilts, the civil war reproduction quilt is awesome
great show and tell thanks for sharing
I would love to see a tutorial for the water bottle aprons!
I've just discovered your site and I just adore it.
Great Show & Tell and the water bottle aprons are so cute!
Aprons for water bottles...too cute! Please, please do a tutorial.
I'm loving all those toy sewing machines you shared because I collect them too. Are they all owned by the same person? Looks like you had a really fun day.
Oh my goodness, what a feast for the eyes! Those little bottle aprons are the cutest things. I would really love a tutorial on those!
Love all the old fashioned fabric - such beautiful aprons and quilts! And those sweet little children's sewing machines, so bright and pretty! Thanks for giving us a peek at all these goodies!
Yes, please! An mini apron tutorial! My water bottle seems naked without one!
Love the water bottle aprons! I would love to see a tutorial.
I really need one of those water bottle aprons, maybe it would make water more appealing, can you make it to fit a Dr. Pepper bottle? jk!
Your blog looks great!
Those water bottle "aprons" are the cutest things !!!!
....and what a fun and interesting group you belong to !!
Lori, the aprons on the bottles are just fabulous!! And yes yes yes you must do a tutorial on them!! The world needs to know how to make them!!
Love all the pictures! You are so talented.. thanks for putting so many pics on your blog! Makes me want to join!
Lori, Lori, LORI! You blew me away with your water bottles. If you haven't written a pattern yet... PLEASE DO SO - It's for the greater good! Those are the cutest water bottles ever!!!
Your show and tell is amazing. I wish I had a CLC nearby. That's it. We're movin' to Utah!
Just found your blog, and even tho this is MONTHS ago!! I just had to post!! Love, love, love!! I have my old clothes pin holder (very rotted from sun) and need to remake - thought I'd just trace around the old one, unless there was a pattern. Wish yall were closer!!!
I just found your blog and what a great find!!! I had to write about those oh so cute aprons for water bottles. Do you have a pattern or tutorial on those? I see this is an older post, but I would love to make some of those for friends and family. Thanks so much!
I would love a copy of your tutorial for the little aprons for the water bottles. I couldn't find it though so if you have made it could you please send me a copy?
I would love to see a tutorial on the water bottle aprons. They are so cute.
I would love to see a tutorial for those very cute water bottle apron.
Did you ever come up with a tutorial for these water bottle apons?? I want one Please!!
Gmama Jane
I would like to see a tutorial on the water bottle aprons. In the 50's when I was growing up, my mother had some she put on coke bottles, the glass ones. It helped with the sweating that they did!
Love your blog!
I'd love to see a tutorial on the water bottles! Did you ever write one? These are too cute!
I have original Coke bottle aprons that were in a "rag box" I bought at an estate sale in Tennessee years ago! I have one Coke bottle sitting on the kitchen sink that I switch out the apron now and then. Would love a tute! Love that you shared so many beauties espcially the civil war pattern. Thanks, B-)
Everything is so nice to look at. Loved your aprons for the water bottles. Please do a tutorial.
I would love a tutorial on the water bottle apron...it is adorable...I love everything about your blog, everything that you make...I have just received my copy of Quilty Fun...have watched all of the videos on the Fat Quarter Shop also...I am a fan!
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