Friday, February 17, 2012

Tutorial and a Giveaway!!!

Well hello cute people!
I want to show you what I sewed a while back...
and lots of them!
In fact...
I went on quite the bag sewing frenzy.
It all started with my 
fabulous friend Monica 
Let me explain.
Monica sent me a picture of a bag
 that she had pinned.
The bag was made by 
and was adorable!!!
I smiled when I saw that Erin
 had used my Sew Cherry fabric. 
The pattern she used came from 
a tutorial by my friend Ayumi.

Monica wanted to make one and I did too...
so long story short...
she had the great idea to
 sew our bags together!
I said...Heck Yeah!!!

The bag takes 5 fat quarters 
and we decided that I would send her
 5 Sew Cherry FQ's and she would send me
 5 of her HMYY fat quarters....
so that we could make bags out of 
each others fabric! 

Here's the bag I made from
 my Sew Cherry fabric line.

It was so fun and easy to make...
Ayumi has the best tutorials!

I love how the bag gathers at the top.

Here is a view of the inside...
just waiting to be filled with
 all kinds of good stuff.

Here's the one I made out of the
 adorable HMYY fat quarter's
 that Monica sent me.
Isn't her fabric so happy and awesome???

Inside peek.

But the fun didn't stop at just 2 bags...
we also decided that we needed 
to make one out of DS fabrics...
here is my version.

Inside the DS bag.

Of course you know that I
 couldn't stop there...
I just had to make one from my
 Daisy Cottage line...

Inside Daisy Cottage bag.

Then to top it all off...
we really wanted to make a sweet bag 
out of our 
sweet fabric.

Inside my PKM bag.

I had to cap my lunch bag sewing frenzy
 at 5 for right now so that I 
could move on to sewing samples for spring market with
 Millie's Closet.
But I'm sure I will be making
 more in the future!
to go straight to Ayumi's great tutorial 
if you want to make one of your own...
but I bet you won't stop at one either!

And to get you started...
I'm giving away 5 of the very same FQ's 
that I used
 to make my own
  Sew Cherry bag...

Along with one of my favorite candy...
the classic Big Cherry.
I'm also throwing in a pack of
 Doublemint Gum because
 Monica dubbed us the
 "doublemint twins" as we were 
sewing our bags together and 
sending pictures back and forth...
Monica lives a few states away from me
 so we had a
 "virtual sew along"
It was sew fun and I'm sure 
I will be doing more virtual sewing
 with friends again!

Just leave me a comment on this post and you are entered in my giveaway...
I will draw a name this Monday at 
midnight my time and 
announce the winner on Tuesday...

But that's not all!...

Because Monica and I are 
the doublemint twins...
she has posted about our
 double sew along too...

and she is also hosting a 
giveaway as well on her cute blog!

 and see my friend Monica
 and the bags that she made. 
Leave her some bloggy love and 
enter to win her giveaway as well!

Have a quilty kind of day my friends:)


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Sharon - Lilabelle Lane said...

They are adorable :O)

Delirious said...

Beautiful! I have made bags, but not with the drawstring. I like that! I will have to try to make one of these. :)

Deb said...

These bags are just too adorable! isn`t it great when you can someone virtual to sew with? she seems inspirational and a keeper for future SAL! thanks Lori for the giveaway!

Kristine said...

These are gorgeous Lori.

Gill said...

Great bags! I love them all! Thanks for the link to the tutorial!
I would love to make one! I like mints too!

Carol said...

OH Lori those are the cutest bags ever...I absolutely love the drawstring for the tipping out of everything. WONDERFUL!

antique quilter said...

ok these are the cutest lunch bags ever! Of course I want to make one too!!!!!
not sure I really want to put my lunch in it though!
thanks for the giveaway and the link to the pattern!

Susan said...

Oh, I'm #1! Never mind these are just adorable! And that cherry fabric is SO cute!! I will just need to go and buy some of that!

Kelly said...

What fun! And, how pretty and functional too. I would love to win and make this -- and the candy would be welcome too :)
Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

WoooooHoooo ! This is bags Heaven ! They're all SO cute and handy ! THANKS a bunch for the tutorial link, now crossing my fingers (and toes) that I could be the lucky winner for those yummy fabrics of yours ;>)

~Niki~ said...

Oh what a great set of bags you got there girl! Love them all! I would love a chance at the give ;)
Niki in fine fine Arizona...

Dianne Mitzel said...

How absolutely adorable!! I will be making one of these darling bags, and I hope I'll win the sweet fabric you are offering..

WandaFish said...

What fun! It's so nice to do things with a friend, and what adorable bags they all are :)
I've had Ayumi's tutorial on my 'to do' list for ages - it would definitely be at the top if I were the lucky winner of your gorgeous fabrics! Thanks for the chance :)

Maria Harrits said...

Those bags are soooo cute!!! Might give it a try myself too.

Gabriella said...

Love love all 5 bags!!!!

And I hope to win ... love your sew cherry FQ and of course I'll try the pattern of Ayumi ^__^

Thanks for the chance to win and have a great week-end!!!!

Gabriella from Italy

PS I'm going to run to Monica's blog ^__^

Jane said...

I just love how happy and bright all your bags are - great fabric choices, all of them!

Betsy said...

Lori those are so adorable. Perfect for spring. Double mint gum was always my favorite as a kid. I have never seen that cherry candy. Looks interesting

Unknown said...

Those bags couldn't be cuter! Love them!

Anonymous said...

They are beautiful, Lori! I couldn't even decide which I love the most. Thank you for this great idea -- I'm definitely making some of those -- Florence

Barbara said...

I loved your bags when you first showed your mad sewing -

thanks for the pointer to pink penguin and for the giveaway chance !

Anonymous said...

The bags look wonderful...and love the fabric...I will have to make one!

Brenda said...

Love these bags. They will make wonderful end of the year bags for my fellow teachers.

Martina said...

Wow! They are really cute! Love them all!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog! I usually leave it on for a while just to listen to the music;-) Can't wait to order piles of your fabric and I've really enjoyed looking at all your projects! Thanks for sharing. Colleen

Anonymous said...

These are great bags - I happen to know a couple of people who would love one. Love the colours in Millie's closet - happy, happy!

PiaEjby said...

You have a wonderfull blog - like the way you choose og use colors. Pia, Denmark

Anonymous said...

Love the bags! Thanks for the chance to win.


Machelle said...

These are so stinkin cute! I WANT ONE:) Good luck to evryone on the givaway;)

Christine said...

Gorgeous bags! I actually need a lunch bag too. I will have to make one.

amy said...

So cute!!! I love that pattern! I made 2 for my girls lady year to use as Easter baskets but I'd love to make one out of your beautiful fabric! :)

Jocelyn said...

How very very fun!! And what adorable bags! And to top it off, I love Doublemint gum. My sweet hubby even gave me some for Christmas ;-)

Cheryl said...

Wow! those are incredibly cute. I'm going to head over to the tutorial right now!

Anonymous said...

sikke nogen fine tasker, sådan en vil jeg gerne vinde:)

May Britt said...

These bags are so cute and I know I will try to make some too. But I would be doing a happy dance if I wone one too :)
Me and Hanne are having sewing weekends with reports very often. And we get a lot done when we have to report to eachother during the day. Including having a lot of fun.

tpott said...

How cute!!! You know I have to go to Ayumi's and down load a copy, yea for that (thank you Ayumi). I can see how they can be addicting. Thanks for sharing. ;-> Toni Anne

Unknown said...

These are just adorable!!! I haven't mastered the lining part yet, but maybe I'll win one? lol

Katie said...

Aren't the bags fabulous?! I love Ayumi's tutorials, I"ve made her fabric basket about a hundred times!

Stephanie said...

These bags are so adorable and I love your fabric choices. Can't wait to make some myself! Thanks for sharing-love your blog!

Anita in Florida said...

Those bags are just adorable! I might just try one...or 2.

Nancy E said...

Such cute bags and yummy treats, too.

Heidi [Banks of Frog Creek] said...

These are so fun! Your fabric is do perfect for these bags!

Mom2RyandSis said...

So cute! Thanks for the chance to win!

Юлия said...

Чудесные сумочки!!! Яркие, веселые, просто чудо!!!

Elaine said...

I always say you can't have to many bags! so cute!

rebecca said...

Pinterest is great fun!! Thanks for the great show and tell and prizes!!

JuneBug said...

Those are so awesome, fun and spring-y! And what a great idea to do a virtual sew time with a friend.

Michelle @ My Crazy Hen House said...

Love them! I want to make one right away too. I think they would be great as a small tote to carry a small crochet project around in. Thanks for sharing. Michelle

buttonsagain said...

they are so sweet and fresh...
the colors are so CANDY-SHOP-ISH...
virtual sewing is the best...isn't it?
dashing over to look at monica's...
have a sassy sorta day...

Sharon said...

Lori: The bags are so cute and I love the fabric!!!!!

Lori said...

Those bags are too cute! And I love all of the fabrics!

Katarina said...

:-) I love this tutorial of Ayumi's. I've made some of the lunch bags and it was alway a great success. You picked really nice fabrics for them. Thanks for the giveaway!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Every single bag is adorable Lori, but my favorite of course is the Cottage version.

Sandy said...

I absolutely love them.Thank you for the giveaway.

Sherry said...

You have been one busy bag sewing gal! They are adorable. Thanks for the chance to win some of your cute fabric. I'm off to check out the tut & visit Monica's blog.

Tiffaney said...

This are so cute. I have been eyeing that pattern for some time.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I've been looking for a fun project! I'm going to try to make one! Yours are adorable with these cute fabrics! I'll let you know if I get one made today! Hugs! ♥

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

Fun bags! I can see how addictive they could be. They are all so cute!

Sherry from Kentucky said...

Cute! Cute! Cute!

Leah said...

Your bags are wonderful! Such great sewing. And such lovely fabric choices for each bag.

Mary Jo said...

Very cute bags. What wouldn't be cute with all that fabric. I love your blog and music.

Sue said...

I have been waiting to make a bag like this (I start a new job after I graduate from law school in May and want this bag to be my lunch bag) but have had trouble finding the perfect fabric to make it from. Looks like this is my chance!

thanks for the chance to win!

Tadpegs said...

Wow I love these bags! I think 'want' isn't strong enough, I NEED to make myself one.

Tadpegs said...

Wow I love these bags! I think 'want' isn't strong enough, I NEED to make myself one.

Patty said...

The bags are just darling! I've got to make one for myself.

drmithome said...

They are all so lovely. I am a fan of your work.

http://thankfullga447 said...

Adorable, adorable fabric are just the cutest. Thank you.

Dorothy said...

Love your bags -- I am going to make some for my friends for our next outing:)
thanks for sharing!
Dorothy in IL

Cherilyn said...

Wow!! These are beautiful!! Love love love all the beautiful fabrics!

JudyCinNC said...

I am really going to try these bags - would be excellent for the teachers where my daughter works. Thanks for this wonderful opportunity and giveaway. Judy C

Coloradolady said...

Oh. Greatness. I love these bags, but I have been eyeing this fabric for a while...I dimply adore this line!!! Thank so much for the chance to enter!!

Susan said...

i might be a "doublemint" twin with your girls too! LOVE all your color combos! thanks for the ideas!

Tina said...

Love them! I follow both you and Monica on pinterest.

Momma Nielson said...

I am a huge fan of your quilts. I am also in love with the stuff you pin on Pinterest. I was wondering if you'd be interested in entering any of your quilts in this:
I am on the committee and we are extending the deadline for a week. We are expecting tens of thousands of people to view the quilts at the DC Temple visitors center. We'd LOVE LOVE LOVE to show some of your work! --Linda Nielson

Tina said...

Love them! I follow you and Monica on pinterest too. Love that site.

My Vintage Mending said...

I love Ayumi's tuts she does such a wonderful job. This one is on my list to do but you made me movie it up the list...what great little favor bags for an upcoming kiddos birthday. Perfect for snacks at the pool or trips to the movies. Smiles...Renee

Kathryn D. Duke said...

fantastic, Lori...would really love one!!

Kelly L. said...

The bags are adorable. I have five days vacation starting tomorrow, I think I will need to make one or two or three...

Miriam said...

How fun and cute! The bags remind me of the bag I stored my rollers in many years ago!

Anonymous said...

My grandaughter is starting school this year. She would look so cute carrying this lunch bag!

Jane said...

How cute are they. Isn't it fun to sew along with a friend. My g-grandaughters would love these for all their treasures. Thank you for sharing.

Debbie said...

Awe... I love your bags so much! I'd love it even more to win your give-away since Monday is my birthday. I'm taking off work just so I can do some sewing. I'm going to make one of these bags and enjoy the day.

Thanks so much for sharing all your talents with us.


Shelbi said...

This tutorial has been on my pintrest board for a while now and I NEED to make it. What a wonderful collection you have made. LOVE them all. Thank you for the awesome giveaway!!

trish said...

Oh how precious Lori. :0)

Unknown said...

These are so cute. Would love to win one.

Becky S. said...

Your bags are sew cute! I will have to check out that tutorial. Thanks for the fun giveaway.

Kathie said...

The bags are so pretty. I will definitely be making a few.

M.j. said...

Wow...I have never seen a bag like this. I love it and would love to win the fat

Ruffles and Relics said...

Oh my.. They are all just adorable..Thanks for the opportunity to win one!!

Laurel said...

Love your fabric! Love the bags! Love your blog! Thanks for sharing.

Marie said...

I LOVE those bags! I have the tutorial bookmarked from awhile back (I have got to make one or two...) and I may have even pinned a few. They would make an awesome knitting bag. I love your choice of fabric combinations. Thanks for the inspiration! Now over to The Happy Zombie:-)

MIss Sherry said...

BIG CHERRY..... oh sweet cherry love. TAnd the bags are sew cute!

Hasapis Family said...

So cute..each one is beautiful! Heading over to Ayumi's now!! Thanks for sharing!

Alina said...

Too cute! I love the bag. I am going to make one for my little girl. Thanks for sharing and the generous giveaway. Have a nice weekend!

Donna said...

These bags are so cheerful and will make someone happy! Would love to win your fabric to make some.
Thanks for sharing the tutorial.

Anne said...

A cute collection of bags! I've never seen the "Big Cherry" candy. Bet it's yummy.

Deonn said...

Well, how cute are those?? Oh, my, honey - wow, that creativity is sure buzzing around in your head! You're amazing! Thanks for sharing- my daughter told me just yesterday she needs a cute bag instead of a grocery sack! I'm off to check out Ayumi's tute!

Pattie Crum said...

I love the Pink Penguin's tutorials too. I've made dozens of her basket and this is even cuter. Can't wait to make a few.

quiltingjen said...

These bags are so cute! Just booked our annual
vacation to Myrtle Beach and this bag will be great
for my nook and a snack! Love your blog!

Cindy said...

These bags are so cute! I love making bags and will have to make this one too.

Wendy said...

Beautiful! I love the way they look all together! I've pinned this pattern too so would love to make it - now I just need the perfect fabric ;0)

Rebecca said...

Adorable and great fabric choices!

Tina said...

Love, love, love these bags! And LOVE your fabric, too. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for this yummy giveaway.......!

Candice said...

LOVE these!!! It HAS to be me :)!!! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm Brenda, (but I'm going to come through as Anonymous I guess, because I never have any of these ID options.)
How utterly adorable! I love them! They take me back to a little childhood purse I used to own. I LOVE the fabrics and colors! Hope I win!

arlette said...

Love the bags, and love the tutorial, please enter me in the drawing, I'd love to win the yummy fabrics and candies!!!!

loula said...

How sweet! Hope I win!

Cindy said...

So adorable. I hope I win! Thanks for the opportunity.

Sandy said...

Sew darn cute!! I love the fabric choices put together. Thanks for the chance to win.

Ruth Ann said...

I just LOVE these bags. And I LOVE making bags. All of my "Bee" ladies like my fabric choices, but I like yours more!

audrey said...

Those are adorable!!!! I'm stopping by my LQS later this morning, I see some FQs hopping in my basket :D

Monica said...

Those bags are awesome! I'm definately going to make one...or two...or three.

Thanks for sharing the link to Ayumi's tutorial.

Anonymous said...

Sew cute.....I can see my granddaughter carrying her lunch to school in one. Or maybe she would need a different one for each day of the week!

Adella said...

That's what friends are for having fun! Beautiful bags girls!

Adella said...

Having fun with friend! Beautiful bags!

Deborah said...

Ayumi has the best tutorials! And I'm a long time fan of your fabric!

Aunt Vickie said...

So dang cute! I must make one!

Aunt Vickie said...

So dang cute! I must make one!

Aunt Vickie said...

So dang cute! I must make one!

Rosanne said...

These are gorgeous and the tutorial amazing, I think I'll make one!

Suz said...

OMG these are so dang cute! Love your fabrics Lori. I have made both small & large totes but none with drawstrings. Thanks for sharing your cute creations. I will definitely be making a few of these. Suz

suz.p@comcast dot net

Unknown said...

I am loving these bags, I have a pattern that has a similar draw sting, but that bag is huge, These little ones are perfect and would be perfect for the girls at church. You know that sew cherry is my absolute favorite of all time, so the more I can get the more happy I will be.

Mrs. DillyDally said...

One of my dear quilt buddies recently moved several states the idea of a long distance quilt along! I am sure I can convince her to do what you've done! Love the sure we won't be able to stop with one! Thanks!

Karen in Breezy Point said...

The bags are adorable. Cute pattern and even cuter fabrics--awesome!!
Karen in Breezy Point

JayTee said...

the bags are so cute and colorful

Nedra said...

Wow, Lori those bags are fabulous! LOVE Them!
I'll be running over to see the tutorial right now!

Jodi said...

This post is "sew" inspiring! I am definitely going to try to make this. :o) Thank you for sharing and for the chance at your wonderful fabric!

verykerryberry said...

That is a sign of a great pattern when it looks good in a whole range of different fabrics!

Carrie P. said...

Those are so great! thanks for sharing the link and a chance to win some of your fabric.

Barbara said...

The bags are adorable. Very cheery

Lynn said...

I love the bags and each one happier than the next! Thanks for the giveaway!

shauna said...

This bag is darling and I loveeee all the fabrics that you used. I love making bags and I'm going to make this one very soon!!

Malmbergs said...

I can see these in my granddaughters' hands. Soooo cute!

Beldridge said...

Absolutely adorable!! I have been looking for a cute lunch bag with no success! I think I have found what I want to make!! Super cute!

Anonymous said...

These are so cute! These would be a great shower prize for my future daughter-in-law's shower!
Thank you!

Cotton Blossom said...

Love it! Thanks for all the inspiration. The fabrics are beautiful!

mamabug said...

My current lunch bag is pitiful! I'm sure the 4th grade girls would think I had improved my look with one of these:) Thank you and yours are "The bee's knees!!" k.bugbee@att dot net

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh, they are all absolutely gorgeous.
I'm not surprised you had to continue making them.

Maxine said...

Going to try the bags. You have the best ideas..Thanks for the chance to win....Can't wait to see what you make from your new fabric line.........Love the table your bags are on!!!

Four dogs and one quilter said...

Perfect project for a rainy day, thanks for the link to Ayumi's tutorial and for the chance to win some of your great fabric.

Unknown said...

Those are Adorable!!!!

Nanbon44 said...

I love bags, these are just to cute

Sandy said...

Well of course you need five! One for each day because they are all so cute that you couldn't pick just one!!! Thank you for sharing.

Deb said...

They're wonderful, and who wouldn't want to win one!!! I'd love to be entered for the fat quarters and candy! :)

robin said...

Those bags are to-die-for! So cute! I love your Sew Cherry fabric. The good news is that I won a 1/2 yard bundle of it on another blog!!! I was so excited! The really really bad news is that it got lost in the mail. I'm still sad about that!

Cathy H. said...

These are adorable!! Love, love the fabrics!!

Denniele said...

Love the bags! What a great idea...the sew along..have someone in mind to do that with....thanks!

Sherryl said...

I don't know if I'm more excited about the fabulous tutorial or the chance to win some fabulous Sew Cherry, but what a great way to start my Friday! Thanks for the opportunity... I'm heading over to visit Monica's blog next! :-)
- sunshdws at yahoo dot com

Darlene said...

Those bags are beyond adorable, Lori. I'm incredibly bagophobic but this might be one I can make. LOL

I'd be over the moon excited if I won your Sew Cherry fat quarters.

Lois' Laughlines said...

O Sweet Moses how cute are those. I would make them for my 5 sisters. How fun they would be to fill with the their favorite things and give as birthday gifts. ADoraBLe.

Gina said...

Your bags are so cute and I love how the treats you added to giveaway coordinate with your fabric. Have a good weekend and thanks for a chance to win!

annemarie said...

So lovely - love the fabric.

Jane said...

So absolutely cute!! I really want to make one and your fabric would be perfect!!
Oh, I hope I win!!

Debbie Johnson said...

Oh, Lori. SEW CUTE!! I can't wait to sew some for gifts. . . and one for me! Thanks!!

Tracy J said...

These are so so cute, and I can't wait to make some! Thanks for the chance to win some of your great fabric.

Needled Mom said...

Those are all wonderful. I think I need to make one for myself. Thanks for the link.

Cheryl (copperswife) said...

Oh, how cute! I love the drawstring closure. Thanks for the link to the tutorial, and for a chance to win the drawing!

ytsmom said...

Ok, you know I want the fabric, but Big Cherry? Never heard of it, and really, really want to win so I can try the candy! Is that pathetic, or what? :)

PamKittyMorning said...

Oh my sew cute! I love that you guys were playing with some pkm, they all look so darling together!!! xoxo

Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading your blog daily! You have such fun fabrics and projects!

Anonymous said...

How adorable! I have to get over to that tutorial this weekend and sew me some bags! I have an open shelf just waiting to give a new home to your give away fabrics!
Cross my fingers...and toes.


Kristen said...

I love these bags what a cute pattern!

Patricia Lessell said...

I am so going to add this tutorial to my list of things I have to make. They are just adorable and you have become a bagaholic that's for sure. I LOVE the look of that candy too. Ummm must get me some ... somehow!

Sarah said...

Both the bags and material are gorgeous!

Lisa Leimone said...

This is some serious bag LOVE!! They are super darling! Ok, now I'm on my way over to check out this tutorial!!


Yumm yumz by patticakes said...

I saw this tutorial review on Erin's blog and thought it looked adorable. It would definitely be cute made out of Sew Cherry fabric! AND a Big Cherry candy bar to keep up my strength while sewing - Heavenly! Thanks for the generous Giveaway!

Jennie @ Porch Swing Quilts said...

So very cute - might have to dive into my Sew Cherry FQ stash right away. I'll try to be patient, but it's gonna be hard!
Now I know what I'm making for the mothers in my life for Mother's Day - filled with lotions and such!

Meredith said...

Love the bags - thanks for the tutorial!

Material Mary said...

Love the bags. Would love to win your giveaway...

Sonia B said...

Cute bags! And cute fabric. Thanks for the chance.

Rita said...

wow! i just love all the little bags and all the fabrics -- too dawgone cute! what fun you must of had! Yay! please count me in!

begoodbabe said...

Totally adorable! Thank you for the chance to win!

janice15 said...

These are adorable, I love the drawstring idea and I love all the cute would love to own one...thank you Janice from Mz Witherspoon's
Happy Weekend

Martha Cavazos Fipps said...

You are so wonderful to give away fabric. I would love to win. I am teaching my 7 year old to sew on her new Mini Janome and this would be a great project for us.

AnnieK said...

What scrumptious little bags!! I'm especially in love with your Daisy Cottage line, but Sew Cherry is a very close second. :-)

beclemperle said...

Sew cute. I love the drawstring at the top too!! What a cute design.

Anonymous said...


Linda said...

What great bags! Would love to make one or two or three ...

Sharon Stevens said...

Perfect to take lunch to work!! Would make several as gifts

kathy said...

those purses are sooooo cute! I know a 7 year old girl that will just love to go with her Easter dress! Thanks for all your great ideas that you share with all of us

midnight hysteria said...

cute, cute, cute ... love bags and these are adorable .... darlene

Libby said...

These are "too cute". Can't wait to make one, two or five. Darling bags. The fabric ~ awesome ~ What a way to brighten up a dreary, wintery, rainy day (I'm not complaining) !

Kim with a K said...

Love all the adorable bags you made!
What's a Big Cherry?
I'll have to be on the lookout next time I'm in the US!

Laine said...

Those are some great looking bags. The drawstring on the top is a great idea.

Terry@ a quilting blog said...

These bags are sew adorable!!! Thanks for the chance to win and for the link to Ayumi's tutorial.

Quilting "b" said...

These bags are adorable and I can't wait to get started making one or two or maybe more. Thank you for a great giveaway

Bev said...

Love these bags! My granddaughter has been wanting me to make her a bag. This one would be perfect. Thanks!

Michele T said...

OMG!! These are just so stinkin' cute and the fabric was meant for them!! Thanks for sharing. I would love, love, love to win and make my own!

Cori said...

I love these. I love the way you can close the top. I will be making a few for my summer outfits. Thank you for the pattern

Susan said...

these fabrics are adorable and so perfect for this lunch bag idea!

Unknown said...

These bags are so cherry-licous my 7 year old thats going on 20 would just love one of these i could just see carrying it to the lunch table.....and her telling everyone where she got it from.The only problem is that i also have a 11yearold dauhter if we are lucking they just have to take turns..keep up the wonderfull inspiring sewing love it!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lori! Happy Birthday(yesterday!) I could make lots of these, but I would love to win one too! One less to make!!! These are even cuter in real time!!!! Spin that wheel real hard! Shanna

magirite said...

Can't wait to try one in delicious spring prints! They are adorable.

Unknown said...

Beautiful bags! I love the drawstring top....and all of the sweet fabrics!

Donna~~ said...

Cute bags--all of them are great! Haven't had a Big Cherry candy bar in years--oh the memories!

Apple Avenue Quilts said...

Darling bags! I love the drawstring idea. Thanks for the link to the tutorial and the chance on your wonderful giveaway!

Bobbie said...

OoooH I can't wait to make one of these beauties! Thanks for the tutorial and letting me enter! I am anxiously anticipating raiding Millie's closet- I love what I have seen so far!!

tubilinha tiacarminha said...

ADOREI.PARABÉNS!!!Se por acaso....muito por acaso eu ganhar,você pode me mandar esta de morangos?Obrigada e fique com Deus,e que ELE me ajude...Amém????

tubilinha tiacarminha said...

ADOREI.PARABÉNS!!!Se por acaso...muito por acaso eu ganhar,você pode me mandar esta de morangos???Obrigada.Fique com DEUS,e que ELE me ajude.Amém??

Naomi said...

These bags are so lovely. You'll have to alternate days using them, so they all get used!

Tammy said...

You inspire me with every email I get! Love the songs, they remind me of the days with my Grandma.
Your fabric line is wonderful. I have to order online as there are no shops who sell in my area, but I manage to get the fabric. It is 'happy' fabric. Thanks for creating it. Love the little sacks! I shall make one! Keep making us smile!
Your quilting friend,
Tammy :)

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