A couple of days ago, I was over to her house for a visit and she let me snap a few pics to share with you. She didn't want to be in them, only her quilts- but I hope she'll forgive me. I wanted you to meet her and her cute smile before you met her quilts!
This is one that she just finished, she put minky on the back. Look at the cute quilting!
This is a quilt she is working on now. I think those spring colors are so cheerful.
This is another quilt in progress. I always love Linda's fabric choices.
Here is a quilt that she has in her daughter Natalie's room. Gotta love that orange!!
Linda no-blog likes house quilts like me. I really love the flags in this one, don't you?
I adore this quilt. I'm especially fond of circle quilts - this one is gorgeous. The quilting is amazing so I tried to get a few shots that would show it.