I saw the edge of the skirt peeking out of the sides of hanging clothes. I had never looked at clothes before, I actually was there in hopes to find an old church pew for my kitchen. Anyhoo, I saw the skirt and it looked old to me and reminded me of something my grandma's would have because of the print. I pulled it out and saw that it was a two piece with a full skirt and top, alot like some dresses that my Grandma's and even my Mom used to wear when I was a girl. They called them thier everyday dresses.(the ones they wore aprons over). Do you remember your mom wearing dresses every day? I do, she only wore pants when we went camping.
It had never been worn when I bought it. I know because no buttons had been sewn on yet. That was the only thing that it needed, everything else was finished including the hem. So I brought it home after paying 4.99 for it and sewed on some old pink buttons from my collection.
I really didn't know anything about the age of it but I could tell it was old, you can tell old clothes from new even if they are still in great shape. Also, the style of the dress was long gone!
I took it over to my Grandma's and showed it to her and asked her how old she thought it was. She wondered why I would want an old dress. She doesn't understand my collecting. She always says things like,"We threw those things out years ago, why would you want them back now?"
The fabric is from the 1930's- 40's era and I know that it's not a reproduction fabric (although there are several out there close to it now) because I bought it about 20 years ago, LONG before the Aunt Gracie line began - of course, I started to collect that immediatly and still do! I only know the fabric is from then, but who knows when the dress was made? It's really not fancy, just a simple skirt and blouse, but I think the little pink and yellow floral makes it so sweet. Don't you?
I put the dress on a dress form that I keep in my upstairs livingroom. Kassidy and I bought the form and decided to call her "Martha" after my maternal great grandmother who LOVED to quilt. I then dressed it up with my grandma's old pearls and one of my hats that I've already showed you. I placed a pair of beaded gloves and a printed hankie coming out of the side of one of my vintage purses (I'll show you those another time),then I tied the purse on with see thru ribbon.
To me, she looks like she's ready for a day of shopping and a luncheon with the girls, don't you think? I like to see her in my livingroom, it's comforting to me. Is that strange?
Tell me what you think about Martha and where you think she might be going...

I think Martha looks like she is ready to go to a church social. She's taking her favorite recipe, the one her Grandmother passed on to her, for lady fingers with that "special" filling that all the ladies at church have been trying so hard to recreate! She's really looking forward to the social because her special "beau" will be there. Maybe it's a little unseemly of a woman of her age (26) to get so worked up over a beau, but he is just soooo sweet to her! Maybe she won't end up like old spinster Aunt Maybel after all... just my 2 cents worth...
I think Martha is headed to an afternoon tea social, or maybe to her book club. They will be held in a garden surrounded by beautiful flowers, and of course a poetry reading needs to be part of the event.
The style is definately late 40s early 50s. It is darling. So cute. Look at the waist on that thing, too! Vintage is important to me too, obviously. My dad always thought it was crazy to collect old things. He said the same thing, "we threw that out long ago". I remember my mom always wore a dress. She didn't start wearing pants everyday until the 80s.
I think Martha is glorious and she is probably stopping by the bank before she meets at the local coffee shop with the committee she is chairing for a church fundraiser.
I'm not a collector but I sure enjoy that you are!!
I'm not reading the other comments until I think about where I think Martha is going. It's going to be fun to see what others say.
But first... I LOVE THAT DRESS! I love the fabric. I love the style. I wish that would come back in vogue. I could so see me wearing that. Maybe we are on the cusp of it coming back?!
I think Martha is meeting with some of her girlfriends at the local grange to discuss ways to improve the community square in the heart of town. And it's a pot-luck. And as talented as Martha is, she can never seem to get her Jello to set up just right... so she's bringing lemon bars.
PS... and Martha likes to write swooshy too. And I love that about her. And I love that about you!
I think Martha may be someone I knew back in the early days of my marriage. She looks vaguely familiar. It could be that she is ready for an afternoon of pinochle with her pinochle club or she might even be going into the big city with a good friend of hers to do a little shopping and have a nice lunch in the tearoom of Bergner's Department Store. If she is who I think she might be, she said she has her eye on some lovely fabric in Bergner's fabric department for a new frock. She will stop by the notions department (where my Aunt Leah works - she really did work thee!!!) and pick up the thread, seam binding, buttons, and various other items she needs. Martha just loves to shop!!
I just love that dress and especially the sweet fabric. What a great find! I'd love to see your house someday. It sounds very vintage and I love vintage things. The only thing I own that's vintage belong to my Great Grandparents. It's a beautiful carved headboard and footboard that needs refinishing right now. It would look beautiful with a vintage looking quilt on it.
Martha is beautiful. She reminds me of the ladies on the Andy Griffith Show. My grandmother would have worn a dress like that, but by the time I knew my grandmother (when I was born) she was a little larger than that little dress would allow! I remember my grandmother with those accesories, especially going to church.
Love Martha! I think she is a very fun lady who sews (of course)! She might be on her way to run a few errands and then visit with a friend. She's definitely going to be doing some sewing when she gets home!
Love Martha! Martha always looks fabulous where ever she goes!
Now THIS Martha I love! I think she's on her way to bridge club. I'd love her in my living room too!
Hi Lori--
Just got caught up on your blog. Love that 30's dress! And you have done such a wonderful job of display! And your new 30's quilt is just fabulous!! You do GREAT work and show such fun stuff!
Thanks so much---
Hi Lori,
I love Martha too. She reminds me of my grandma Carter the city girl grandma. This is something she would wear to her bridge club every week and lunch. And the purse!!, I love the purse. I wish I had it, that is such a great find along with the gloves. You do display things very well. Where do you store all these collections you have? Anyway, love your stuff.
LOVE HER !!! LOVE LOVE LOVE Martha !!!! She told me she's on her way to the "Every Other Wednesday Afternoon Fine Arts League Luncheon" (which meets on Thursdays because nobody is available on Wednesdays) and she's hoping that snooty Carolyn Applebee isn't wearing the same hat (yes, they're in the same club with Lucy and Ethel).
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