We all went last year and had such a blast, we booked for this year before we even left last years retreat!
It's called the Teton Patchworks. I recommend it highly...check it out here.
Do you remember the blocks that I showed you a long time ago? (top photo) I'm hoping to have time there to work on this quilt............
I have a quilt cut ready to piece for my family room....8"- 60 degree triangles...I'm just putting them together with an ecclectic mix of fabric from my stash.
Of course I will show them to you when I get back....but in the meantime, It's time to celebrate my 100 post with a pattern giveaway....
There will be 3 winners and I will be sending each winner a copy of my "Thanksgiving Dinner" and my "Scarecrow" pattern....just in time for some Fall stitchin!
Here is how you enter....show me some bloggy love by becoming one of my Followers! Just add my blog to your reader and then leave a comment on this post telling me that you are now a follower....for those of you who already are on my followers list and would still like to enter, all you need to do is leave a comment.
Easy - peasy.....when I get back I'll draw 3 names from my followers list and send off the patterns with a few fun suprises included. The winners will be announced on Sunday October 4th. Good luck ya'll!!!!
Now I'm off to do some marathon sewing!