Well, It's only taken 2 weeks for me to post the pictures from my last Clothesline Club meeting....sorry, I've been a little busy with deadlines and then going out of town for the holiday really put me behind.....so now I'm thinking they're better late than never so here they are in the good old "show with no tell" style....I hope you enjoy!
I have alot more to post about what's been going on this week so hopefully I'll catch up on things tomorrow....we had a wonderful time at the cabin and I'm now ready to tackle Kassidy's birthday party tomorrow night....it should be fun with about a dozen giggly girls in the backyard! I'll fill you in later....
Whenever you post I go get my coffee and sit down to enjoy the post and the MUSIC..The problem is...my feet get cold because you blow my socks of girl!!! Love the photos..I'm going back for a third look!
It was just wonderful looking at those pics. The aprons are so reminicent of my nan's which whe wore each day to protect the one of three house dresses she had!
Hi Lori - I'm Cindy, we met at the lavender shop about 3 weeks ago. I was taking pictures for a white wednesday on the blog.
Everything you do is great. I love the neww little vintage cloths for little girls. I've made several and I'm planning on doing more during the school year.
Come visit me sometime at cindy-stitches-n-stuff.blogspot.com
You just have NO IDEA how much I enjoy seeing your Clothesline Club show-n-tells! I'm like a smitten kitten with my elbow on my desk and and palm supporting my head as I scroll through all the wonderfulness! Thank you Lori!!!
How fun to see that cute Sandra Mack right on the first picture. So much talent in your group!
I sure did enjoy!
Your clothesline club looks like the most fun! Everyone seems to be really creative.
Whenever you post I go get my coffee and sit down to enjoy the post and the MUSIC..The problem is...my feet get cold because you blow my socks of girl!!! Love the photos..I'm going back for a third look!
Wish I lived close enough to be part of the Clothesline Club.
What a talented bunch you are! Just amazing stuff.
Great pictures I was oooing and ahhhing all the way through! Looks like some really fun stuff.
Cute stuff. Love show n tell. Always like to see Rae Ann's stuff. You girls have fun. I wish I had more time to go to meetings.
Wonderful show! Great inspiration :) Everything was great ... I especially loved those adorable bags in the first photo :) Tks so much!
I always love show and tell from your group. As always, thanks for sharing.
Fun bunch you have there! Lots and lots of cute show and tell. Carol
Love the show and tell! I still can't believe how lucky you are to live so close to those two terrific shops!
It was just wonderful looking at those pics. The aprons are so reminicent of my nan's which whe wore each day to protect the one of three house dresses she had!
Lori, it was well worth the wait! Great quilts, aprons, etc. to inspire me. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Lori - I'm Cindy, we met at the lavender shop about 3 weeks ago. I was taking pictures for a white wednesday on the blog.
Everything you do is great. I love the neww little vintage cloths for little girls. I've made several and I'm planning on doing more during the school year.
Come visit me sometime at
So much gorgeousness! Well done ladies.
Oh, so pretty! Thanks for sharing.
What a great show and tell....gorgeous work...love all the fabrics and especially the purses in photo #1.
You just have NO IDEA how much I enjoy seeing your Clothesline Club show-n-tells! I'm like a smitten kitten with my elbow on my desk and and palm supporting my head as I scroll through all the wonderfulness! Thank you Lori!!!
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