That's one of the things I love to do!
The only problem is that when I'm reading a good book...I can't put it down and I forget about the rest of the world until it's finished!
That's really not a good thing when you have a million other things in your day that have to get done.
My solution has been listening to books on CD from the library or downloading books onto my computer, ipod or my Kindle....(my kindle has a feature that reads to me!)
This way...I have the best of both worlds...I can do everything that I need to and read/listen at the same time.
I love multi-tasking...don't you?
I highly recommend the book "March" by Geraldine Brooks.

It's somewhat of a sequel or I guess a "companion" book to Little Women...one of my all time favorites..(along with the rest of the world!)
Early in the book Little Women, the March girls receive a letter from their father who is away at war.
This is what they say about the letter in the book....
"little was said of the hardships endured, the dangers faced, or the homesickness conquered; it was a cheerful, hopeful letter full of lively descriptions."
And then Mr. March kind of disappears from the rest of the book most of the time...until he gets sick and Mrs. March goes to him.
We know that he is away serving as a chaplain for the Union during the Civil War.
But in the book March, the focus is on the father....Mr. March.
March begins with that same letter as it is written. ...but in this book, it's about the father and what he is doing while away from the family.
He trys to protect them by saying little about hardship, danger and homesickness.
The book is about what really goes on during his time away and how a man changes through his experiences during war.
The distance between a man at war and the women at home is incredible and something that I'm sure never changes throughout history.
I've always loved reading historical fiction based on the Civil War...this one is really good.
I know you'll like it if you love Little Women like I do.
Now I'm ready for something new to listen/read...any suggestions?
I'd love to hear...
Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers is my favorite book. I also like the Shenandoah Sisters Series by Michael Phillips. The first book is titled, Angels Watching Over Me.
I had never heard of that book before and will have to look for it now since I enjoyed Little Women.
I'm currently reading the book, The story of Edgar Sawtelle by David Wrobelewski (sp?). It's a good little book about a mute boy and his dogs.
I'm going to a book club meeting at my LQS and we're reading A Single Thread by Marie Bostwick. The first meeting is on Thursday. I can't wait!
Sounds like a perfect book for me--thanks for sharing this, Lori!
Hope you're having a wonderful day!
Well this book is going on my Amazon wish list. :o) Thanks for sharing!! :o)
I really enjoy The Mitford Series. :o) Also, have your read Leota's Garden by Francine Rivers? A real favorite too. :o)
Have a wonderful week.
Sincerely, Trish
Thank you. I also listen to books on CD while I work. I find it hard to just sit in silence although I think it would be good for all of us if we did sometimes.
Thanks for the book recommendation! My mother loved Little Women. Have you read These Is My Words, Sarah's Quilt and Star Garden? Great historical fiction. I think the author's last name is Turner.
This book will surely be added on my book list for this year! Seems wonderful!
My book club read March some time ago. A Year of Wonders by G.Brooks is also fantastic. also the books Becky recommended are excellent.
I, too, love historical fiction and now I have a new mission. Thanx for sharing!
I really do not have a favorite book. But I like Little Women, so I will have to read this book.
I would have to recomend These is my Words by Nancy Turner sooo good. There are two other books that go along with it Sarah's Quilt and the Star Garden. I read them all in Jan. and couldn't put them down.
I just finished Water for Elephants and Heavenis for Real. Both were fantastic, and I read them in just a couple days!
I'm having fun quilting and listening to books on CDs. I have been listening to the Elm Creek Quilt Series. They are from the library and are very interesting.
I just recently heard about this book and how it had something to do with Little Women. Now I know and I am complete intrigued! Thanks for sharing. But I better wait to read this until Spring Break 'cause I'm just like you - the book has me and I ain't movin' unless the house is on fire and even then you might need to carry me out in my chair. :)
I love getting book suggestions & will be looking for "March" at our library. I am currently reading "A Thread of Truth" by Marie Bostwick. I read "A Single Thread" by the same author a while back. These are both stories of strong friendships and "A Thread of Truth" is a sequel to the first. I used to own and run an interior design workroom, and I always had plenty of books on tape (no IPods then) to listen to as I worked. Now we listen to them on car trips.
I've never heard of that book, but Little Women is one of my favourites. Thanks for the recommendation.
I also recommend the Marie Bostwick series - great books.
Bought March and I love it! Thank you so much
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