Saturday, August 25, 2012

Announcing the Bee in my Bonnet Row Along......

I spent a little bit of time in my studio this morning choosing some
 fabric from my stash for a new "row quilt" that I will be
 designing and teaching.
This class will be for 
beginning quilters... 
taught to the women in my church group.


 I am happy to announce that I am inviting all of you to join me online ...
because I will be doing a free tutorial on each and every row of my quilt!
I will be posting a new tutorial every two weeks ...starting this week and we will finish up in the spring.
I will keep all of the tutorials up on my blog until next summer when I will compile them into a pattern:)

***update July 2013
The pattern and Instructions for the 
Bee in my Bonnet Row Along Quilt
are in my new book
"Quilty Fun"

to get your copy!

So if you want to join the
 grab some fabric from your stash 
and get ready for the 
first row along tutorial this coming week.

The quilt will be a twin size scrap quilt...and I will be using 
"my scrappy happy colors"...
which are the tones that 
I love to work with the most:)
of course you can use your very own 
happy colors 
if they don't happen to be the same as mine:)

I've just pulled 8-10 from each of the colors that I will be working with to give you an idea of what to choose for your quilt.

For the first few blocks...I will be working with small squares so I have chosen small to medium scale prints.

Shades of Aqua

Leaf and Apple Greens

Tomato and Cherry Reds
(and of signature red gingham)

Butter and Squash Yellow

Rosy Pinks

 Pewter Grays
Milk Chocolate Browns

I always add a neutral color or 
two like these to my quilts.
I am using gray to tone down 
my "happy colors" just a little...

And I like to use the brown
 to add warmth...
therefore...creating a 
charming vintagey palette:) 

The fabrics are laid out 
on my cutting mat.
Although I will only be choosing 12 
of the prints for the first row...
(two from each color way)...

I will keep all of them together to use throughout the quilt and I will also be adding more prints as I go along.

 Although I have already designed the quilt...
I havn't completed it yet...
(I will be adding a row to the quilt every two weeks)...

You cannot see the finished quilt now.
 It will be somewhat of a mystery quilt...
or a happy surprise quilt...
however you want to look at it...haha

But just to give you an idea of what
 the quilt will be like...
It will be an original Bee in my Bonnet pattern designed by me!
I will be using and teaching my 
for most of the blocks.
Anyone and everyone is welcome to 
join in on the fun...
let's row along together!!!

The rows will be...
 flowers, spools, apples, fall leaves, mittens, mugs, baskets and butterflies.
There will also be rows of small 
traditional blocks inbetween.

I think it's going to be a really fun quilt to make 
and I can't wait to get started!
Until then my friends...
Have a quilty kind of day:)


Sweet Pea said...

This sounds like fun Lori. Looking forward to joining your Bee in my Bonnet Row Along!

Jane said...

Oh, this sounds so fun! I love your fabric choices. I'll be playing along.

Needled Mom said...

Those fabrics will make an awesome quilt.

Beth said...

Sounds fun! I love all the fabrics you have chosen.

busyascanbe said...

Sounds so fun count me in! I love your fabric choices.

Rita said...

what a sweet idea! thank you for opening this up to all of us in blog land. really looking forward to it!

Anita in Florida said...

oooh...sounds like fun...not sure if I will have time to do it, but maybe I can make time!!

Deborah said...

I'm very excited about this! I still need to finish my great granny quilt but what's one more project to add to my list? More fun!

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Sounds fun! Your fabric choices are wonderful!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It's so much fun to see the color combinations! WOW!

Sentimentally Me said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh BOy!

Guess I've gotta finish up my Great Grannies pronto!

Sounds like FUN :)

Linda Lee said...

Sounds like fun...Something that I can manage during the school year.
Thank you for letting us quilt along with your church family!

Carrie P. said...

sounds like fun. I will be watching for the first row.

Annette said...

I'm looking forward to this. So fun!

P.S. Can you tell me the name of the alphabet fabrics in your pictures. It would be absolutely perfect for a quilt i'm working on. Thanks Lori.

Deedee said...

Wow Thank you in advance, Lori! This
sounds like fun. I don't consider
myself very "creative" so I really appreciate it when
someone is willing to share their clever and creative ideas!
I love your style so I am really looking forward to this project!

Irene said...

A fabulous idea and so thoughtful of you to open it up to everyone.
Thank you so much.

Irene said...

Thank you so much for sharing this with us.

Beatrice said...

thank you for sharing! I've linked the post to a French Quilting Forum. When you say "twin size" how big is that?
Beatrice (from France - Europe)

Tammy said...

Sew looking forward to joining your row along...thank you! I just know its going to be fun and fabulous. I'm off to my stash to pick my fabric!

Laura VanVleet said...

I'm in! This quilt along is going to rock! Are you going to make a button??

Katy said...

Can't wait! So excited to begin. Thanks!

Cecelia said...

This is so exciting! Thank you!

Nanna said...

a row every 2 weeks huh, surely I can do that lol!I knew you'd put that thinking cap back on once you finished reading that book lol!guess I'd better get cracking at my great granny quilt lol!

tealeafquilts said...

Love the idea and love your fabrics. Can't believe you were able to pull that from your stash! Looking forward to it.

Unknown said...

I want to play!!! This sounds like lots of fun! Can't wait to start!

Patricia Lessell said...

This really sounds like fun. Now all I have to do is go through my stash and pick out some fabrics. I already know some of what I shall use because I've had it far too long. Can't wait!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm IN!!!!
If you can't find me...I'll be tied to the end of the rope - check'g out my stash, just pull on the end!

Jennifer said...

What wonderful fabrics. I can't wait to quilt along with you. Thanks for all your wonderful tips, projects and blog posts - I really think you're super talented, Lori. :)

trish said...

Thank you so much Lori!!
I will be watching extra closely for your directions.
I am putting the finishing stitches on my great granny table topper!
love. Trish

trish said...

Thank you so much Lori!!
I will be watching extra closely for your directions.
I am putting the finishing stitches on my great granny table topper!
love. Trish

ps. I tried to leave this note yesterday, but Blogger was being fussy.

dream quilt create said...

I can hardly wait, you have given me something to look forward to!

Renea said...

I have never joined in one of these quilt alongs but I am really thinking this one sounds like fun and maybe with a two week window I will be able to keep up. Love the colors of your fabric. I am looking forward to seeing your pattern as we go.

suemac said...

Love the fabric you picked out. Oh to have a stash like that. Mine is fairly disjointed.

Karen in Breezy Point said...

I've got a new blade in my rotary cutter and I'm ready to go--whooohooo!!!

KatieQ said...

I think we can all use a pleasant surprise in our lives and your row along sounds like it will be just that. I am definitely looking forward to it.

SewSealy said...

I am so excited about this! It is early Sunday morning and I just woke up to let the dogs out. Figuring I would go back to bed for a bit, but now that I have read about this project, I am too excited and want to start pulling fabric. hahaha This should be a lot of fun. :)

Unknown said...

Why are you doing this to me? I don't have time to come and play :( Now I wish I didn't have a job and a kindergartner I hate kindergarten I think it was invented to torment mothers. I want to play, I just have too much on my table right now. Now that I think about it, you have too much on your table right now and you are doing it. Not only doing it but teaching us how to do it. I just need to decide to come play and be here every week. What are the fabric requirements? Are they all fat quarters in your stack? OK now I want to do it and see how it turns out. If I did do it I could then have it for a Christmas present maybe. OK I will go now and just as a reminder YOU ARE AWESOME!!!

Alina said...

Thank you for sharing. It sounds like it would be fun!

By the way, love the colors you pick for the quilt. They are lovely!

Wendy said...

Sounds like fun and the perfect wy to put another dent in my stash. Looking forward to Row 1

Judy said...

I am going to do this too! I wish I had your fabric selection though. I'll see what I can find. Looking forward to this as its at my beginners pace. Thank you.

JaneT said...

Thank you for sharing your skills with us. I wish I had a material stash. If I do this, mine will have to have 2-3 colors instead of a lot of pretty colors. Maybe one of these days I will have a large stash.

Quilter Steph said...

Hi Lori: This looks like fun! Can't wait to start it!

Are you going to create a "blog button" for this? You could call it "Merrily we row-a-long"!

Maxine said...

Read about this today Sunday and I want to play....Love your fabric selection...I do not have a lot of stash so do you know about how much we will need? Better finish up the Great Granny Square's on Monday...and like everyone thinks YOUR ARE ONE AWESOME CHICK!!!!! I have only met you once and you are so totally sweet......Can't wait...And thanks for doing this for us...

Bev said...

Well, I just weakened and joined the Great Granny Quilt thing yesterday and did a block. I tried to resist but they are just so darn cute! You are so talented the way you use color. I blogged about it today. I admit it...I'm weak. Now I'm going to have to do the row quilt too. I promised myself I would finish some projects before I started new ones...I'm just weak...

Oh well, life's short and new quilting projects make it fun. So there...justified and already pulling fabric from the stash!

Cheery wave from

Raquel said...

Sound so fun!!! The fabrics are incredible!!!!

Material Mary said...

I am sew your designs to pieces!!

pat said...

Count me in! My bee is a buzzin"!!

Judy said...

Can I say you are the sweetest person with the best tutorials! I think I love you and wish you were my daughter. I saved all of them that were posted on your Farmers Block page. I am so looking forward to you new line coming out. Thank you so very much Lori for your help with this grandma beginner!

Kathleen said...

I agree with others, wishing I had your fabric selection. I still consider myself a beginner and the hardest part for me is picking the proper fabrics. I'm so color challenged. I was hoping to get to the end of your post and find a fabric pack with the perfect amounts and colors that can be ordered!! But I am grateful for the tutorials you will be giving us. I may try to keep up using what I already have.

Teresa F. said...

I'd love to join but I don't think I have enough fabric. I wish I could have a stash like yours.

Mary said...

I have 12 blocks to go on my king size great granny but what they hey..I'm in!!!

erica said...

What a great selection! I especially love the brown reproduction feedsack flowers....I wish it were still in print!

Ann Frances said...

Hi Lori. This looks like a fun project and believe me , since I did my first quilt with you 51/2 years afo I have aquired a little bit of stash. Count me in :-)

Stephanie said...

Wow! I'm so excited! I am definitely joining in on this one. I consider myself a beginning quilter (I have already finished 3 quilts, but definitly need help with my seams matching up). Anyway, I've glanced through some of your other tutorials and they look awesome so I am super excited to join in the row along!

Judith said...

This sounds like fun and I have to do something with all my scraps and fat quarters. Judith, Texas

Connie said...

I will be joining you! Can't wait. Your colors are fun!

Anonymous said...

Well if I can have your fabrics and some extra time I will join! LOL :) Seriously , I really like the fabrics you have picked out!! I am still trying to get all my Grannies done, but this sure sounds tempting. AGH.... I am soooo tempted, we'll see what happens. :)

Unknown said...

Looks like lots of fun...and just the thing to use up some of the fabric on my shelf

Sewn With Grace said...

I'm very excited! I love using up fabric from my stash. The Great Granny Along was such fun! I can't wait to get started. Thanks for the opportunity, Lori!

my happy bluebird said...

Sounds great! I will be joining in on the fun :-)

blinkbonniefarm said...

Great! I want to join also. I've only done a couple quilts. This will be my first quilt-along. I'm so excited! I always love your patterns. --Pat

Alissa said...

I love this idea! Thanks for letting us play along!

Maria said...

Lovely fabrics, and I'm going to follow you because I want to learn more, thank you for your effort

•stephanie• said...

oops! i did it again.
i'm in.
you're the best.

✾Jamie Lee Cooley✾ said...

Hi, I am pulling my fabrics and cutting the three inch squares. Can I use fabrics with a white background, or will there be white sashing? I have the red flowers and brown flowers on white from Sew Cherry that I was thinking of using. Or would that not be appropriate? Thanks!

Julianne said...

Joining in! sounds like a cute scrappy quilt!

Tammy said...

Hey! I'm new to your blog...and a beginner quilter. This looks like the perfect opportunity join along and maybe practice some skills. I hope this beginner will bee able to follow along!

Susan said...

Thanks for such a fun quilt project and i love the anticipation factor! Your techniques are wonderful.Thanks for sharing. I am making my first row tonight to catch up.

Wendyb said...

although I'm not a 'beginner' as such, it never hurts to go back and 'refine' skills, does it??!!! Robyn from Daisy Quilts introduced me to your blog and I'm so glad she did.......I think I might just give this a try!
:O) sugary hugs and a big thank you!

chris said...

I would love in join in on this and am raring to go.

Thank you


Fiddlesticks and Humility said...

Sounds like lots of fun!

Kathy said...

I'm with you! Can't wait for this to start as I have never done anything "mysterious" or quilted along with an e-gang. Thanks so much for bringing this together!

Shannon said...

I would love to follow along and make this quilt with you. It looks so cute!!

salamanda said...

Just discovered this and sounds fun. Will need to see what I have in my stash. What a very generous thing to do to.

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

I JUST read about this on PKM and this sounds like F-U-N!!!!! I am winding down on remodeling our home and need a "just me" project to work on - AND it would be fun to go through my stash! I do think I am going to join in! Thanks, Lori!!


Sheryl said...

I too just discovered this. It certainly looks like fun. Thank you for this and I love your other tutorials.

Colleen said...

Looks like lots of fun sewing, love your fabrics!!!

Ann P said...

Love this! What line are the fabrics? Would love the same ones???

kittyj said...

How i the world did I miss this earlier. I am so excited to get started. It is such a wonderful quilt. Thank you so much for offering this to all of us to enjoy. Giving it to us for free is such a generous gesture. Thank you again.

JanAngel55 said...

i have just found your row along is it too late to join and how long will tha tutorials be availale

Nadineon31 said...

Lori I have only just found your blog and am very excited to get started. Am a real beginner/novice but I am sure I will follow your excellent posts. Will keep you updated on my (slow but determined) progress. Thank you for your generous share! Nadine

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