Good morning cute people!
I have a few things to share with you:)
First off...
is here.
It is now being shipped to quilt shops everywhere:)
As you know...
I've been sewing the hours away
getting ready for Quilt Market.
I made this Bake Sale banner to hang over
my section of the Riley Blake booth:)
I used my large
for the template.
I think it turned out pretty darn cute and
it would be fun to hang for a real bake sale!
But for now...
it's hanging in my cottage kitchen window
until it goes to visit Portland:)
Up next I want to tell you about a new solids bundle over at
That's my name on there.
You can now get a
of the solids that coordinate with
all of my fabric collections so far.
They are the solids that
I use in my patterns.
I hope you enjoy them...
they are my happy colors!
Next up...
I'm on the tube.
YouTube that is...on the
When Kimberly called and asked me if
I would be willing to film in my studio for the
Fat Quarter Shop...
Lots of segments...
over several days...
I was surprised because I'm really not a
"in front of the camera"
type of person.
But after a little arm twisting...(ow)
I said...
Heck yes!...come on over:)
So far they have released 8 of my segments.
They include several tutorials,
a tour of my studio,
my ruler cutting instructions...etc.
to visit me on the tube in my studio:)
Leave me a comment here about the videos
and tell me which is your favorite...
or your favorite part...
Because then you will be
entered in our giveaway!!!
Kimberly will be giving away a
fat quarter bundle to someone leaving a comment
about the videos here on this post...
And I will be giving away a
7" Stacker, a 5" Stacker and a Bitty Stacker (3 1/2") of Bake Sale
to someone leaving a comment here about the videos as well.
These cute little stacker squares are hot off the press!
If you want some to play with...
leave me some bloggy love:)
As usual...
my stunt double Kassidy Grace will draw a name
from the comments for the winner.
She will draw Tuesday morning May 7th) before she
heads out to school and then I will announce the winner that day.
After you have left your comment here...
Go over and visit Kimberly at the
for another chance to win!
Have a quilty kind of day my friends:)
1 – 200 of 437 Newer› Newest»Hi Lori! So many yummy colors! :) I really liked the circle ruler tutorial video. Love your bake sale bunting, can't wait to see it at market! xo
I enjoyed seeing how to use your Hexie Half rulers. I haven't been able to picture it before, so this was really useful - thanks!
Just love the sewing room---it is adorable. Wish I was even a little bit as organized as you--but you know what I loved the most---your bare feet. Yep--saw them. Sure showed you were at home in your environment. Loved it. Can't wait to see what you will come up with next.
I love all things "hexie" so I would pick how to use the half hexie ruler video. Great fabric as well.
Good morning! I love your vintage irons. I too collect them, and use them. I find many of the irons for sale today are too big for my hand. It's like ironing with a size 16 basketball shoe.
Great videos!!! Wonderful giveaway!!!
Love your videos but my favorite is your studio. I wish I had that much room to store all of my stuff.
Hi Lori, my favourite is the studio tour - and I love yout new fabric line!!
Best wishes
I can't tell you how much I'm enjoying watching the videos. What a great idea that the FQS has come up with! I enjoyed the tour of your studio so much. I think my favorite part of the video series collectively has been watching the way you sew during the Barn Along video but also listening to things you've said about how you pick up fabric as you go along, sort according to color, that you press your seams open, etc. I don't sew with anybody and blogs and magazines, etc., are wonderful, but actually seeing and listening to somebody adds a whole new dimension.
loved taking a tour of your studio wish i had my own sewinf room. loving the new fabric line too
Well that was a great little diversion. I really enjoyed the videos. If I could only choose one, I guess I would choose the one where you talk about your favorite notions. Your studio is beautiful, of course, and you have designed some really useful rulers. Thanks for the chance to win.
Love the happy colors in your studio and fabric designs. I also love the colors you were wearing in the videos!
Love Bake Sale! It is too cute! Am already imagining what cute things I can make from this.... a baby quilt, pincushions, lapquilt for outside on our terrace on slightly cooler summer evenings........:-)!
Love your new fabric line! Cute and bright! I went to the videos and watched the one about your studio. I just love to see where others create, so that one will be my favorite for now. I'll have to watch the others later. Thanks for the great giveaway and for the inspiration!
ok just love that banner using your thimble ruler set, I need one of those you know I love tumbler quilts and thimble quilts!
wow love the bake sale stacker bundles would be fun to play with for sure!
thanks for the opportunity to win
ok LOVE all the irons in the picture of the you tube video,
fun solids, I have been experimenting with solids lately, finding they are fun to add to my other fabrics...
Congratulations on your YouTube debut! Thanks for a chance to win.
I loved visiting your studio. After watching, I went to the Ikea website and ordered that aqua cart for my sewing space.
Your new line looks so you...happy and cheerful. I loved meeting you via the tapings.. my favorite was the tour of your studio.
I can't believe I am your 1st commenter! I loved the video of your studio tour. I'm going to start using my vintage iron instead of my steam iron which spits!
Hi I just love all your fabric lines.Love your studio. Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm always a sucker for spying on someone else's sewing space! Thanks for sharing it with us!
I had no idea these videos! Wow! I need more time in my day to see all of them but did watch your studio tour and was blown away by the small space yet functional and so organized! Be it always so tidy? It's sweet!
I like the thimble rulers that you demonstrate. would love to be included in the win
my favorite part of your FQ Video was seeing how creatively you upcycle vintage finds! I also love your fabric/book storage shelf.
My favorite part is the way you explain and demonstrate techniques. You are great! Please keep up the good work!!!!
The half hexie ruler video was my favorite. I loved seeing your studio.All of the videos looked really good. I will go back and finish watching them.
Congratulations, Lori, how exciting for you!! I peeked at one of the videos, and will definitely have to revisit the rest when I have more time!!
I love the video of your studio. I collect studio ideas and while I loved nearly everything in yours, here are the three highlights I loved most. 1. Using your vintage pieces for storage! 2. The ironing surface/cutting table combo--what a great way to double duty the space. 3. The extra deep shelves. Brilliant!
I love to know your favourite quilting notions. By the way, your sewing room is amazing.
Greetings from Teresa
My favorite is the studio tour. I can't wait to get some of this fabric. Baking and sewing are my favorite things to do.
I love your craft room tour, but I also really liked the video about making the small design boards. Those are so useful!
Hi Lori. I love the new fabrics and I really love the video about your favorite quilting and sewing notions! You showed me so many notions I didn't even know about. Thanks for the ideas!
Wow great videos - love the studio tour the most!
I really love Hexies quilts so the video telling how to use your Hexie Half Rulers is perfect for me!!
And it's great to see you, not just read your posts :D
The hexie ruler video was my favorite. I have loved all of your fabric lines - and must say that they are all in my fabric stash! Can't wait to see "Bake Sale" in person!
My favorite (so far) is the Quilty Barn along. I will be watching this video a few more times :-) Thanks again for sharing your expertise. ~Linda
I loved the video about your favorite notions! I struggle so much with pressing - I am going to keep my eye out for a vintage iron. I would stop and shop at your "Bake Sale" any day!! Congratulations on another wonderful line!
I like your favorite quilting notions best. Love your Bake Sale!!! So cheerful
I loved the hexie ruler video. I didn't have time to watch them all right now, but have them bookmarked for later. I have loved all of the fabrics that you have designed, and have most in my stash. Can't wait to see "Bake Sale" in person! I love your fabric color choices!
Thank you, thank you, for these new videos. I'm not much for the camera either, but it's so much fun to watch the tutorials and learn more about your design background. I love your colours and your patterns.
I'm in LOVE with your studio! So cute! Makes me want to go out and buy vintage things (like how cute is that toy oven that you put some FQ's in???) to put in mine!!!
Seeing your studio put me in a sewing mood. Love all your vintage and HAPPY COLORS! Hope Kassidy Grace finds my name for the give-away.
My favorite is the Hexi Half Ruler video. I love the look of hexagon quilts but... Thanks so much.
I have had so much fun with the quilty barn along and it was nice to watch the video but my favorite video was getting to see your work place! I enjoyed seeing all the vintage pieces that you have collected over the years and I really wish I could find a heavy old iron to use when I am quilting...I guess I had better start looking around! Thanks so much for sharing!
I love the video of your studio tour. I am anxious to have the time to watch all the videos. Your vintage items in your studio are sew cute and I had some of them when I was growing up. Thanks for the great giveaway and wonderful blog.
My favorite is the Barn Along segment. They are all actually great...especially informative with the rulers!!! I wish more would do that with specialty rulers
Hi Lori,
I have been a "fan" of yours for quite some time. I really LOVE all your darling fabrics, as well as quilts. I have made several of your larger quilts, my favorite being "How to make a gingerbread man".
I was able to be lucky enough to meet you when you did the trunk show at My Girlfriend's Quilt Shop a while back. You are so real and sweet. Keep up the good work (and sweet dreams about quilts and fabrics!~)
My favorite was about your favorite notions and the studio tour. Bake sale is so cute! I can't wait to get some. I've bookmarked the videos so I can make some of your design boards. Thanks for the chance to win.
Lori, I loved seeing you use your little design boards....I use mine all the time. And the studio tour was so much fun, so many ideas for my room. I'm off to watch more!
I loved the video on your half hexie ruler. But, I simply ADORED the video on your studio. Oh my! My dream studio! Maybe some day I will have a studio even half as nice as yours.
Thanks for the chance to win!
Love all of your happiness and generosity - your studio is such a happy place to play. Bake Sale and the solids really do call my name. Loved the instructions for the "block boards" and will be making my own very soon. Thank you for all you do for our quilting world, you inspire me to do more. Judy C in NC
Thanks for all the info, love your studio. It is so cheerful and well utilized. Thanks for do all the videos.
You have been a busy bee!! Love the colors in the new line. Heading over to check out the vidos now. Thanks for an opportunity to win!
I am going to make that banner. Too cute. I really liked the video about your favorite notions. I have made several of your mats. I love them.
I watched the tour of your studio, fabulous! I love how its organized and your ironing/cutting surface is brilliant. Thanks for the chance to win your new line, Bake Sale is adorable!
I loved learning about the half hexie rulers, but what fun to see your darling studio. Thanks for doing these videos!
I love seeing your sewing space. It is really neat. Love the ironing/cutting table, and the vintage irons! Bake Sale is awesome but I am more excited about the solids! Thanks!
Great fabrics and great videos! Love them all :) Thanks so much for this great giveaway!
Love the studio tour video. It has inspired me to create a sewing poor husband's "honey-do" list just got longer!
When my husband said we should give up cable tv, I was SAD. But now I can watch FUN stuff on YOU TUBE and your segments made my day!!!! Your sewing room/studio is my inspiration. Love your new line....LOVE Riley Blake!!!!
My favorite is the tour of your studio. I love seeing others work spaces. Baking and Quilting doesn't get much better than that.
I love the "how to" videos. Lots to learn. Thanks for the chance!
Lori I have only just purchased a layer cake of your gorgeous Polka Dot Stitches! Next thing I know you bring out another fantastic collection! Love your fabric lines.
Great videos, I'll have to return and watch more! Love the new solids!!
Congratulations on your youtube chanel I`d love be in yoour studio and play with your rulers.Thanks!!
Love your studio tour! I watched all your videos the minute they were announced last week or so. I'm going to store today to buy turquoise ( my favorite color!) paint to redo the walls of my studio! Ok, I'm a little obsessed with all things LH. Keep up the inspiration!
I found your YouTube videos a couple of days ago my favourite so far is your studio tour. So many ideas .
I love you fabric but haven't seen any of it here in Australia :-(
I love the videos, especially how to use your rulers. I can't wait to make the jump rope quilt. I just got your ruler set in the mail. Yeah!
The videos are terrific! Right now I'm headed to my sewing room to plan a hexagon quilt. That was my favorite video -- well, it was a toss up between that one and your tour of your sewing room. How cute!
I CAN NOT WAIT till I can get my hands on some Bake Sale! Your videos are great and it is so neat to actually "see you" in person. :)
The tour of your home studio is my fav! As always I love the aqua paint! And I love that your space is so real and doable! Love love love the ironing board table top! Genius! And I love the aqua ikea cart and that pink kids kitchen that stores your current project fabric! I couldn't get over all those irons! Love your sewing space! And love your new fabric line! Great as always! Need some for a quilt for myself since I am getting ready to ship my latest fav I did to my mother in law for Mother's Day :0( and :0) at the same time!
Love the videos, wonderful fabrics!
I love these colors and can hardly wait to make a quilt with this line of fabrics!
I am really impressed with your studio and your storage items (especially the little stove!!). Your circle rulers and the unique interfacing technique are spot on! Thanks for the giveaway.
Your circle video is perfect, love that quilt. Also your solids are just what I would pick. Hope market is a big success.
The Hexi ruler video was amazing! I just know I have to have that ruler. You do such an amazing job on the video. Cheers For You!
I love seeing the videos filmed in a real studio. My favourite video is the one showing your favourite notions.
These videos sure are addicting! You can't just watch one! I love your sewing room the best. I have a lot of the same notions as you in that video but learned a lot from that one too. You make everything seem so easy and I just love how you use graph paper for all your designs. Can't wait for "Crazy Girl"!
I really love people telling about their favourite notions, and you gave alot of info! I am also off to a fleamarket nearby, to search for some vintage irons, mot that I kow that they are hotter! Thanks Lori for the info!!!
Hey, Loved your tour video it has inspired me to work harder at my own sewing environment to get it organized they way I would like it. Congratulations on being in the video's there so much fun.
I love the interview with you. It was great to see you and listen to you and savor the beautiful things around you. Awesome!!
Lori, you have been one busy gal! I am in awe of your creativity. It's always inspiring to visit your blog and see what you have been working on.
I really enjoyed "visiting" your studio. I"m trying to reorganize my sewing room and appreciate getting a look at other quilters's spaces.
Congrats on another cheery line of fabric!
Coincidentally, I saw one of your FatQuarterShop videos for the first time yesterday! It was the circle templates video. I love circles lol. I can't wait to give your templates a try.
I love your templates that have the sticky back so that the fabrics don't slide when you have to do another cut on the other side. I love all your quilts and your fabrics also. Keep up the great work.
The interview with Chelsea was very insightful into your life and sewing history:) Also the tour of your sewing room i.e. the sewing cart is sooo cute and the ironing board table was excellent!!
I love your videos and I am always watching tutorials to learn everything I can, it's so addicting! But your studio! Oh my goodness, it so inspired me to get to work on my own.. Absolutely B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!!!
Hands down, the studio tour! Who doesn't want their sewing space to look like that!
I have participated in several of your quilt alongs sooooooo
My favorite thing about the videos is seeing you!!! I finally have a face to put with your name!!I did also really like your studio tour.
Bake sale is so adorable!!!
Love the thimble video, which was very helpful. I still can't believe that you can sew 10" seams without pins! I'm looking forward to ordering both Bake Sale and the Solids as soon as they arrive at the Fat Quarter Shop!
I loved all the videos but my favorite is the tour of your wonderful studio. Thank you for sharing all your ideas and techniques.
wow, I didn't even know they had video's! Those circle templates are getting more tempting now that I've seen you use them :) Have fun at market!
OH MY GOODNESS! Your Circle Ruler Video is going to revolutionize my quilt designs!
I just loved the tour of your studio! That little cash register is so cute. I love how you used cute, vintage things in practical ways.
I really loved all the videos, I really liked your studio one. I have a spare room and wish that I could make my own studio as nice as yours. The new fabric line is wonderful and I sure hope I win your goodies.
All the videos were great, but I loved seeing your studio. With all the cute things you surround yourself with, it is no wonder that you are so creative!
Thanks for the chance to win this bundle
Loved the studio tour - you have the best sewing space!!! Plus I love the solids bundle and the new Bake shop line - can't wait to sew with them!
My favorite part of the videos is seeing your sewing space--it's just adorable and fun--I want to move right in and never leave!!
Your Favorite Sewing and Quilting Notions! LOVE your vintage irons but I'm stunned about the fact that steam can shrink your blocks and fabrics!!! It never occured to me!! What a revelation! I'll be scouting yard sales for old irons now. You have a great smile too!
Of course my favorite video was the tour of your sewing space! I an really inspired to work my space into better submission after seeing your working area...cute displays and wonderful storage. A place for everything.
What a GREAT idea to have :Lori Holt videos!! I have learned more from tutorials on your blog than from any other blog I visit, so having tutorials from the "master" is awesome!! I have sewn since I was a little girl so when I decided to start quilting, I just thought I would know what to do and never took any classes. When I discovered your blog, it was a happy day because of all the tips, tricks and methods that I have learned from you. Thank you Lori for sharing what you know!
I like the quilt block design board video. Great idea! Thanks for the chance to win.
me gusta su pagina!!!! desde hace tiempo la sigo
gracias por el enlace a los gobernantes me gusta trabajar con ellos y ver la demostración es muy interesante
The videos are great. I loved Lori Holt's Favorite Quilting and Sewing Notions. Lots of great ideas. Loved the vintage irons. Loved the tip about the freezer paper. Your studio is such a neat place to work!
Love your sewing room. Love your fabrics. The solids will be a great addition.
Love the studio tour! And the ruler tutorials! Love the new fabric :)
I loved watching the videos. I really love the Hex ruler and the circle rulers which are now on my list to buy. Thanks for sharing so much information
Those colors just make you smile! Thanks fir the chance!
Lori, You are a star. Once I started to watch one I just kept going. I love the thimble ruler set! and your fabrics, just call out to me. Also love to peek at your pinterest boards. you could keep me inspired for years!! Thank you for this chance.
I really liked the barn video, I'm going to include a link to it when I post barn #5, which I have not had a chance to make yet! I need an easy angler ruler now!
Lori, I have to tell you how much I love your fabric and rulers! They are all that I am buying recently. I am in circle luv. Giddy bliss!!
I am watching your videos and find it helpful to see how others do things. Your studio is very cute. I was thinking that your bunting that said bake sale would be way cute for a birthday party that said "Happy Birthday" if I combined a half circle from one of your rulers to the half hexie to make it look like cupcakes because I love cupcakes so thanks for the idea.
I've watched several of your YouTube videos and so love all of them but the Hexie Half video has got to be my favorite and gave me inspiration to try one myself. Ann Boehm
I watched them and i have to say I liked seeing your studio. It seems smaller in person. In all your still photos on your blog it looks huge and then walking around it seems smaller. I also can't believe that you have carpet on the floor. I told my husband that there was no way I would have carpet in mine. However you are a much cleaner seamstress than me.
It is so nice to put a voice to your face. Nice to meet you. I am so glad these videos will be available for me to look at and recommend for my friends to watch to learn all the wonderful things you teach.
Love your videos, I am learning so much. And I am looking forward to ordering your fabrics!
Great video's and very helpful. Beautiful fabric!!
Thanks for the chance to win.
When I saw the title of your post I really thought you were baking for a bake sale. I love your quietly barn series but already bookmarked those to make. I need the series in rulers a lot more.
I loved the hexie ruler video - I've never seen one in use before!
Ohhh my, I could sit here all day, if I had the time, and watch your videos. Although I have quilted for most of my life, I learn new things from you. Your notions, a couple of which I want to add to my collection and also your design board and so on. Haven't watched all of them yet, but enjoyed each one. I want to make some of the design boards you showed how to make. I think it is such a great idea. Some times it's hard to change when you are used to a certain routine for so long, but I try to stay open to new ideas and change to something that makes a process more efficient and to get more projects done, rather than pulling them out of a box or bag, which probably doesn't happen much. Anyway, love the videos. Thank you so much. Also, always love your fabrics.
Congratulations on your beautiful new fabric line. I enjoyed watching the video on your new circle rulers and using the pellon behind the circle to get them so round!
Love your vintage collection, especially those irons and the barn along tutorial is great. I look forward to more videos.
I loved the half hexie ruler video, and let me just say, your fabric is wonderful!!!!
My favorite tutorial is the half-hexie use. I love your new fabric line!
Lori- I love your individuality! I'm a fan of vintage too. I watched all the videos and love the design board and definitely making some of those. Also will be investing in the Angler 2 and Aurafil threads as I didn't know which kind to use. Thanks so much for sharing. You're wonderful!
I like the way you back your circles with a stablizer and then turn right side out. Ingenius! Sometimes I just don't want raw edges. Thanks so much for that lesson.
My favorite was your notions video. So helpful and inspirational.
Lori -- I typed several comments but don't know if they posted. I loved watching all your videos and I'm inspired by your ideas. Design board and colors! Love the new fabric line Bake Shop. I'm definitely buying The Angler 2 and Aurafil thread, since I didn't know which thread to use. Aurafil makes sense. Thanks again! Julie H.
Great video on Design Boards. So simple and practical, and yet cute. I will be stocking up on these.
My favorite is the one about your darling studio! Great ideas and alot of storage in one small place. Thanks for letting us peek in on you!
I love the studio tour! I always enjoying seeing what other people do in their studios, how they organize it/decorate it/make it functional. Hopefully I can pick up some ideas to help me make my studio more functional!
Awesome videos!! Will definitely be using them as my resource. I loved them all! I loved the cupcake pan idea in your notions video. I haven't done anything with hexagons and your video made it much more approachable for me. The same goes for the circles!!! Good ol' pellon!! I am definitely not a fan of raw edges so that is awesome!
Thank you so much for doing these great instructional videos!
Thank you for offering such a generous giveaway as well!
You are an amazing designer! I would love to win!
I love the Circle Rulers tutorial. Now making perfect circles seems possible...
Thank you!
Lori-Congrats on your wonderful new line!! LOVE your studio...highlight of well done! Your vintagey stuff is too cute. I too decided to hit up Ikea for the aqua cart. (-;
Thanks for all the inspiration.
Cindy in AZ
I love how you turned a closet into open fabric storage. The baskets with different colors is great. Love the whole sewing room and all the vintage touched!
Hi!!! Nice to meet you!!! Great videos!! I love your organization and the happy cheerful colors!!! I love all your vintage items!!! Love the irons and old sewing machines!!! I love the up close sewing because I can actually see it being done!!! I am still just learning slowly!!! But it is so fun..well except the ripping part!!! Thank You
I LOVE it when Lori says; "so here we are, at the machine"
And she says that quite a couple of times! ha
Great tutorials, love seeing them. Makes sewing seem so easy.
cpoot at telus dot net
Love those colors! I watched the video on using the thimble template. Very cool! (I want one now!) ;)
Lori - I am such a fan of all your work!! You are so talented. I watched several of your videos and I just LOVE them all. I especially liked the tour of your sewing room, how cute! I love the way you are using the vintage items has functional pieces, I want to do this more! I recently completed the VINTAGE TEACUPS quilt and I am so proud of it. I am fairly new to quilting so it was quite an accomplishment for me. I hope to participate in one of your quilt alongs soon!
The videos are so much fun ... I almost got my youngest to school late with the distraction. I want that angler add-on, too :) I love to learn new things from you and the videos just bring you right to my home. Thanks for visiting!
Thank you so much for making this easier to do, I was thinking it was totally different. Love you work, your fabrics & choice of colors.
Thanks for the video
Your new line is so cute, as usual!!
Loved watching your videos. What a great room you have for your studio. I love your patterns and fabrics. Since watching the video, I've decided to to the barn quilt along. I had been following along on your blog, and was on the fence about whether I wanted to do it, but after seeing you construct Block 5, I'm all in! I guess this would be my favorite. I also loved the circle quilt. I'm not sure this is a quilt I would have made without seeing the video. Thanks so much for sharing everything with us. Love, love, love your design esthetic!
I really enjoyed the tour of your studio and the Circle Rulers tutorial. Your studio looks like a good place to just disappear into for lots of fun playing with fabric! Thanks for sharing it - I'd never leave.
Eeek!! I want to live in your sewing room! Each second I saw something I liked better than what came before. Love how you use all your vintage collections, but best of all, your huge ironing space. What a neat idea! I even subscribed to the Fat Quarter youtube channel while I was there :o)
i loved your favorite notions video... im a sucker for notions... i recently bought some best press in lavender and i LOVE it... i also love your hexie ruler :)
Your creativity seems boundless, each line of fabric, I love more than the last! Love the video too!
I've watched three of the segments so far and think you did a great job. I think I'll be making a design board or two since some of my mistakes have come in between the ironing board and the sewing machine. Might even make one for my mom for Mother's Day. She's still making quilts at nearly 87, and I think she'd appreciate a design board to keep her layouts in place.
great video! love the half hexie ruler, must get my hands on that.
love the new fabric, too! been anxiously waiting for bake sale to come out!
great video! love the half hexi ruler-need to get my hands on one of those!!
the new fabric is adorable, too!
I loved your video on your circle rulers and your dot quilt, it's adorable and wow using the pellon is such a great idea! Your studio is absolutely gorgeous! Can't wait to get some of your new bake sale line!
For me it's the portable design board. That's ingenious'
Bake Sale is a nice addition to your fabric lines. I love the solids you use. Thanks for the chance to Win !! I enjoyed hearing your voice on the videos. Made me wish I had time to build my Barns.
Laurie, I went and watched your videos. I am so inspired to use your products. I love the Hexie and half hexie video. You are a good teacher. So patient and so calm you did great!
I loved all the videos, but my favorite is your studio. It's so cozy and the colors are just wonderful!
I love the video tour of your studio! And the fabric is great!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm so excited to see your solids collection. And how fun to watch a few of your you tube videos! I liked the studio tour and interview where you spoke of your beginnings in quilting and current projects. I'll be back for more!
I really liked the circle tutorial video. I especially liked learning about using interfacing to back it and turn it around for a perfect shape. Great job on being in front of the camera!
I loved all of the videos, but my favorite would be of your studio. It's so cozy and the colors are wonderful!
The ruler videos, well, because I love your rulers...ALL of them!
Your new line of fabric is awesome.Great videos, love your sewing studio.
LOVED your videos! Favorite was the video tour of your studio... glad to see how the different work areas fit TOGETHER in the room. Now I see how I might adapt some of your ideas in my own small space. My other TOP VIDEO PICK is on how to make your design boards. Your blog directions were excellent, so I bought my foam core boards, cut my strips, but was afraid of the glue gun. Now I feel I can complete my boards, because you made it look so easy! Thank You!
What fun videos, Lori! Your studio is adorable, I'm so jealous. Love your fabrics, would enjoy some :-)
Congratulations on your new line! I loved the Circle Ruler Tutorial, as well as the studio tour. No wonder you are so creative in such a pretty and cute place.
I really liked the one about your favorite quilting tools. It always helps to see what tools others use. I loved the little truck pincushion!
I enjoyed the video where you had a tour of your studio, but my favorite was looking through the notions you use most - helps a beginner to see the tools are the most effective for someone experienced - thanks!
Great videos Lori! My favorite is the tour of your studio--what an AMAZING space!!! I love you new Bake Sale fabrics and the pretty bundle of solids. Thanks for the fun giveaway.
How exciting! I love Bake Sale! Thanks for the chance to win this! We all feel a little bit happier today!
Luv the video of your sewing studio and can't wait until your new fabric line hits the shops! Thanks for ALL your inspiration and the chance at a fantastic giveaway!
Luv your video on your sewing studio Lori ... and your new fabric line! Can't wait 'til it hits the shops! Thanks for ALL your inspiration and the chance at a fantastic giveaway!
I had so much fun watching each and every one of your videos. Better yet... I learned so much that I'll be able to use when piecing. I really enjoyed seeing your sewing studio, especially your vintage irons. I also appreciated seeing how you make your design boards, as I was just getting ready to make a few for myself. Thanks for all your inspiration --I always enjoy visiting your blog!
Oh My Goodness!! I am in love with your studio, and I can't wait for your new fabric line, Bake Sale, to be available!! I heart you and your studio and all the wonderful things you do!!! Enough said. You get the picture. I am also in love with the quilt behind your head on Kimberly's blog of the cake stands. Is there a pattern available for that?!! Thanks again!! Blog hearts to you, Holly
My favorite part of your videos is how you store your sewing notions - in the cash register drawer and in the oven. So clever and such a fun sewing room!
Love the circle tute and ALL your cute fabrics.
I loved getting to know who you are on the video! And what a great sewing area, I love organized rooms!!
I don't know what planet I've been on but I didn't realize you designed fabric....very cute designs!
I haven't seen ALL the videos, but I DID go straight to the Studio Tour! I love is like being IN one of your fabric "Millie's Closet Concentrate"! Thanks for all the wonderful videos to look forward to, too!!!!
I love, love, love the home sewing studio with all the little vintage items!!! What a great way to store fabrics, the same colors in baskets! And of course the circle ruler!!!!!
Love the video and the studio! Thanks for the chance in the giveaway!!
I love the video "Lori Holt's Favorite Quilting and Sewing Notions". I love your use of the muffin tins - great idea!
What lovely fabrics! I loved seeing your sewing studio!
Thank you for sharing your videos and a chance to win!
I've only had time to watch four of the videos so far. I love the design board and have the foam board on my list to buy next time out shopping.
I already have the half-hexie rules, so it was fun to watch you demonstrate them. And I MUST get myself a busy fingers turning mat. What an amazing tool!
Thanks for making these videos - it's fun to see inside your studio!
Fabrics are beautiful and the tutes are beneficial. Thank you for sharing.
I loved seeing how organized your sewing space is. I use your block organizer often. I must try your hexagon. I love that shape.. Thanks for the videos.
Love your sewing room and all your sweet vintage threads and irons and buttons!
Love the tutorials (especially the one using the half hexies) make it look so easy!!!
Your studio is fabulous and the video's are great. I have watched 2 and will go back to see the rest. I could only fit two into my lunch break. I love your fabrics and patterns and the tools. I enjoyed the last video where you talked about you. Thanks for all of your inspiration.
Love, love everything! The design board idea is so clever, and the studio tour is awesome!
I'm slowly making my way through the tutorials. So far I like the one on your favorite sewing notions. I need to try out that Easy Angle ruler for HST's! Thanks for sharing your time, talents and studio with us.
Hi Lori, I love your blog and just viewed your videos. I so love hearing and seeing your ideas for storage and design for your studio. Besides all your wonderful vintage items I loved the quick peak of your window curtain right below all of your vintage irons. You are certainly an inspiration.
Love the videos! My favorite is the trip to your studio. Seeing someone's sacred creative space can be inspiring.
I want a closer look at those cute window curtains in your studio.
Love your "How to video's" really great thank you for sharing.
Love seeing you in your studio and hearing your happy voice! can't wait to get my hands on some of that bake sale!
Dream Studio! I've been waiting for you next line of fabric! Thanks for a chance to win some!
I loved your videos in your studio. Your beautiful fabric is suppose on my door step Monday afternoon. Oh I can not wait to get it in my hands.
Loved the circle ruler video.
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