Monday, February 14, 2022

Chicken Salad Sew Along - Week One!!


Welcome to week one of the 
Sew Along!
Join me here each week 
when I will be doing tutorials
 on the 12 chicken blocks for the quilt.

Of course because we are all sewing 
from all around the world  
we all have different time zones...
But I will be posting each Monday 
right here on my blog 
and you can follow my tutorials 
any time each week that 
 is convenient for you.

We are making the 
Chicken Salad Quilt
64" x 80"

I am also using another 
Chicken Salad Quilt Kit 
to make a second quilt 
out of my Cook Book fabric 
using twelve 12" blocks from my 
Farm Girl Vintage Book 
and my 
Farm Girl Vintage 2 Book.
I'll talk about that at the end of 
each weekly tutorial on the 
chicken blocks each Monday here on my blog.
I've been sew excited to begin...
This is going to be fun!!

The quilt is made with my newest fabric
 collection called COOK BOOK...

I hope that you all have all 
received your 
fabric kits by now...
 and that we are all ready to begin
after the small delay that we had:)

If you still need one just do a quick google search for 
"Chicken Salad Quilt Kit"
to find shops who still have some left.

We are also using the
Chicken Salad
Sew Simple Shapes

I have already posted the
 post which details all of the supplies
 for the sew along and how it works.
I have also given the link there 
for the free PDF Download 
of the Sew Along Guide

to read that post.

As per the sew along guide 
cutting instructions
 you should have everything for your
 Hattie Block 
 all cut and ready to go!

As usual for week one in my 
Sew Simple Shape Sew Alongs
 the first weeks tutorial is a video.

Because I have my very own brand new 
 I have posted the 
Hattie Block 
Tutorial there.
to visit my channel and watch the 
tutorial and I hope that you love it!
Leave me a comment there and let me know:)

If you like what you see 
and my other videos there...
click on subscribe and click on the bell
 to be notified whenever
 I post another tutorial:)

Here is my Hattie Block
 all cut and ready to go!

Here is a list of the
  Chicken Salad 
Sew Simple Shapes 
needed for the 
Hattie Block:
1 - M-3
1 - M-7
1 - M-17
1 - M-28
1 - M-23
1 - M-24

You will also need to cut 
the background 13 1/2" x 13 1/2"
and your straight bias strips 
for the feet and beaks 5/8" wide 
as it says in the guide:)

Here's my Hattie Block ready for 
applique and embroidery:)
Just like I said in the video...
I will use my 12 1/2" Trim-It Ruler
to trim down the block 
and sew my block borders on.

Here are the squares and rectangles
 for the Hattie Block:)

Now it's time to talk about the 
12" Block that I chose to make this week
 for my Cook Book Kitchen Quilt.
As you saw in the video I chose to make 
You can find the pattern on page 39
of my Farm Girl Vintage Book.
Above is my block all cut and labeled
by letter with my

My stickers come in 5 colors 
and I always use them when I 
cut and label my blocks. 
You can sew and iron over them
 and they will peel off easily 
without leaving a residue:)

Here is my Kettle's On block.
I will be making 12 blocks using the fabrics that I used for the chicken appliqués.
I'll be using the same background for these blocks and of course it will be cut according to each block's 
cutting instructions from the book.
All of the border squares and rectangles and the borders in the Chicken Salad Quilt are the SAME just simply pop in the 12" pieced blocks in place of the
 12" applique blocks.
I am waiting until I sew all 12 blocks to decide their placement in the quilt.
Each week I will show you the block that I pieced, the name, the book and page number and of course you will see which fabric that I used and you can do the same.
That is all the info about the pieced blocks for my COOK BOOK KITCHEN QUILT
I hope you have fun each week
making another block!

In my video I showed you 
alternative ideas if you want to make
 a chicken quilt with my pieced blocks.
This is 12" Rise and Shine Rooster
from my Farm Girl Vintage 2 Book.

I took this picture to show you 
that for my blocks that have 
a lot of pieces like this one...
It just means it takes longer 
to piece and of course just break it down
 into totally do-able segments 
just like I show you 
in the book step by step instructions.

Here is my 12" MAMA HEN Block 
from my first
 Farm Girl Vintage Book

Here are the 6" Baby Chick Blocks 
also from my first Farm Girl Vintage Book.

The Farm Fresh Eggs Blocks 
are a block that I designed
 for my Farm Girl Workshops.

It's a free PDF Download
on my book publishers website.
to download!

I hope you have enjoyed week one
 of the Chicken Salad Sew Along 
and that you are having fun 
with my Cook Book fabric:)

I'll be right back here on my blog
next Monday for week two
and the tutorial for PERCY
and a 12" Block from my books!


The recipe that I'm sharing this week comes from my Mom's kitchen...
and of course I'm starting off
 with her famous chicken salad!


*Chicken, cooked and diced – 
you can easily use leftover chicken!

*Red grapes, halved – 
Any type of grapes will work.

*Red apple, chopped -
 sweet ones are best:)

*Celery, diced - 
it adds the perfect crunch and color.

*Pecans or walnuts, Halfed - 
Pecans are my personal favorite.

*Mayonnaise - 
add this last then you'll know how much is needed.

*Juice from one lemon

*Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste 

Mom often serves this on fresh crisp iceberg lettuce on a pretty luncheon plate.
It looks so pretty and is delicious for a special luncheon! 
All you need to round out the luncheon is
 a relish tray, homemade punch or lemonade (in a punch bowl of course)
 and a delicious and pretty layer cake for dessert.

Mom also serves her Chicken Salad as a sandwich on good bread or on a fresh croissant.
My Dad and my brothers like it better as a sandwich:)

I hope you enjoy this recipe! 


Deborah said...

I'm in and I'm excited!!
Just ordered my Sew Simple Shapes today, so I'll be a little behind at first, but I'll catch up soon!
I love chickens!
Thanks for all the extras, Lori!

A Quilters Playhouse said...

Thanks sew much for the sew along and guide for the Chicken Salad trip! Gayle

Natureluvr57 said...

Now I'm hungry! I love chicken salad but I use currants in place of grapes, Granny Smith but I'm going to try a sweet red Gala apple next time. I also add a big dollop of sour cream. I love scooping in on Ritz crackers. Love love love the tea kettle. Wanting on FQS order with Decor fabric and the smaller skeins of Chunky thread because I'm addicted to Cassie's zipper pulls!

Judy said...

You give so many options for the pieces, I don’t know what to do! Thank you Lori for your inspiration! Your chickens are so cute!!

Judy said...

Oh Lori, you give so many options I’m not sure which to choose! I need to think on this! Your rooster is very handsome. We had chickens but not roosters. I hope to have them again, someday. Have a great week and thank you!

suzieq203 said...

Lori-thank you for the awesome chicken salad recipe. I’ll be making it

Unknown said...

I'm interested in some kind tutorial on how to create your Favorite family recipe book!

Unknown said...

Thanks again Lori Holt. Just love your designs and your talent. Someday I hope to meet you in person.
Vicki Madigan Huntley, IL

Stephanie said...

Thank you Lori. I really enjoy your quiltS. books, fabric, rulers... EVERYTHING LORI HOLT!! Thank you for sharing all the extras.

Cheryl said...

Love the Chicken Salad recipe, it is very similar to how I make it. Yum!
I am overjoyed with the Cookbook fabric line, it is now one of my favorites of yours. The reds and blues, floral, just everything about it is beautiful. A patriotic quilt using the reds and blues would be sooooo very pretty (hint, hint) :-) Loving the chickens and they are so fun! Thank you Lori for another gorgeous collection and sharing your creative talent.

Unknown said...

Sigh...I ordered the fabric but can't find the shapes anywhere.

suzanne said...

I am also
just starting the chicken salad quilt and found those very hard to find sew simple shapes on page three of my google search. Just Stitchen Qult Shop has them for sale!

suzanne said...

I also just started the chicken salad quilt and was able to locate the sew simple shapes at Just Stitchin Quilt Shop in NC. Found it on page three in a google search!

suzanne said...

Found these sew simple shapes at the Just Stitchin Qult Shop on page three of a google search!

Anonymous said...

Just came across the chicken salad sew along tutorial on YouTube. Was able to find a kit yesterday and anxiously waiting for it to arrive. Chickens are not part of my decor but I don’t care they’re so cute!

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