Sunday, September 27, 2009

100 post giveaway and Quilt retreat!

My bags are packed! I'm so excited....I'm going away for a week long quilt retreat with 7 of my friends. We are heading north to Idaho and the Teton Mountain range.
We all went last year and had such a blast, we booked for this year before we even left last years retreat!
It's called the Teton Patchworks. I recommend it highly...check it out here.
Do you remember the blocks that I showed you a long time ago? (top photo) I'm hoping to have time there to work on this quilt............

.... and this quilt that I have been working on for a while every time that I get a few spare minutes at my machine.....a snowball quilt made with 30's charm squares that I have swapped over the past 3 years with my Clothesline Club members & Yo Yo Mama's.

I have several hundred charm squares so I think I'm safe to assume that I'll have enough!

I have a quilt cut ready to piece for my family room....8"- 60 degree triangles...I'm just putting them together with an ecclectic mix of fabric from my stash.

I've also cut for a fall quilt using a layer cake and 3 yards brown polka dot for a background....

All my projects are in thier containers & ready to goal is to have them out of the containers and made into quilt tops by the time I get home!
Of course I will show them to you when I get back....but in the meantime, It's time to celebrate my 100 post with a pattern giveaway....

There will be 3 winners and I will be sending each winner a copy of my "Thanksgiving Dinner" and my "Scarecrow" pattern....just in time for some Fall stitchin!

Here is how you me some bloggy love by becoming one of my Followers! Just add my blog to your reader and then leave a comment on this post telling me that you are now a follower....for those of you who already are on my followers list and would still like to enter, all you need to do is leave a comment.
Easy - peasy.....when I get back I'll draw 3 names from my followers list and send off the patterns with a few fun suprises included. The winners will be announced on Sunday October 4th. Good luck ya'll!!!!
Now I'm off to do some marathon sewing!

post signature


Dj said...

I hope you get everything finished! I am a follower via Google Reader. I will go through Blogger to make sure you can find me.

lesthook said...

I also follow you on google. Love those patterns!

Kim Walus said...

Have a blast this week with all of your quilting friends. I'm so excited to see what you get done in a weeks time. The fabrics in each of your project boxes looks wonderful. See ya in a week! :)

SewCalGal said...

Your trip sounds wonderful. Have fun! Can't wait to hear about it when you return. Take a lot of photos.


Mary said...

I am a follower on Google too. Love the Thirties stuff and your patterns.
They don'e sell your patterns here in Washington anywhere that I know of. I hope I win...

Kiwifruit-Shiree said...

awh I'm a regular visitor Lori,... 100 pots huh, well done indeed!
You look like you are going to be really busy on the retreat - have heaps of fun!

CJ said...

You said NORTH Idaho and I got all excited since that is where I am. Then I read on, Teton Mtns. Hmmmmm, nothing like that around here. So I went to the link...oh EASTERN Idaho, near Yellowstone. Well I guess it is north of SOMEWHERE :LOL: If you want to go to NORTH Idaho come see me. :D
I am already a follower of your blog!

quiltmom anna said...

very cute patterns Lori- I love the scarecrow - It is a great design..
Have a great time at the retreat and hope you find it a really fun productive time.
100 posts is a nice number- Congratulations, Lori!

soggybottomflats said...

Of course I am a could I not be? Your blog is always so much fun, colorful and inspiring! Have fun on your retreat, wish I were going! Have a great week, Elaine

Nedra said...

You sure are organized. I know you will have a wonderful time. Looking forward to seeing what you get done.
Of course, I am already a follower, so count me in!

Martina said...

Great organisation! Love it. Have a good time! Thanks for the give away - I am already a follower!

Betsy said...

Ms. Lori you know I am an avid follower. Please include me in the giveaway. You definetly have a lot to accomplish on the retreat. Did you set up some fun time too?

Abby and Stephanie said...

Love the stacked containers of your projects! I'm in serious need of a quilting retreat. Just want to wish you a wonderful time. Since I don't applique I'll leave the pattern giveaway for those who do. :o)

dream quilt create said...

I am green with envy! Are Beth, Lucy and judy going? Your projects are so organized, I hope you get them all done. They look so yummy too, each and every one. Can hardly wait to see pics of the trip and all of your completed projects. Have a wonderful time and say hi to everyone for me.

Anne said...

Hey Lori, I am officially following you, altho you've been on my quilting inpiration blogroll 4-ever. I hope you have the time of your life on your retreat. I have one coming up in a couple of weeks. Can't wait. You've inspired me to prepare!

Jilly's Space said...

I am already a follower and would love a chance to win your patterns!! ;o)
Your retreat sounds so fun, I hope you get all your tops together!

Sweet P said...

I've been a follower of your blog for quite awhile. Have fun on your retreat!

Funoldhag said...

Sounds like a fun retreat and I love the projects you are taking along! Have a great time! Carol

Funoldhag said...

Sounds like a fun retreat and I love the projects you are taking along! Have a great time! Carol

Connie said...

Have a great week. It sounds wonderful. I do like to read your blog and see the quilts that you are working on. Connie

Lisa said...

Have fun quilting! I am now a follower of your blog.

Loralynn said...

Have a blast on your trip! I have been following you for some time now on my Google homepage, but now I am an official reader follower too!

Carin said...

Lori, I hope you have a blast in the beautiful Tetons. Looks like you have a bunch of fun things to work on.

You already know I am a follower( I hope not a stalker lol) so I am going to put in the obligatory "pick me oh pick me PLEASE pick me ;)"

Donna K. said...

Count me in. I'm a follower. Have fun on your trip!

Dawn said...

Have a super fun retreat!! I'm headed for one in a few weeks myself. Thanks for the giveaway and I'm already a follower.
PS I'm having a giveaway too, if interested.

Brenda said...

Have a great time! I would love to get so much done. I have been a follower for a while, would love to participate in your great giveaway!

dq said...

LOVE, LOVE LOVE your patterns! I haven't made one yet but plan to make several. The scarecrow is very high on my list, so I'd LOVE to win your pattern!!! This is really quite a compliment because I don't buy patterns; I design my own.

I've been following your blog on for some time now -- please enter me in the drawing.

Joanna said...

Lori, I've been following you from the beginning!!! I am subscribed to you on both Bloglines and Google reader. Love your blog, and adore your patterns :) I don't have either of the ones in the giveaway, so winning them would be an extra special treat!!!

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Your retreat looks like fun - can't wait to see the finished tops - enjoy.

I've been a follower on bloglines forever - just love your blog.

Allie said...

My goodness you're organized - maybe I would get more done if I was that clever! I hope you enjoy yourself and get everything done! I love your quilts so much.

I've been following you for quite some time in Google Reader, but just put you in my Follow list.

Karen said...

Congratulations on 100 posts!

I so love your patterns and if I am thinking correctly, I was your first Follower. Please count me in the giveaway. I look forward to the next 100 posts! :)

Jan said...

Ohhhhh what a wonderful week that lies ahead for you! And whow on all those projects packed and ready to roll ... love those containers and all the contents are awesome :) Your giveaway is awesome too! I would love to have 2 of your patterns in my collection, so thanks so much for the chance to win :) You are on my "Blogger List" already, and I just signed up to "Follow!" Not sure if I did it correctly tho, but here's hoping I did. Have a wonderful, safe trip! God's Speed :)

Rosa-Munda said...

Your retreat sounds like being great fun. I'm already a follower of your blog and I would just love the chance to win one of your gorgeous patterns! Ros

Kelly L. said...

I just found your blog a few weeks ago! Love your blog! Great quilt designs and always great photos! I'm a follower!
Quakertown, PA

Judy said...

I'm a regular follower ofyour blog -- checking every day! Have a wonderful retreat. That would be so awesome to sew for a solid week. Have a great time!!

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Oh boy~ it looks like it is going to be a lot of fun! Love your kits~ and I'm looking fwd to seeing the quilts! :-) I'm already a follower too and just love visiting your blog! Oct 4th is a lucky day for me, so I'm hoping my luck holds because I'd love to win one of your patterns! ~keeping my fingers-crossed too. ;-)

Rae Ann said...

Have a great time quilting you busy little bee! That is one gorgeous area at this time of year. Be sure to pause long enough for a walk outside to take in the beautiful fall colors. Can't wait to see your projects finished. Thay look like fun ones!

Joyce said...

I love following your blog! You are so creative in am in total awe! Have a great time on your retreat.. maybe I will have to plan one soon! Looks like the Tetons will be wonderful! Have lots of fun!

Rita said...

I'm a follower on Google.

mary calton said...

yay! i am so glad i could "follow" you, i LOVE your patterns, i am working on comforts of home, gramma's kitchen and women's work!! the new dolly one is awesome too!

love the scarecrow and thanksgiving, they are great!

thanks for the awesome blog, it is the first one i always check-your home must be fantastic, all those fabulous vintage things.

mary in southern ca

Micki said...

Have a great trip! Congrats and what a lovely giveaway! I am a follower and would love to be included in the draw. Tell us all about your trip!

Karen said...

Oh, I would love to win!
Quilting in the Tetons. Sounds marvelous but too far away for me.

Carrie P. said...

Happy 100th post. I love those stacks of fabrics all nice and neat. Have a great time.

Carrie P. said...

I forgot to tell you that I added your name to my google follower.
Oh no, I am listening to "sisters" now from White Christmas. Fun.

Unknown said...

Those clothesline girls! You will have a blast for sure.
Of course you are already one of my favs!

Ina said...

hi lori, i read your blog weekly. i especially like 'vintage monday'. i am in california but i am a member of your 'paper doll bom' via the postal service and material girls!

i would love to win one of your patterns! ina

Anonymous said...

What a fun trip! And how exciting it would be to actually have one of your patterns! You've been on my google reader for quite some time, does that count as following? Crossing my fingers and toes...

Diva Kreszl said...

Sounds like a great week! I am already a faithful follower!

Carlie said...

Please add my name to your giveaway...I am a follower and have really enjoyed your blog. Have a great time at your retreat I am so-oo-oo jealous!!!

shauna said...

Congratulations on your 100th post and your awesome blog. I've been a follower since the first time I read your blog. Please add my name to your giveaway.

blop said...

Congrats on 100...quite a milestone!
Love your patterns. I also have been a follower since the first time I read your blog!
Have a blast at the retreat...nothing better than friends, food, fun and fabric!

Cathy M said...

I'm a regular reader through my blog fav's but I'm now a follower because I can't think of anything I would like more than any of your patterns. You are so talented

Melissa ;-) said...

I love your patterns and I would Sooo love to win even one of these! I am already a follower. Thanks for the chance!

Jocelyn said...

Hi Lori, Have a wonderful time at your retreat. I am a regular reader, and a follower too :-)

busyascanbe said...

Your trip sounds so fun.I hope you get alot done! And have fun stories to tell when you get back... Have fun!

Mary said...

Was on a retreat last weekend. What a great way to get things done. Have fun!Hooray for Retreats!!!!!!

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

I follow through bloglines.

You are so organized! You should get alot done during your quilt retreat.

Pat / Silver Thimble Quilt Co. said...

Have a wonderful retreat. Oh pick me for the give a way! I'm a regular with you in my reader. Looking for the follower thingy.


Cindy said...

I've become a follower and LOVE your patterns. I have two of them already, purchased via the internet.

Just a couple weeks ago, hubby and I were passing by Sandy, Utah and I stopped by Quilts, etc for some wonderful eye-candy. Oh, how I love that wonderful quilt shop.

Cindy said...


Annelies said...

Have fun at your retreat....and I am now an OFFICIAL follower (G)!!!! Keep up the GREAT work. XXX Annie

grandma said...

Quilting marathon sounds like great fun. That's definitely the way to get things done. Have fun. I am a follower of your most favorite blog.

Maribel said...

Hi I am an almost everyday follower from Spain. I love your blog and your wonderful patterns. You are so creative!!
Have fun with your "bee" friends!!

Egater said...

I'mnew folloewrad follow yourblog with netvibes.I hope to see lot of interesting and beautiful works :)
Greetings from Estonia
egateris at gmail dot com

Sue Cahill said...

Just found you and have happily joined as a follower!

Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

Sandi Linn Andersen said...

I found you via Nanette's blog - Freda's Hive. That's funny.....I came from the Hive to visit the Bee in a Bonnet. :-) I've added you to my reader (didn't realize I could do it that way - amazing what I don't know sometimes!) and am glad I found your blog. Looks like you are going to have fun at that retreat. Would love a chance to win your patterns. :-) Love the background on your blog!

Sarah or Semmy said...

Have become a follower via Google follower. Your patterns are delightful! I would be honored to win one. Sarah

Ammie G said...

I have loved your blog ever since you came to my quilt group in alpine. before you came i never applique anything and now i am in 2 projects for my baby that will be born in november. thanks for inspiring me to try something new. someday when i don't have so many baby project i want to do your thanksgiving pattern.

Cindy said...

Sounds like fun! Be safe and have a great time! :D

yapping cat

bo said...

love your patterns.. congrats on 100 post...keep them coming much fun to spend time going thru your blog....have fun on your trip

Linda said...

You are so smart to have everything ready to go. Have fun! Thanks for the chance to enter your contest. I'm pressing the Follow Button.
Linda at The Quilting Cat

Cheryl said...

I love your patterns! I am just a collector right now, but I will finish them someday!!!

Julie @ Jaybird Quilts said...

i'm a loyal follower/google reader... & super jealous of your organized little stacks all in boxes... one day i'll be that organized!

Josi eta josi said...

Madre mia , esto es increible, somos muchas las interesadas en tus patrones.Por cierto que trabajo tan bello y que dedicacion enorabuena

Josi eta josi said...

Madre mia, esto esa increible ,creo que todas estamos interesadas en esos patrones.Que belleza y que dedicacion es impresionante.Enorabuena

Chris, Kristina, Nathan and Audrey... said...

I follow you on google reader. I would love to have those patterns!

Maryjane~Sweet Sassy Sadie Lee's Granddaughter said...

Lori, sure hope you are having a fun time! Now that was silly because I know you are!!! Can't wait to see all the wonderful quilting you got done!


Sherry said...

Have a wonderful time on your retreat Lori! I'm an old fashioned follower (no blog here) just check out your blog every chance I get...LOL The pattern giveaways are nice but I just wanted to wish you a fun time on your retreat. Hope you get lots accomplished, great projects!

antique quilter said...

wow 100 posts already!
have a great time!

Judy Z said...

I love love love all your patterns. Wow. They are wonderful.

Helen said...

I am now a follower through Google.
Love your website and patterns. I am crossing my fingers here.

Jeanne said...

Congrats on your 100th post! I follow your blog through Bloglines. Have a great time at your retreat.

Browndirtcottage said...

(me singing) Happy 100 to you~~~~
Happy 100 to you~~Happy 100 d-e-a-r
L-O-R-I~~~Happy 100th to you!!!

Ok...and NO've showed all your little retreat kits
you've made up....uh, you know you are gonna have to make good...have
them ALL down by the time you get home!!....And you know I'm a fan and follower!!

Sherri said...

Happy 100th! Of course I'm already a follower! Have a wonderful retreat as well!

Mystica said...

Happy 100th. I know you will get everything finished as you are so enthusiastic.
I'm a follower as well.


Christy said...

I've been following for awhile now. Made it official today, I love a chance to add patterns to my collection. The retreat looks & sounds like so much fun! EnJOy

aztel2000 said...

I too am following you! I hope you got a lot done on your retreat and had a lot of fun too. I'm going on my first retreat in 2 weeks and I hope to be as organized as you. Can't wait to see what you accomplished! Karen in Breezy Point

Anonymous said...

I know this is a longshot but, I would love to have one of your patterns! Especially a fall one since I am deep into working on my fall quilts right now. I've finished three and am working on the fourth. I love your blog and the wonderful quilts you make! I've been a follower for a while now...

JRZ Jenn said...

I love your quilts - and your patterns (and tutorials) are just awesome! I'm a follower of your blog (JRZ Jenn)
terryandjennifer4ever @

*crossing my fingers*

Nicole Kelly said...

OMG I hope I win. I was just there in Utah visiting and I struggled with which pattern to buy I had 5 in my hand! I ended up getting only one the comforts of home and the kit!! Wooohoo! I have become a follower, should have done that sooner! Hope you had a great time!

Nanette Merrill said...

Super jealous. I know you're having such fun. I'm glad you could go. Can't wait to see what you get done.

Lynn said...

Hi I am now a follower, and now all I have to do is sit here and wait to win!

Busy Little Quilter said...

Your trip sounds like fun. I can't wait to see the projects you finished.

I am a follower and I have your button on my sidebar!

arlette said...

Love the patterns, I'd love to have them, I'm your new follower!!!

rockgranny said...

Congrats on your 1ooth post.And I just start to follow you , you and your lovely blog deserve it.

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