I will be teaching it tomorrow at Material Girls in South Jordan.
We are about 3/4 of the way finished with the class with the last class being in August.
The pattern will be available for purchase then.
I am designing this quilt with my daughter (Kassidy) and my grandaughter (Sophie) names but all of the blocks are from my childhood memories.
Hopscotch, jump rope and jacks were some of my favorite things to do at recess. I also liked to play 4-square...play on the giant teeter-totters and climb the monkey bars...but they didn't fit into the block...lol
I put a necklace on the dress because I remember jumping rope and my necklace used to hit me in the face until I would finally stop and tuck it into my collar.
I also remember all of the fun jump rope rhymes that we would recite together while jumping and then going straight into "Red Hot Peppers"!...
The dress (along with all of the clothing in the quilt) looks like a dress that my Mom made for me...or maybe one of my 3 older sisters...because I am the fourth daughter, I got to wear all of thier hand me downs!
I grew up in a very small and rural town and attended elementary school in the same 3 room schoolhouse that my mother and her parents (my grandparents) attended as children.
It was called Herriman Elementary and I loved that school and my teachers and classmates. We were all very close.
My mom was always at the sewing machine making us girls "school dresses". We had to wear a dress to school every day because that was the rule until they changed it when I was in 4th grade (1972) so that us girls could finally wear pants.
Before that time, I always wore shorts under my dress so that I wasn't limited on what I could do at recess...(remember the before mentioned monkey bars?...lol)
How about you? What did you like to do at recess?...or do you have any hand me down memories that you would like to share?
Your block is so pretty & fun...lovely memories. I used to love jump rope & hopscotch...I would be a sight doing it now...hehe!
I used to play jumprope, hopscotch, and a game where you put a really long 1/4" elastic (tied at one end) around two girl's ankles, and a third girl would do a little dance in between with crossing the elastic over the other one with her foot, etc. and we did that with a rhyme. Don't know if I ever knew the name of that game. No hand me downs, I was the only girl. I didn't have tons of clothes and wasn't a pampered only girl. Once I did get a bag of hand me downs from a cousin and it was like Christmas! I used to walk to school every day, home for lunch and back again, even in snowstorms, all the way through high school. I wore a uniform, navy blue belted tunic with white blouse, and knee socks, and a little quilt with bloomers and white blouse, and keds for gym class.
I absolutely love this new block, and the cute print on the pink dress.
love the memories. I too have some of the same memories. I wonder if it has to do with going to a small school in a small rural town. I remember wearing a dress everyday and in the winter putting on long pants under the dress so you could go to recess in the snow.
What a fun block. I love the detail too. I do remember a lot of the things you mentioned. My favorite recess activity was tether ball and I was really good at it. I could beat just about every boy that was willing to risk going up against me. lol.
Wow, the memories have come rushing into my mind. One of my favorite activities was jumping rope (teddy bear, teddy bear, turn around, teddy bear, teddy bear, touch the ground....) :-) I was one of the best at jumping double dutch (two ropes) LOL And, of course, tether ball and hopscotch were favs also. We used to spend hours on the porch of my grandmother's grocery store (it was attached to the house) playing with jacks - I loved playing with jacks.
I may have to order this pattern to make a memory quilt of my childhood for my daughter, Kris. I wonder if she'd like that? HMMMM
Oops, forgot to say that most of my clothes were made by mom or my grandmother - no hand me downs as I was an only child until I was almost 16.
I love hearing your childhood memories.
Kent and I walked during the cool evening in downtown St. G last night. Family parties were going on in many yards. He told me of quite a few childhood memories of going to Grandma's on a Sunday evening and playing with cousins. The children sat on handmade quilts on the grass and listened as the adults sat in lawn chairs and visited. His mom and dad often made homemade icecream from the raspberry patch.
I was not raised with much family around, but loved to hopscotch (at school, like you) and in the evenings played kick the can with the neighborhood children. I remember hiding in the honeysuckle bush and not caring if I got found because it smelled so good.
Hi Lori. What wonderful memories you have stirred! This block is adorable.
What an adorable blog! Thanks for stopping by mine too! I'm Christine from thisandthatcreations.blogspot.com
Just adorable...look forward to stopping by often!
Cynthia, that was Chinese Jump rope and I played that at home between two chairs. My favorite at school was the "Kissing Tag" at recess. We played all the other things too. I wore dresses until 1968 to Elementary school. Pants underneath them was necessary in the winter! I walked to school too, over the tracks and through the gully. It doesn't seem as far looking back now.
Oh yes I loved hopscotch. I remember wearing my skate key around my neck and it hitting my face. Funny. I can remember sitting in my seat at school waiting for the clock to turn so I could run home, change and go skate, jump rope or play hopscotch with my friends. ohh those were the days!
Awwwww, what an adorable block Lori! My all time favorite as a child was "kick ball :)"
Beautiful "Scripture Sunday" below and Kassidy's dresser set is wonderful! Please tell her I am sooooooo envious cuz I would love to be able to crochet! She obviously is way smarter than me (LOL).
Oh, so cute! I love it. . . . Hopscotch, jump rope, four-square, kickball, tetherball, monkey bars . . . all of those are in my memories! What a great block. Can't wait to see how Paper Dolls goes all together! Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful talents. You make the world a prettier place!
Hi Lori,
A friend on our Facebook Fan Page listed your blog as her favorite quilting blog so we had to come for a visit. You have great projects and a lovely blog, keep up the good work- we hope to see more from you in the future!
Lori, I just looove your quilt designs! I've oogled, er, I mean, ADMIRED them very often!
Have a wonderful afternoon! Kimberly
I am so excited to purchase this pattern! Your skills and attention to detail are astounding!!!! So wonderful!!
I too, loved jumprope and hop scotch and jacks!!!! Loved to hula hoop too, but can no longer keep that hoop up!!!
Dress up was a favorite at my grandmas, with all her old dance dresses (lots of peticoats!), stoles, our (cousins) purses with play money and avon lipstick samples!! A bench by the back door, a washbin full of dishes, and a pile of dirt let us make mudpies by the hour!
thanks for the memories!!
Beautifully sweet Lori! Love the memories that go along with this! I hope you enjoyed your cards! Cherry
Love the new block! And I love the "new to me' file cabinet drawers on your sidebar! What a great idea!!!
what a cute, cute block! wish i lived closer to attend the class! :)
Another beautiful block...I always look forward to these posts! Wondering if your daughter is going to claim this quilt for her own when it's finished!
My mother made draperies and so all of my clothes my mother sewed were very pretty but very heavy. LOL and it was really bad if it rained. Jump roping in the rain in my dresses meant ...you were way tired!
I am so in love with your paper doll quilt! I remember playing on the monkey bars *grin*. We also had this very high slide that was humped in the middle so that when you launched yourself off the top and were going fast enough it would shoot you out into the air and you crashed down at the bottom with a thud! Now that I think back we are lucky that we didn't bruise our tail bones or worse break our necks! LOL.
I was just thinking the other day about how much I liked playing hopscotch, jacks, and jump rope at school recess. I have not seen metal jacks in a long time. Wonder if they are still made.
I am looking forward to when you have the pattern for sale.
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