First up is from Yo-yo Mama's at Material Girls and this is Shanna's dresden blocks.
I took a close up hoping you could see the fabulous quilting...I love it.
After all, we are the yo-yo mama's!
Pat also wore her new jacket that she made to show us. She also made a flower to match...she looks adorable don't you think?

This is Pat's block for this month. It's from the book Egg Money Quilts and we are all making our own Egg Money quilt during this years yo-yo mama's.
Rosanna also made a minky quilt and brought it for show and tell. She appliqued flowers on the front...
...and she also used minky on the back.
A few close ups for your viewing pleasure....

Rosanna also finished her "Apron Club" quilt from Bee in my Bonnet (yes, that's me!)...and wanted to show it off because she is so proud of her's her very first applique quilt and I think she did a fabulous job.

Below is the back of the Apron quilt. She used some leftovers from the aprons to piece part of it.
These are the blocks that we have done so far for the egg money quilt...

Rae Ann always looks adorable...because she is!

She is showing us some of her vintage patterns.

Below is a quilt top that Karen pulled out of her closet that she pieced several years ago and has not quilted yet...and when I say pieced, I mean HAND pieced...WOW always amaze all of us at Clothesline club with your skills!

I, of course love it and all of the patriotic scraps of fabric. I remember when this fabric came out but I can't remember what it's called.
I really think that the light gold background sets off the stars perfectly.
yes...I said pincushion.
Pat said it just kept growing and when she had finished she decided it could be a tuffet!
We all had a great giggle with her and I suggested that she use it for her knitting needles instead of sewing needles and
This is Pat's block for this month. It's from the book Egg Money Quilts and we are all making our own Egg Money quilt during this years yo-yo mama's.
Rosanna also finished her "Apron Club" quilt from Bee in my Bonnet (yes, that's me!)...and wanted to show it off because she is so proud of her's her very first applique quilt and I think she did a fabulous job.
Below is the back of the Apron quilt. She used some leftovers from the aprons to piece part of it.
below is my dear friend Rae Ann in her adorable new/old apron that she made.
it's from a vintage pattern in her collection.
Rae Ann always looks adorable...because she is!
She is showing us some of her vintage patterns.
Below is a quilt top that Karen pulled out of her closet that she pieced several years ago and has not quilted yet...and when I say pieced, I mean HAND pieced...WOW always amaze all of us at Clothesline club with your skills!
I, of course love it and all of the patriotic scraps of fabric. I remember when this fabric came out but I can't remember what it's called.
wow it is all amazing work :)
Wow, what a fantastic show and tell! I couldn't possibly come up with a favorite, but I have to say that I am in love with that pincushion!! Big yes, but it sure can hold tons of pins. And of course, I love RaeAnn's Apron. Just too cute!
What an amazing amount of everything you shared! I love Dresdens too...they are addictive...the egg money blocks look the apron quilt & the cute apron. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Lori. What beautiful projects! I never tire of looking at those apron club quilts, how fun. Thanks for sharing all the pics.
Always love show and tell. Rae Ann look adorable in her apron.
Ok, there is just too much in this post for me. I like so much of what I'm seeing. That pincushion should enter a contest! I've never seen anything like it. Amazing, cute and funny. I loved the minky back and the quilting. I 've used that edge to edge pattern before. The jacket is awesome. I want to make that egg money block. THIS MOMENT! The dresdens are incredible. I made a dresden this weekend. But I can't show it. Remember I'm working on a dresden project for next market. But seeing the dresdens makes me happy. I know I forgot something I was going to say but this is a long comment so I'll be done.
fantastic show and tell........thanks
Show and tell is one of my favorite things about being a quilter. All I can say is, "Wow!" Such talent and inspiration! ~karen
Wow! What a great show and tell. I LOVE those dresden plates -- and that hand pieced quilt is pretty darn cool!
What a show and tell- the Tuffet is too funny- instead of the Little Engine that could it could be the cushion that grew and grew.. Your ladies look like a very fun group who enjoy playing and creating together.
Happy quilting,
That huge pincushion cracks me up. And seeing cute Rae Ann in her apron makes me miss you guys even more! What fun gatherings.
Hi :) Thanks so much for stopping by my blog :) I do just love starting a new quilt it is SO exciting *grin*. I was just drooling over all of the beautiful quilts you shared from your meetings. WOW!! I need to get practicing :) I'd love to share updates on how my wave quilt comes along so hopefully you'll pop over for a visit again :) Love your blog to!
Ohh! Fabulous show and tell! Usually one or two things really stand to out me, but there were all extra fabulous this time! Thanks for shrang!
Thank you Lori....I love everything you gals are doing!! How creative you all are...AND productive....I'm kind of a slow poke...this was an inspirational post and I loved seeing your progress!!
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