When I have a spare minute between working on the Top Secret Project.
These are a few of the blocks from a quilt in progress....
It's called Women of the Old Testament...taught by my dear friend Lucy. Each block represents a different woman that we are studying about. I still have a ways to go...but after all...it's a year long class so I still have some time to catch up.... right?
Rae Ann's cabin....it's now ready for quilting....I just need to piece the backing fabric and take it to Helen.

These are my Flower Sugar Dresden's that I am working on for a pattern....I'll let you know when they are complete!

And of course...I am Always working on hexies...
These flowers are some that will also go into a pattern that I am designing....I'ts almost ready!
And these dresdens made from my stash...are still slowly but surely coming along. Are you starting to get the idea that I have just a little too much going on here?...I think I must have quilters A.D.D.....lol
And ....oh yes....my butterfly quilt. Is coming slowly because I just simply have not had the time to get it out.
Luckily...I cut out the whole quilt at once like I usually do...so it will be easy to pick up where I left off.
This is another quilt that I made that's ready for the quilters....it's what I call a "Quee-ing" sized quilt...lol...in between a king and a queen. It will go on my bed to warm our toes for the coming winter months.
I used 500 charm squares that we have been exchanging over some time with my Clothesline Club. I worked on it at Rae Ann's cabin too.

Here is another quilt that is all finished and ready for the quilters...

Sunny Days....I made this at my dear friend Nedra's beautiful home while on retreat there.
These are my Flower Sugar Dresden's that I am working on for a pattern....I'll let you know when they are complete!
And of course...I am Always working on hexies...
Here is another quilt that is all finished and ready for the quilters...
Sunny Days....I made this at my dear friend Nedra's beautiful home while on retreat there.
Best of luck to you in Houston!
my word... what beautiful blocks on show...
I love your hexis!
Awesone work
Oh my goodness... a few projects you say...Can we talk about Sunny Days..gosh that is pretty...I mean really lovely...well over the top sensational...ok, maybe a bit too much right??? You must like it..you created it...lol
I have to move to Utah.....you do things quicker there...lol
blessings msamm
That is amazing Lori! I love your fabric choices. Your quilts are beautiful! Most women would be happy if they got one tenth of what you do, accomplished. Can hardly wait to see your new creations for market. Thanks for sharing, you inspire me.
I love ALL those blocks and quilts ! Your fabric choices just fit my tastes to a tee!!! Wishing I had more time to just concentrate on trying new block designs with all my stash and I love a LOT of fabric! :) You do beautiful work!!!
Will you be in Houston??? Would love to meet. I'll be in booth 305.
Your quilts are gorgeous. I love the reproduction quilts. You have such an eye for color. Beautiful!
My Sunny Days and Butterfly quilts are currently at the quilters too.
I am so excited to see your new patterns, especially the Dresden Plate one. I've been saving my Dresden ruler (as my bd present from you)for your new pattern.
All of the blocks are beautiful. I wish we could be sitting next to each other and sew. You are one busy bee.
More beauties coming out of your sewing room. Are you sure I can't come sit in the corner and just watch. I can't promise that I'll be quiet but I can promise to stay out of your way. You tell me if and when I can come over to play with you and I'll be there. teehee
Lori, I love to see the projects you are working on. Thanks for taking the time to share :-)
Holy Cow Woman! You have so many quilts going my head is spinning. They're ALL gorgeous though -- I love your style!
Of course I love everything...just wondering where the last pattern is from...I haven't seen that one on your blog before!
I have the same question as Sherri, where is that last quilt pattern from? I love it! Thank you, Elaine
Those are some beautiful quilts and quilt blocks! Love your work.
Those are some beautiful quilts and quilt blocks! Love your work.
I have been so busy at work today. I've had your blog up on my desktop since early this morning. And I'm finally getting through it. I had to take my time and was interrupted billiondy times. Plus yours is the only blog I'll get to today so I was glad to see it was really alive with color and pattern. Love the blocks, first off, on your New or was it Old testament quilt. Love them. And I've got to make your sugar flower wheel quilt. GOTTTA. This post makes me want to run away and forget the world, step off and just sew. Love everything you do. It is so beautiful. The red and white sunny days block is my favorite. Can't wait to see your basket quilt bound. It is all so beautiful. I need to make a clothespin holder for market for RJR with their fabric chef panel. So it will be kind of plain. Do you have a pattern for something like that or know of one I can get or should I just make it up?
Great quilt blocks and quilts! What is the name of the pink, red, and cream quilt block?
Lori, Everything is so delightful and beautiful that I don't even know what to comment on! I just came up from my sewing area (I don't have a room, it just moves with the seasons). I was looking at all my UFO's and thinking how far behind I am now with 3 months away from the machine. Then I looked at your post and decided maybe there is hope for me! Thank you for the inspiration. By the way, I just got your pattern "A Quilters World" today. I have all my fabrics selected but I am scared to death!!! I don't know how to applique and I am so confused. I know I can do it, I just need to see a tutorial or something to boost my confidence. Hugs...
Holy Moly girl! I thought I had a lot of projects. LOL. I think... you have me beat. And EVERY single one of your projects is fantastic!
Wow! So many cool blocks and quilts! I love that basket quilt! And I love that last one you showed!
Ok. I think after some looking around the pink/red/cream block might be a play on the twin sisters block? But, I still want to figure out how to put the 4 patch in the middle of those 4 triangles. haha. For only having started quilting I am so confused by some blocks!
Love all those blocks and quilts - they are just what I like to do too!
Oh Lori...where to begin...love your Old Testament blocks...how I wish I had a group in my area...your Quee-ing quilt is a favorite...love your Sunny Days...and your pinwheels are the BEST! What a wonderful post!
As I looked at each block/quilt I kept thinking "this is my favorite" but then the next one would take my breath away, too! Thanks for the great quilt show - I loved them all, especially the Ferris Wheel quilt! Now to get to work on some of my UFO's! xo, Nan
Okay, I'm getting desperate! I need to know how to make that pinwheel block - yours are gorgeous and I cannot seem to find it anywhere! Help! Is it in a book somewhere?
That's the one I've been searching for too! Can't find anything remotely like it. Hope we can find out a name soon! :)
Whew! I'm tired Lori.
Looking for the Snippets Pinwheel too!
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