Monday, July 25, 2011

Easy Corner Triangles and a Quilting with my iPhone Tutorial...

Good morning happy people!
A big thank you (with a cherry on top) for all of your kind comments and emails regarding
my recent tutorials...
Yes...I will continue to do them whenever
 I sew a block that I think you might
like to see how I did it.

Today is a traditional Maple Leaf block:)
I have always loved this block and have made several quilts with it in the past.
I have used the method for the
half square triangles
that I have shown you in
but I thought you might be interested to see how I use easy square triangles
to sew the stem segment.
As you can see above, I also cut a solid brown square for the stem in the same size of the half square triangle squares....
and then cut 2 squares out of the background fabric "1/4" smaller" than the brown square. 
This will give me a stem that is 1/2" wide. 

I laid out my squares on my design board the way that I wanted to sew them together...
and then took a couple of quick pictures with my trusty iPhone so that I would be able to use them as a reference for later.

I do this all the time with my sewing...especially when I have laid out quilt blocks in rows on my livingroom floor
to sew together.
No need for labeling the blocks!
I simply snap a pic with my iPhone or iPad instead and I have it to look at as a reference while sewing segments,
blocks, or rows together...
(whatever the case may be)...
and when I'm finished...
I just delete the picture....easy peasy!

Of course this works with any kind of phone:)

I lay one of the 1/4" smaller squares  on top of the brown stem square with right sides together, making sure they are lined up squarely on both sides... 
and stitch from corner to corner of the background square...

After  pressing and trimming
toward the triangle...
I lay the remaining background square
on the opposite side with RST...
 and once again stitch from corner to corner of the background square.
I then press and trim as usual. 

It looks like this...a stem!

I then made the half square triangles
just as I have shown you in 
and laid it all out again on my
mini design board so that all of
the points were pointing the right way...

...and then I did a quick check on my iPhone to make sure that the colors were
where I wanted them to be before
sewing the block together.

I sewed them into rows...

And then completed the block.

Making the stem like this is a very easy method to use in any block with a stem 
and I have used it throughout
the years in many of my quilt patterns.
I hope you liked the iPhone/iPad tip's a real time saver for me!

Tomorrow I will show you how I made another 
easy peasy block...
so if you're interested...
stay tuned!


pamkennison said...

What a brilliant idea. Will have to get my blackberry out and see if it works as well as the iphone. Thanks for sharing.

Cheers Pam

Kim with a K said...

Thanks for another great tutorial!
PS my fat quarter bundle of "Sew Cherry" has arrived!
Also getting red gingham and others...
Love all that you do and share!

Penny said...

That is a really nifty way of sewing stems. I wish I'd known that method before I made my maple leaf quilt, it would have saved so much time instead of sewing them all by hand. Thank you so much for all the tutorials, they are so clear and easy to follow. I've just got to finish up a few UFO's and then I shall put all your teaching into practice when I start my own FWQS.

Carol said...

What a great tutorial...I'm going to make that block this week! Thank you!

Pat said...

Another great tutorial. Keep up the good work. I love them. I also love the fabrics you are using.

Pinkadot Quilts said...

Oh my gosh that is such a great idea! Even though I have been quilting a long time, I really like your tutorials, keep them coming.

Nedra said...

I am learning so much from you Lori! I love your stem stitch method! I've made several quilts with these and have never seen this technique before. Fabulous and so accurate!

Judy said...

Such an awesome way to do the stem! Thanks so much for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lori :) I just started reading your blog about a week ago. WOW do I LOVE your tutorials!!! I haven't purchased the Farmer's Wife book for me yet (I bought one for a sweet friend of mine) and I am really wishing I had when I see all your beautiful blocks and you make them all look soooo easy! :) Thanks for sharing your tips and instructions with us. I am really tempted even MORE to jump in on this quilt along...thanks to you. LOL :) I am enjoying your blog and looking around at all the neat stuff here. BTW I fell in LOVE with your new line of fabric and the quilt with all the dishes that Sherri over at A Quilting life made for you. It is just adorable!

Maxine said...

OH my...what a great idea..Makes me think why didn't I think of that! Just keep the ideas coming..Love that you will share all these great tips with us..Can't wait to see the next block.

pcflamingo said...

Love it! And I have a billion (OK, maybe only a million) scraps of floral fabrics that would work perfectly for this block! I just did a string/strip quilt with piano key border of all my florals and barely made a dent. So the timing of this is great :D

My Vintage Mending said...

Alright you stop it right are making me think I can quilt with all these great easy tuts. Ack! Your color selections are fantastic. I just can't believe how wonderful you are making these tutorials.. I keep reading them over and over. thank you so much for doing these...smiles...Renee

Julie said...

Love it!! What did I ever do without an iphone? I just took pic with iphone of the stem block for later reference - off the computer! These things continue to amaze me! And, you have just helped me justify buying an ipad! It's a quilting tool!! : )

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

All of the tutorials are great Lori, but I LOVE this one. Great stems!

Nanette Merrill said...

super cute. you're making me wish I was doing this again and again and again

Tina said...

Very, very cool!! I would have NEVER been able to figure out how to do this - Thank You so much!!!

my happy bluebird said...

I love this block! Thanks so much for taking the time to show us how to do this.

Jan Ward said...

Love the Tom Turkey, and the Maple Leaf! Thank you Lori Holt!!

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