...and how they look. Aren't they just the cutest little things?
Try it...you'll like it.
I promise.
Every bite tastes like a little bit of heaven.
So put your apron on girls...we're gonna make us a Strawberry Pie...okay...you got one on?...let's begin.
First thing I should say is technically it's cheesecake but we've always called this recipe strawberry pie .... and no...the rolling pin is not for rolling out crust, it's for smashing grahm crackers!
Place them in your mixing bowl with 3 Tablespoons of sugar and 1/3 cup melted butter...
Mix it up....
Bake in a 350* oven for 2 minutes only. Set aside while you make the filling.
Don't whip the cream girls...just pour it in straight!

You will need to juice a fresh lemon and pour 2 Tablespoons into the mixture.

Then you give each half to your daughter and her friend to finish up....and listen to thier squeels of delight while you use the leftover juice to make this...
You will need to juice a fresh lemon and pour 2 Tablespoons into the mixture.
Then you give each half to your daughter and her friend to finish up....and listen to thier squeels of delight while you use the leftover juice to make this...
Enjoy it's refreshing taste while you continue on.
Mix until smooth....take a sip of lemonade...now wipe your hands on your apron and...
Very gently spread the mixture evenly over the crust.
Place it in your fridge so that it can get a good head start on setting up while you make the topping.
You will need 1 box of Danish Dessert. I'm using raspberry because the strawberry is a little too tart for my taste.
Cook according to the instructions on the package. Take a good long sip of lemonade again.
Set it on the backburner to cool a bit while you slice up them yummy strawberries!
First, hull them with a cute little red strawberry huller. I got mine for Mothers Day a few years back.
It's by jo!e...
You want about 4 cups of sliced strawberries.
Wash your spatula and bowl....(my Mom always taught me to use the same bowl instead of dirtying every bowl in the cupboard)...thanks Mom...good advice.
And use your cute little red strawberry slicer to slice em up! It's also by jo!e and came with the huller.

Cute huh? It really makes them nice and uniform in a jiffy.

Pour the Danish Dessert over your sliced strawberries....
This also makes a delicious homemade ice cream topping....but anyhoo...back to the pie....oh!.. and have some more lemonade too.
Spoon it over the filling....

Place it in your fridge to set up for approximately 4 - 6 hours....and resist the urge to clean out your refridgerator....I did!
Pour the Danish Dessert over your sliced strawberries....
Go check out a few blogs while you're finishing up your lemonade.
After a nice long break...and several quilt blocks later...make "Hawaiian Haystacks" for dinner. The perfect summer meal and it goes wonderfully with the strawberry pie.
(recipe to be shared at a later time)
(recipe to be shared at a later time)
P.S. While I was making my pie... Nanette
and I were texting back and forth on our iphones...yes I'm an apron wearin multi-tasker...I can bake, take pictures and text at the same time!...anyhoo...She said it sounded delicious... so Nanette...this first piece is for you!
Oh, my! And it is early morning and I don't have any strawberries in the house. Thanks for those lovely photos.
I just looked at the pictures of your studio. I want to come and sew there. It's a goal
YUMMY! OMG...my mouth is watering!
Yummy. I have never heard of putting sour cream on top of strawberries. I will have to give that a try.
Oh wow! Does that ever look delicious. We LOVE strawberries too, especially when they are in season. Such a sweet treat!
Oh YUM!!!!
Guess I need to add a few items to my grocery list.
Thanks Lori.
strawberries are the best! so sweet and cute!
Isn't it fun to have a texting friend while you're baking or sewing? That dessert looks delicious! And Hawaiian Haystacks -- I haven't thought of those since I was in Utah last time and my aunt served them -- thanks for the reminder!!!
This is such a cute post! I love strawberries, I love your colorful kitchen, and I love that little strawberry set! Your polka dot glass of lemonade is adorable, but you forgot one thing--to show us your apron! :)
Oh my! This looks delicious indeed. It will be hard to wait for market in the morning. ~Kelly
unDeniably Domestic
And....I ordered the gadgets. Hmmmm...you might be a bad influence. ~Kelly
unDeniably Domestic
Yum! Yummy! Yum! I will have to try this version. I have a wonderful Strawberry Trifle recipe that my family just loves. I made it not too long ago.
Looks delish! Definitely looking forward to the Hawaiian haystack recipe too.
Strawberries always remind me of my great granny and her sister. They'd have quilts on their clothesline in the spring when everyone came out to the country to pick strawberries. They'd sell the quilts they'd made that winter. Well, what was left that they hadn't given to their family.
Great recipe! thank you.
O.K. Why does everything you own have to be so stinkin cute!?! Your polka dot glasses, your cute strawberry slicer...dang girl!
The pie and the hawaiian haystacks and the way you eat strawberries with sour cream and brown sugar sounds sooo good right now. I will definitely try those recipes next time. Thanks!
Yummy fun!
Num! Great photos!
Love the strawberry pie but I had to laugh at the hawaiian haystacks. My daughter came home from college this year and had had them for the first time. She fixes them every chance she gets says she craves them. can't wait for your recipe.
I just made strawberry freezer jam! Fun post...thanks for the recipe too.
I am drooling! That Strawberry Pie looks so delicious! And yum on the Hawaiian Haystacks. We love those. They are my daughter's favorite. Thanks for sharing the pie recipe!
Ohhhhhhh yum!!!!!!!!! That looks awesome ... something my honey would really like :) I adore that little "strawberry slicer" too! Tks so much for sharing :)
This looks wonderful! Where would I find Danish Dessert? Is it basically a gelatin? I don't think I've ever heard of this before. dsb448@att.net
Oh, yum!!
By the way, we made it home safe and sound. It was wonderful seeing you!
Hi Lori,
Just read your love for strawberries. I loooove them too I am making a quilt with strawberries on it and will bring to show at yo yo mamas. I might wait till next month though so that it will be quilted. We'll see. I also have a prize for you all too. See you soon.
Now I'm really wishing I had some fresh strawberries on hand! I have a recipe that is very similar but yours looks delicious to, plus I must get one of those super cut strawberry slicers. That is adorable :)
I've heard of Hawaiian Haystacks before but I just can't get past the sauce AND mandarin oranges! I have a friend who swears it's great but I'm afraid I'll have to wait to try this in my NEXT life! However, that pie of yours is on the docket for this week! Sounds divine...now, if only I can find the Danish stuff! It's 7:30 am and I'm already drooling...thanks, I think! xo, Nan PS: I LOVE your penny candy block - TOO, TOO CUTE!
yum! great recipe, esp the lemon faces!
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