Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Fabric Giveaway!...

Do you want some of my 1930's repro stash?
Well...good...I'll be happy to send you some:)
Yes...I'm giving away two sets of 22 fat quarters!...(give or take a little on some of them).

Here's the other likey?
Are you thinking of all the good stuff you could make with 22 FQ's of 1930's fabric?
Why am I giving these away you ask?

Because I've been going through my stash and reorganizing....making room and getting ready for 27 bolts of this!

Waiting....waiting...waiting. My shelves are Sew Empty without my Sew Cherry.
While I'm waiting...lets play giveaway!

And let's keep it simple know the drill!
4 chances to win...
1. Leave me a comment and tell me if you have a favorite piece of my new Sew Cherry line...
(you can view the whole collection here).
2. Become a new follower or...if you already are...thank you! and comment and let me know either way.
3. Subscribe to my blog posts to come to your email..(top right side of my blog)...comment and tell me if you did or already are.
4. Post about Sew Cherry and my 1930's giveaway on your are welcome to use my pictures. Please let me know you have done so by comment.
If you enter 4 times you do not need to leave 4 comments...just leave one comment telling me how many times you are entered and I will put your name in the hat as many times as you have entered.
Everyone is welcome to play...I will ship anywhere!
The giveaway will go until Saturday March 19.
I will announce the winners on Monday morning:)
Thanks for playing and I'm crossing my fingers for you!

post signature


1 – 200 of 502   Newer›   Newest»
Cardygirl said...

Great giveaway...I always love 30's. But your new range is so sweet...I love the cherries but the red & white polka dots would have to be my favourite. I am already a follower!

Harlow Designs said...

Enter me 4 times :)
My favourite piece of Sew Cherry is the pink sew leaves and the pink sew stripes.

Ive been following your blog for a while now & i just love it!!
i have also just became a subscriber.

I have just posted a blog about this giveaway on my blog & used your photos - i dont have any followers though so not sure if anyone will see it.

Thanks you so much for the chance to win :)

Anonymous said...

Oooh, such a gorgeous and generous giveaway! I just adore those 1930's repro fabrics, which unfortunately are not available in my little corner, and I sure can imagine the beautiful quilt I could make out of them ;>)
Believe me, dear Lori, my fingers AND toes are crossed, and you can count me 4 times, as I'm a follower + subscribed to your emailed blogposts + posted about this on my blog.
My favourite fabrics among your beautiful new line are C2520 (main) and C2522.
THANKS again, Lori, and good luck to everyone !

Unknown said...

I love 30's and don't have a lot of them. I love the blue cherry's fabric from your new line. I am also already a follower!! Thank you for the chance to win!!

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhhh I love March Madness everywhere! Thi is fantastic.
I don't (yet) have any Sew Cherry. Maybe I am getting some on Monday (lol)
I am already a happy follower.
I posted a link on my blog

Vroomans' Quilts said...

I love the c2522Blue - just have a thing for blue and nice to see the cherries on this hue.

Vroomans' Quilts said...

I envy all that new fabric arriving - how fun - I am a follower.

Jenny at Red House said...

Wowoww! C522 blue would be my fave I think, no hamg on.. ther's so many nice ones, well done! what a fab collection, jennyx

Vintage said...

I like Your giveaway:). It's hard to choose...Maybe my favorite is the Red -sew Dots. I'm a follower, too.

Laurie in Maine said...

I am a follower... took me 3 times scrolling up & down the blog sidebars to find! (it's on bottom, right ;) Love your Count Your Blessings design, BTW.

Janet said...

I don't have any Sew Cherry - but I think I'd like to!!!

Janet said...

I am a follower.

ria vogelzang said...

What lovely fabrics!! I just love the 1930-fabrics!! I read about your give-away at Nadine's blog; and just love that I found you! What a gorgeous colours you use! :))
So; I entered your followerslist and the emailupdates........ and mentioned your Giveaway on my blog........ and ..... o yes; left you a comment....... ;))
Wow!! Have fun with your new fabrics!!!! Hope they will arrive soon!
Enjoy your day!

Mary said...

I'm a follower, I have subscribed and I love the 30's repros. My favorite in the line is the 2521 Roses set. 3 of 4 chances.

Unknown said...

I love the fabrics, wonderful giveaway! Sew Cherry is a great line, you should be proud!!! As I love flowers, I like the flower fabrics the most, but really - I like them all :o)
Im a follower and subscriber, so 3 chances for me to win your fab fabrics!!

Anonymous said...

Hello Lori

I read your weblog.And It is the first time a see.I try to send a massage for the give away.I like both .My favorite is the cherries.Greating from Holland.Corry D

GranChris said...

I like all of the 30's fabric but especially like the "sew cherries." Would love to make a couple of throws to snuggle under.

liz said...

I've become a follower. I love the brown gingham. I think it would make a great background for some applique. I particularly like how it is on the bias!

liz said...

I forgot to tell you that I already have your blog on my sidebar - does that count instead of the email subscription?

Matt and Erin said...

I am DYING to get some fabric over here (Germany, with the US Army) and just seeing yours makes me drool. I'm thinking that my favorite is the sew cherry main with the white background. Just seems clean and bright with spring on it's way.

Matt and Erin said...

Oops, forgot to add that I became a follower and subscriber via email.

Teresa F. said...

FANTASTIC GIVEAWAY!!! I love the blue and pink sew cherries.

Teresa F. said...

I'm already a follower!

Teresa F. said...

I've just subscribed to your blog.

Teresa F. said...

I posted about your giveaway on my blog. Thank you!

The Farmer's Attic said...

I love those fats!!! Please sign me up. I am commenting, following, signing up for email and will go post about it right now!!!



Charlotte said...

I love the white with the cherries, I'd use it as a feature fabric in a funky, fifties, burlesque inspired quilt! Maybe even some in a corset... yummy!

I'v also followed you too! Happy days!

QuilterLaura said...

Wow, what a great collection of thirties fabrics! I don't have any of the Sew Cherry...YET! But it won't be long I'm sure. It's a lovely collection.

Jan Maree said...

I have just become a follower - yippee! Thanks for the chance to win

Jan Maree said...

I already subscribe to you via email. Love these 30's fabrics.

Jan Maree said...

I think my favourite fabrics are the white back ground main fabric and the red gingham - yum! Thanks for the chance to win!

Gill said...

What a generous giveaway!
I love the red polka dots best
I'm already a follower

grendelskin said...

I'm with cardygirl - the red cherries on pink are adorable but the red Sew Dots are genuinely drool-worthy!

grendelskin said...

I'm with Cardygirl: the red cherries on pink are adorable but the red Sew Dots are genuinely drool-worthy!

Joan and Kevin said...

Thanks for the giveaway! Blue Sew Cherry is my favorite.

Joan and Kevin said...

I am already a follower.

Joan and Kevin said...

I already get your great emails.

liz said...

The brown gingham would be a great background for applique. I am a follower, and although I don't have email notification, you are on my list of "must read blogs" featuring on my sidebar. Is that good enough?

Alannah said...

I am already a follower and I did do a post about your Sew Cherry line!!! My favorite is the green with the white dots... the one that has the flowers on it!

Lace-lovin' Librarian ~ Diane said...

What a wonderful giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity. However, if I win, I won't be kept from buying your new line... I love all the fabrics!

My favorite is Blue - Sew Cherries, because blue is my favorite color, and I love cherries! The first thing I want to make is pillow cases for my bedroom. That way I'll be inspired to make a new quilt for my bed!

Anonymous said...

I love the vintage repros... Love them! My favorites in your line are the cherries, the ginghams, and the stripes... But the cherries with that cute itty bitty blossom is my favorite!

by the way, I'm a follower and subscribe to you in my google reader.

Thanks for offering the giveaway!

Kasey said...

Wow, thanks for the giveaway. I love the Sew Cherry pink of the main prints, and the yellow Sew Rose- sorry, couldn't pick just one! Honestly, they're all gorgeous!

Kasey said...

I'm also a follower...thanks again for a chance to win!

Phyllis said...

I love all of it but my favorite is the yellow-sew rose dots. Thanks for this awesome giveaway and have fun with 27 bolts of fabric.

Phyllis said...

I am a follower of your blog.

Michele said...

I bet you're excited to get that new fabric. It's great! I love the red and white dots and the red gingham.

Michele said...

I follow you and love listening to your music!

trish said...

Oh my Lori.
I don't think I have wanted to win a give a way more than this one! Thank you for sharing your beautiful fabrics with us.
ok here goes ...
1. I am a follower (and love to be so).
2. I can not choose only one of your fabric designs. I really like them all.
3. I just subscribed to your blog being sent through email. :o)
love ya!
ps. I am working on my very first afghan using all the same colors in your fabric line! Thank you so much for the inspiration. I could not have done it with out you. :o) I will be posting when it is finished and directing the color choices back to your fabric line. :o)

Wendy said...

That was a tough one... they gel together so well as a range that to pick one is hard! I will go with Blue Sew Rose Dots, I love it!

Wendy said...

I'm already a follower

KristyLou said...

I am already a follower of yours! Thanks!

KristyLou said...

My favorite would have to be the pink Sew Cherries. This looks like a lot of fun!

Laura VanVleet said...

So hard to choose just one favorite!! I guess it would be the pink with the cherries! Can't wait for this to be able to purchase!! Okay, I'm already a follower...and subscribe to email. I'll post on my blog about the giveaway today!! Thanks for the chance! I love the 30's repro fabrics!

Jeanine said...

What an exciting giveaway! I like all of it, but I guess if I have to pick one it would be the blue sew rose dots.

Laura VanVleet said...

Forgot something...I think I need an extra entry because I have your blog button/link to your site posted on my blog! LOL

Béa said...

I wanted for years to make a 30' quilt but I have not a stash of these fabrics...finger crossed !
My favorite is Yellow Sew Leaves and I subscribe by email.
Thanks for the chance, hugs from France.

Lee said...

I love the blue so rose dots! love it! thanks!

Lee said...

I subscribe by email now too. I should have put all in one note - sorry- I was a little too excited about such cute 30's fabric!

Leah said...

What a lovely fabric line. It is all beautiful, but my eye is really drawn to the Sew Leaves. All three colors.
Thanks for offering such a great giveaway. A am already a follower, and I read every new post in Google Reader.

buttonsagain said...

ohmy...i love it all...but i always think of collecting fabrics in twos...(kinda a noah's ark syndrome...I KNOW) i pick the YELLOW SEW CHERRY MAIN & the RED SEW GINGHAM....because i love love love red and yellow together...(it reminds me of the cherry cheesecake my mama used to make...the cheesecake was that soft yellow and the red cherries just spilled down the sides of it...YUM)...i would love to help you empty those shelves...and i'll even make room on my shelves for your new line of fabric...hugs...buttonsagain at aol dot com

Renea said...

I love the blue cherries fabric. This whole line of fabrics is awesome. I collect 30's prints so this giveaway is perfect for me. I have been a follower and I get your e-mails. I love reading your blog. Thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

Blue Sew Cherries caught my eye right off! I'm a follower and fan too who would LOVE to win! Thanks for a great giveaway!

Sew Create It - Jane said...

What a pretty fabric line...I can see why you are excited. I really like the Pink- Sew Cherries print...adorable!

Sew Create It - Jane said...

I've been a subscriber for awhile...hope that counts towards another entry ;o)

Truffle queen said...

Wow - what a generous giveaway! My favorite is White Sew Cherries! So crisp and clean! I'm a follower and I signed up to get your posts by email! That's 3 entries! Thanks - crossing my fingers!

elena said...

What a wonderful giveaway Lori!! Love, love, your repro stash. Reproduction fabrics are my favourites :D
My favourite fab form your new line are C2521 Green sew rose dots, flowers and dots perfect combo! and C2527 yellow sew leaves this are going to go to my "must have" list.
I'm a follower and e-mail subscriber.
So count me in 3 time please.
I will keep my fingers crossed. Thank you so much for such a wonderful giveaway :D

Elda said...

Great Give away!!! Beautiful fabrics, too!! I would love to make aprons.

Jocelyn said...

Oh wow Lori, what a great giveaway! I love the White Sew Cherry, and oh the gingham, love the red gingham :-)

Thimbleanna said...

What a wonderful giveaway. And SOOO exciting to be preparing for your new fabric!
But, now we have to talk.
You KNOW I LOVE you.
But, are you NUTS??? My e-mail is outta control -- there's NO way I'm letting ANYone's blog posts into my e-mail box ROFLOL!!!!

Jocelyn said...

And I am a follower of your blog!

Cathy said...

I love the retro fabrics. Would be so exciting to win. I love the Red-Sew Daisy.

pinkquilter said...

Your the best! I love 30's fabric!!! I also love love your new line!!! I havent seen it anywhere yet!!???:( I want some!!!! I want to play with it and make some sweet little bags with it for my friends!! Have a wonderful day my friend! I found you about 3 months ago and follow you each day!!! Its the highlight of my morning!

Cathy said...

I am a follower

Thimbleanna said...

Oh! And I forgot to say, I adore the Sew Leaves print -- in all the colors! (Oooh, and that gingham too!)

Cathy said...

I am already on the email list.

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

My favorite piece would be the Sew Rose Dots in green. Thanks for the opportunity to enter your giveaway!

Cathey said...

I would love to win the 1930's fabric. I have been getting ready to start the hexagon flower garden and wanting to purchase some fabric. I've been looking and that would be perfect. Thank you!

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

I am a regular follower of your great blog.

annemarie said...

I love the green dots fabric - green is my favorite color.

annemarie said...

I am a follower.

Debbie said...

What a wonderful giveaway Lori! I would love a chance to win some of your 1930's stash. :)

I am a follower, this is my comment... and I love the Green - Sew Gingham in your new collection. (love greens) I also posted to the sidebar of my blog.

Thank you for hosting such a sweet giveaway!

Debbie K

Leslie's Itchin to be Stitchin said...

I love the line, wow, pink sew cherries is my favorite, good enough to eat. Thanks for the giveaway.

Leslie's Itchin to be Stitchin said...

I'm a new follower, thanks for the chance at the giveaway

LiahonaGirl said...

Your fabrics are wonderful -- love them all. But am looking forward to adding some of the fabulous polka-dots to my stash.

Teresa said...

I love the sew dots in all the colors! So pretty and creative!

LiahonaGirl said...

I'm a follower.

Teresa said...

I am a follower! Thanks for this awesome giveaway!

LiahonaGirl said...

Hi again. I already subscribe to your e-mail notifications.

Suz said...

Hi Lori, love you post so
1-I am a follower, look forward to your posts.
2-I do subscribe
3-C2520 Yellow- Sew Cherry is my favorite, but I Love them all
4-so sorry I don't have a blog, but if I did you would definately would be feature daily!!
suz.p (at)

Deb said...

I love the cherries! The gingham is my second favorite; I will need both for summer dresses and a picnic quilt. I subscribe to your blog through Google reader. And I'll blog about Sew Cherry today! I sure would love those fat quarters, although I wouldn't mind some fat quarters (or bolts) of your new line either!

Leslie's Itchin to be Stitchin said...

I've subscribed to you blog, love it!

Brenda said...

I love the pink sew cherries and all the gingham. Yummy.
I am a follower.
I subscribe to your emails.

April Shae said...

Hello! I am now signed up to follow your blog! I have enjoyed browsing around there this morning! I took a very LONG look at the fabric collection...and finally decided that the Yellow Sew Leaves Main is my fav! Why you ask, bc it is a fresh color for spring!! Yellow is my new spring color!!

Patty said...

WOw, what a great giveaway. I am a follower(I would rather be a follower than a leader ☺), an email subscriber, and love the ginghams in your sew cherries line.

Linda said...

OMG Lori! What a fabulous givewaway!!! Any of your 1930's fabric I would cherish.
I haven't had the previlage of owning any of your cherry fabric as yet. But one never knows.
I follow your blog daily. Thanks.

Mary said...

One,I would definately find room for all Sew Cherry. Two have been a follower for long time. Love to read what you are up to. and three, I am working on 2 quilt tops with 30's fabric, and would love more. More is never too much!! Thank you.

Miriam in Texas said...

I am an AVID polka dot collector so my favorite is your red dot. It is a MUST for my growing stash of dots.

tpott said...

Congrats on the new line, its beautiful! Pink sew cherries is my favorite, it reminds me of a summer dress I had when I was about 4 yrs. old. I remember it because my mother made it. She made alot of our clothes when we were young. I am a follower. I subscribe your blog goes staight to my e-mail. I don't have a blog. Three comments, Thanks for the very generous giveaway!!! ;>

blinkbonniefarm said...

Hi Lori,

I'd like to be entered in your contest. Hard to choose my favorite Sew Cherry fabric. I will have to go with the Yellow Sew Cherry Main. I'm a red and yellow person too! I am already a follower and I signed up for the emails. Don't have a blog so can't do #4. BTW, I'm working on your Grandma's Kitchen pattern and recently found your blog. I love it and can't wait to order some of your new fabric! --Pat

Anonymous said...

Oh Lori, I would be so honored to help you find room for all that lovely new fabric.
1 - I have been a follower for a very long time,
2 - I love receiving your blog posts by email,
3 - one of my favorites in your new line ( how can I pick just one? ) is the sew rose - dots. love those dots.
What would I make.....I would try to finish the 30's fabric little stars quilt that I started many, many years ago. I ♥ 30's fabrics.
Congrats on the beautiful fabrics, Riley Blake is so fortunate to have you designing for them.

Conni said...

What a beautiful fabric line! Hard to pick just one fabric for a favorite, but red is my favorite color, so definitely one with red! Congrats on the new line.

rebecca said...

My fav in the new line is the green dots-sew rose. Yummy!!!

rebecca said...

I follow. Love those 30's prints!

rebecca said...

It's a happy day when I get an e-mail from you. Lots of info. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

C2522 is my favorite and I already subscribe to your blog and look forward to it each day!

Peg Gilham

Beth said...

I LOVE your 1930's fabric!!! My favorite from your new line is the Pink Sew Cherry (C2522) it's so sweet!

I'm also a follower and i'm subscribed, so that's 3 entries!

Kristy said...

1-Thank you for the fun! The fabric is beautiful!!! Love the yellow colorway of the new line, particularly the Sew Cherry main print and the Sew Leaves. Gorgeous!

2-I'm a new follower, found you from a Riley Blake link this morning! :)

3-Will share about this on my blog, Hopeful Threads.

Thanks again!

Brenda said...

I like the dots and the diagonal ginghams. congrats on the new fabric.

Brenda said...

I'm a follower already. thanks for another chance.

Alisa said...

I love the sew rose yellow dot, it's so cheerful! is the whole line! Well done!

Alisa said...

I am a subscriber, & look forward to every post! Thank you!

DebrafromMD said...

I love the white Sew Cherry. Those little cherries on the white background would be perfect for a design I have in mind to make. But first I need some more Thirties fabrics for another project that is higher in the queue.

DebrafromMD said...

I love the White Sew Cherries. Those little cherries on the white background are perfect for a project I want to make. But first I need more 30's fabrics for a project that is higher up in the queue.

Eileen said...

Hi I love your blog
1. I am a follower
2. I subscribe [ the only blog I subscribe to]
3. I love the red and white polka dots
4. I love 30's fabric
Thanks for the give away......your new line is beautiful

Carrie P. said...

thanks for the giveaway.
I like all the fabric designs but I am drawn to the gingham for some reason.

The Retired Mama said...

I always wonder what it means if I am a follower. I am subscribed to your post in my Google reader so if that makes me a follower than I am one. (Vintage Mondays are my favorite- I originally found you when you did a post on your vintage crochet hot pads -- so cute!)

I love the Sew Leaves and the sew stripes. I am usually a pink girl but in those two patterns I love the yellow the best. Glad you came out with some fabric.

Sherri said...

I just can't wait to see a picture of those empty shelves full of bolts of fabric!

Lynette said...

I go back and forth on my favorite in your collection, but this morning it's the little cherries on blue. :)

Lynette said...

I am a regular follower of your fun blog. :D

Lynette said...

And I already get your blog in my email. :D

Carrie P. said...

I am a new follower even though I have been reading for years.

Carrie P. said...

I have been a subscriber for a long time. Love getting the news.

Judi said...

Enter me three times. I'm a follower and subscriber, and I LOVE the whole collection. Seriously. There isn't a fabric in the collection that I don't love. My favorite though is the blue with the little cherries and the blue Sew Leaves. Couldn't make up my mind which I liked most ;)

Sharon said...

Once again Lori .. you are amazing! How cool is this to have your very own fabric line!
I've been a follower since I found your blog, I also get your posts in my email, I've made a post on my blog but wasn't able to get a pic put on there :( Be sure and keep us all posted on when we can purchase some! I've bought several uncut 1950 dress patterns and I already have my fav picked out .. SEW Cherry Pink! It will be just precious with one of the patterns I want to make!
Keep on inspiring us Lori .. we luv you!

Unknown said...

Wow, these are wonderful colors...I am a red magnet! I am a follower, subscriber and stalker....My favorite it the color.

Unknown said...

I am entering to win again! thanks

lindagerig said...

love the flowered pink main piece. I do love dots also. I love your blog and follow you by getting emails telling me when you post a new comment. thanks for a wonderful blog.

Shann said...

My favorite piece from this outstanding line of fabric is
C2523 Pink- Sew Stripes. I love the diffrent shapes and colors that are used.

Shannon Margaret
Shannon(dot)Margaret.Brott-at-gmail . com

Leighway said...

Love the yellow Sew Cherry. Great giveaway!

Shann said...

I am already on your mailing address through feedburner....

Shannon Margaret

Cathy H. said...

Such a beautiful line!! My favorite is the blue-sew leaves! I'm collecting fabric for a blue quilt and this would be perfect!
Of course I'm a follower and receive your blog through e-mail!
This is my favoite blog!!!

Farmhouse Blessings said...

Without a doubt, my favorite piece is the blue cherries. Just makes me want to redecorate an entire room just to use it!


Farmhouse Blessings said...

I am a follower ... your biggest fan ... this is definately my happy place!


Shann said...

I am subscribe as well as the follower..

shannon margaret


Farmhouse Blessings said...

And Yes! I get your posts in my email so I don't miss one!


maryc said...

I definitely love the Pink-Sew Stripes - but it is all wonderful!

maryc said...

I subscribe and look forward to reading every one of your posts!

maryc said...

Count me as one of your loyal followers!

Shann said...

I blogged about this on my blog..... its nothing special....

Trish said...

I would love to win your give-way ! Sew Cherry is so bright and happy ! What a wonderful line. Please enter me four times.

Unknown said...

I love your main fabric in white, and also love, love, love, the cute pokey dots.
I am a follower, I have you in my google reader.
I am now a subscriber.
I also love your blog and your many talents. (just incase sucking up helps)

Sallie said...

Congratulations on your new line - I really like the green Sew Daisy! Thanks for the chance at your generous giveaway!

Sallie said...

I'm already a follower. :)

Christine said...

I'm already a follower! Great giveaway!

Christine said...

My favorite piece of your Sew Cherry line is the Blue Sew Leaves!

Sallie said...

blogged about your giveaway and new Sew Cherry line at

Betty said...

I love the dots, especially the red ones. Thanks for offering the give away. I am in the middle of a project using 30's and these would fit right in. Maybe I will be lucky.

Betty said...

I am alreade a follower. Thanks

Quilt Genius said...

I like the Blue Sew Rose Dots.


Quilt Genius said...

I'm already a follower.


Quilt Genius said...

I subscribed


Elaine said...

I love the Main fabric and the one with the cherries. I am also a follower and have your blog on my sidebar. I don't need the blog posts to come to my email because they come to my sidebar. Does that count for a third vote?
Your empty shelves look great. Can't wait til their filled up.
Mister Postman, please bring me some mail.

Betty said...

I love the red dots. However, the entire line is really cute.

Ritsux said...

Lori, your new line is awesome! My favorite pieces are "Yello-Sew Rose Dots" and "Red Sew Daisy"!!

I also am subscribed to your blog!

Lisa L

Pots and Pins said...

I AM a follower (stalker) and I would love to win your big give! I love your white background print with cherries - reminds me of a dress I had as a kid...and I'm quite partial to the red polka dots, too! Congrats on the fabric - it's beautiful and I think I'll clear out a few bins to make room for some myself!! xo, Nan

Unknown said...

I love your blue & brown combo! Ginham and daisies in brown & leaves to match - very lassy! Thanks for the giveaway!

Pia said...

I love "Pink Sew Cherries" and "Pink Sew Cherry Main".

Diana said...

Lori, I love the 2nd combo, but you know what I am REALLY excited about?? Your new line!!! I can't wait till it comes out so I can get my hands on it!!!!
diana in Illinois
(quilt4u @

Susan Bailey said...

Wow, I love it all the big polka dots, the gingham, tons of binding with those, the sweet cheeries, what's not too like? I've been following your blog for a few years now and am presently working on the Quilt World quilt, I just hope it turns out half as lovely as yours

Hollygrove Carole said...

I am a follower, love all your cherries, but sew pink cherries is my fav, thanks for the giveaway!

robin said...

What a cute blog! :) I'm new here. I like:

robin said...

I'm now following with Google REader.

Heartsdesire said...

I would love, love, love some of your 30's stash. And I love your new Sew Cherry collection. My faves are the green Sew Dots and the white Sew Cherry. It is all just gorgeous and very hard to make a choice.

Heartsdesire said...

I've been a follower for quite some time now.

Maxine said...

LOVE LOVE your line...favorite would be lets leaves all colors, sew cherry..all colors, dots all colors sew cherry main..all colors...too hard to choose. Would love some all off..And love the 30's...thanks for the chance to win

Tressa said...

I love the white sew cherries. Thanks for the chance to win those great fabrics.

Tressa said...

I am also a follower.

Jennifer Bontrager said...

Hi I would love to be entered in your giveaway. My favorite fabric is Red Sew Gingham and I am already a follower and I recieve your email updates! Thanks

Tressa said...

I also subscribe to your blog.

Into Vintage said...

Congrats on the fabric line - you must be thrilled! My favorite is the brown gingham -- I love gingham and don't think I've ever seen it in brown. I can think of lots of uses for it in my doily factory!

I am already a follower too. Thanks so much for this *dream* giveaway! :-)

Marsha B said...

I love the dots and the fabric with the little cherries on them. These fabric remind me of being at my Grandma's house when I was little. I want to make a Sunbonnet Sue quilt and these giveaway fabrics would be perfect. I am a follower and have enjoyed your blog for quite some time. Thank you for the chance to win and I'm crossing my fingers!

Maxine said...

I'm a follower...and I love your empty shelf's...will look better with your new line of fabric....
Thanks for the chance to win...entered several times....YOUR ARE SO GREAT

Judy said...

Lori: LOVE the fabric! I've followed you for a couple of years - get your email notices and my favorite fabric is your red sew daisy!! I've got my fingers crossed

Timpi Marie said...

I've been reading your blog for a while now and I just signed up to have it e-mailed to me! Love a chance to win cute fabric! Thank you :)

kristinorth said...

I love the yellow sew stripes! It was my attraction to 30's fabrics that got me into quilting, so this would be sooo exciting! Thanks for a chance to win!

kristinorth said...

I am a follower!

Staci said...

Just one? We have to choose just one favorite?? You are a hard taskmaster! taskmistress?? Okay, just one. The dots. No, the gighams. No, the flowers! The cherries?? It is all pretty & wonderful & the colors are gorgeous.

Staci said...

I follow your blog!

StitchinByTheLake said...

I'm a sucker for red polka dots but I have yellow and red in my bedroom so that yellow Sew Cherry would be my favorite. blessings, marlene

StitchinByTheLake said...

And I'm a loyal follower! blessings, marlene

Mary Grace McNamara said...

I'm already a follower!

Sew Cherries, stripes, dots, daisy and gingham...I can't decide which one I like best! They are all so cute and fun!

Thanks for a chance at this great giveaway!


Rita said...

i love your whole collection, but my favorite is the 'sew leaves.' i am already a follower, and i subscribe to your blog. thank you ever so much for this giveaway! yay!

Laura-IH said...

Cute, cute, cute! Your whole fabric line is wonderful, but I especially like the red Sew Daisy. : )

Monica said...

I love the red gingham...and of course all the cherry fabric!

Monica said...

I am already a follower!

Lori said...

I LOVE polka dots, the red especially. The Main fabric in white is my next favorite

Lori said...

I am a follower of your blog and I follow you google reader

Lori said...

I subscribe.

Quilt Monkey said...

What a generous giveaway! I checked out your fabrics, and I'm really liking the stripes! They can be cut so many ways and all look so different. Very clever! Also, I am a follower. 2 entries for me, please!

bingo~bonnie said...

oh would I love to win these 30's!!! My LQS stopped carrying them 5 years ago :( and I've been so frugal with the few FQs I have. I love each and all of them so much and have a Jewel Box started that is gonna be for ME! :)

my favorite color is red - so your red dots really caught my eye ;) Happy cleaning out the shelves!

Love from Texas! ~bonnie

bingo~bonnie said...

PS - I forgot to say I already subcribe and follow you. You're also already in my Google Reader too :)

Nancy P said...

I am already a follower. And I am a sucker for the Red Dots. :)

Sonia B said...

Favorite Fabric: Too hard to choose . . . I love the pink sew stripes, the ginghams, and I've gotta get my hands on those red dots!!! All too cute!

I follow too.

Thanks for the chance!

Desi said...

Oh, thanks for the chance to win! I especially love the blue sew cherry, since blue is my most favorite color. ;)

Me 2 U Primitives said...

Hi - glad to have found your blog and great giveaway. Please enter me to win. I am a new follower. I really like the Pink - Sew Cherries fabric. I will post a link to your giveaway on my blog. I have a giveaway ending March 20, so why not take a look and enter to win too. Thanks - Trish

Desi said...

Oh, I'm already a subscriber. Thanks again.

Michle said...

I love your whole line especially the floral. Love a giveaway. I am now a follower and have subscribed for email delivery.


Lee Ann L. said...

I am loving the blue Sew stripes. In fact, I'm loving ALL the blues and browns fabrics in this line!

Lee Ann L. said...

I am a follower. :-)

Lee Ann L. said...

I've subscribed (and activated it). :-)

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