Flea Market Flowers
Welcome to Week Five of the
We are using my latest
fabric collection called
Flea Market
It's designed by me ...
and produced and distributed by the amazing
Riley Blake Designs:)

We are making my quilt
76" x 86"
We are using my
to make all of the flower petals...
This set of my
for all of the flower centers...
And we are also using my
for all of the leaves in the quilt.
All of the other notions as well as fabric requirements are detailed within the
Flea Market Flowers Sew Along Guide
for the free PDF Download
I also have a "Bee Prepared" blog post
detailing everything that you will
need to know about this sew along...
to go to that blog post
if you have not read it
or you need to be "refreshed"
on any of the information!
As promised...
To kick off week one
I did a video tutorial on my
YouTube channel showing how to make
Flea Market Flower
to go to that tutorial...
so that you can make this cute flower!!
I also did a tutorial during
week one right here
on my blog for
Block "L"
to go to week one and this block tutorial:)
As part of week two
I did the tutorial here for
Block "O"
For that tutorial
to go to week three for the tutorial
during week three:)
the tutorial for
Block "K"
for that tutorial
And I also did the tutorial for
Block "J"
during week four as well.
Today we are going to start off with
You will need to make one -
11 1/2" Flea Market Flower
using two different prints.
To make Block "F" you will also need:
4 - large leaves
1 - 6" circle
1 - 4" circle
1 - 1/2" stem cut 15" long
with one end pressed under
Background cut - 14" x 26"
You will need one 4" x 21" strips
from each fabric for the flower petals.
From each print cut 8 petals like this...
using the 2" and 6" marks
on the Pie Ruler and also
alternating the ruler as you cut.
I have sewn my 2 circles
and four large leaves...
And I'm chain piecing my petals:)
After my petals are sewn
it's time to make the flower:)
Now it's time to grow my flower!
I grabbed a large design board
and placed my background on the diagonal
after I pressed it in half lenghtwise
so that I could center my flower:)
And I started pinning!!!
I made my flower to be 23" tall
from the bottom of the stem
to the tips of the flower:)
I pinned my leaves to be
no wider than my flower.
I glued after pinning everything
into place exactly how I wanted it.
After the glue dried
I removed the pins...
And took this picture for you!!
After I have appliquéd
my flower I will trim it down to
12 1/2" x 24 1/2"
And it will finish at
12" x 24"
after it's sewn into my quilt.
Next up is
For this block you will
need to make two - 9 1/2" flowers
all from one print.
To make Block "H" you will also need:
4 - small leaves
2 - 6" circles
1 - 2" circle
1 - 1/4" stem cut 7" long
Background cut - 12" x 26"
You will need four 3" x 21" strips
of fabric to cut the 32 petals
to make two 9 1/2" flowers.
Use the 3" and 6" lines
on the Pie Ruler and
alternate the ruler
each time that you cut.
Okay... so because you all know
the drill by now
I won't repeat my words about sewing
this block but I did take
progress photos as I sewed and pinned.
For the length you will want
no longer that 23" long from
tip to tip of both flowers.
Because the leaves are small
it is pretty easy to keep them
no wider than the flowers.
After applique trim it down to
10 1/2" x 24 1/2"
and it will finish at
10" x 24"
after sewing into the quilt.
Thank you for joining me for week five!
I am really enjoying all of the
Flea Market Flowers
that are showing up on my
They are all so beautiful!!
I'll meet you right back here
next Monday for week six:)