Monday, June 17, 2024

How to Build a SCARECROW Sew Along - Week Five!!



Let's make some more blocks!!

Welcome to week five of the 
"How to Build a Scarecrow"
Sew Along!

Are you ready to sew with me?

I hope that you will join me here 
each week when I will be 
doing tutorials every Monday!

Of course because we are all sewing 
from all around the world  
we all have different time zones...
But I will be posting each Monday 
right here on my blog 
and you can follow my tutorials 
any time during the week that 
 is convenient for you.

We are making the 
How to Build a Scarecrow Quilt
74" x 86"

The quilt is made with my fabric
 collection called AUTUMN:)

I hope that you all have all 
received your 
fabric kits by now...
 and that we are all ready to begin!!

If you still need one ...
just do a quick google search for 
"How to Build a Scarecrow
 Quilt Kit"
to find shops who still have some left.

I detail all of the supplies 
that you need to make the quilt in my
 Bee Prepared post right here on my blog.

I have already posted the
 post which not only details
 all of the supplies needed but
 explains how this sew along works.
I have also given the links there 
for the free PDF Download 
of the Sew Along Guide

to download the sew along guide
if you have not downloaded yet.

As per usual for the first block in my 
new fabric collection Sew Alongs
 that FIRST tutorial is a video.

Because I now have my own  
 I have posted the 
 Crow Block
Tutorial there.
to visit my channel and watch the 
tutorial and I hope that you love it!
Pretty please leave me a comment
over there and let me know:)

If you like what you see 
and my other videos there...
click on subscribe and click on the bell
 to be notified whenever
 I post another tutorial:)

I already did the tutorial for 
these border blocks to get us started!
if you haven't watched it yet:)

for that tutorial

for the tutorial

for that tutorial

for that tutorial

Remember that cutting each block is easy
because of the sew along guide
that is provided for you.

Each applique block is now 
detailed for you in the 
sew along guide for your convenience! 

 all cut and traced:)
There are a few things to detail
about preparing this block...

First this is what my 1" bias strip 
looks like when prepared...
I just pressed it in half 
so it's ready to tuck into the
 side of the pocket
 on the overalls for a tag!

Second is for the R-18 
straps one is traced in reverse.

Third is...
 the 1/2 yard cut of fabric 
in the kit that is used for
 the overall pants is a
 directional fabric 
(a stripe for the overall pants)
And I had drawn the R-15 
pants Sew Simple Shape to be about 19" long after adding the 
10" in-between the dashed line....
That means because we have 
18" to work with (1/2 yard) because of the stripe direction
we will add 9" in-between instead of 10.

I took a close up photo of each step 
as I traced my shape onto my interfacing 
that I cut 18" long and 9 1/4" wide.
This really not a problem at all 
because I had designed the top and bottom 
of the pants 
shape to have a very
 generous tuck in allowance underneath
 the cuffs and the waistline 
of the overalls when laying it out
so we just won't tuck
 in as much 
and it ends up being the exact 
same size as needed for the block.
That's a long explanation but I 
just wanted you to understand 
why we are adding 9" instead of 10"
between that line on the shape...
so our stripes will go the right way:)

Okay here are my photos 
and I hope they will help!

Okay now your pants are 
ready to make into his overalls!


After sewing... trim the seam allowances.
 You will need to clip cleavage areas
  and inner curves in the pants, cuffs 
and back strap shapes before turning.

Here's my shaped and pressed pants... 

And the back:)

And all of the rest 
of the shapes for the overalls:)
Now let's go lay out our block!

Again...I took a bunch of photos
 and measurements of my layout process
 along the way in hopes it will 
help you when doing yours.

I stacked up 3 design boards 
and I pressed my background fabric
 in half because this block is centered.'s my pics!!

I started from the bottom up!
If you need to see a closer pic 
of a certain detail or measurement 
just pinch up the photo to make it larger:)

From the bottom of the waistband 
to the top of the cuffs it measures 17".

Using my measuring tape and my
 center pressed line on my background 
to keep each shape centered side to side.

I'm pinning and glueing as I go
 but keeping ends open that have 
other shapes tucked underneath 
them first before glueing them down.

I'm using 2 of these yellow 
Cute Little Buttons from my STITCH set.

The entire height of my overalls 
from top to bottom is 29".

My overalls are all ready for applique:)

Afterwards I'll press from the back and
 then trim it down to 
32 1/2" tall x 12 1/2" wide
so that it can be sewn into the quilt:)
Use the 12 1/2" Trim-It Ruler 
to trim the width and your
 cutting mat to trim the height. 

Now let's make the Boots Block.
Mine is cut and traced and ready to sew.
*Take Note to trace both of these
 shapes with one I reverse and 
trace your line on the 
bottom of the boots to
 mark where your soles will go.

Let's sew them!

First sew the strips for the soles
 of the boots onto the bottom like this.
 Then press the seams open.
 Now line the seam lines up with the 
lines on your interfacing before
 sewing them into boot shapes!!

After sewing...
 trim the seam allowances.
 You will need to clip the inner curves 
and cleavage in each shape before turning.

Turned - shaped and pressed.

Grab your 10 1/2" and your 12 1/2"
 Trim-It Rulers 
for laying out this block.
(and for trimming after applique)

10 1/2" tall...

And 12 1/2" wide:)

Pinned and Sue Glued:)

I'll be using 7 Cute Little Buttons 
on each boot from my 1/4" button pack.

I think either the dark gray
 or the light brown would be good choices:)

My boots are ready to be appliquéd.

Afterwards I'll press each from the back 
and then trim them down to 
10 1/2" x 12 1/2"
so that they can be sewn into the quilt:) 

I hope that you enjoyed week five and 
my tutorial for these blocks:)

Now we have 13 applique blocks completed
and all of the border blocks done!! 

I love sewing
 this quilt with you...
 thank you sew much for joining me
for week five of the... 

How to Build a Scarecrow
 Sew Along

I'll meet you right back here
on my blog next Monday for the 
Hat, Apples and
Shirt Blocks...

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